Take Action = there is something required by the person who is
receiving input
It is not enough that we come to church and hear a sermon
James 1:22
Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.
Daniel 11:32 -- the people who know their God will do great exploits
This story is one of my favorite
Because Jesus discerns between pity and power
o We want to feel sorry for this guy and give him pity
o But Jesus wants him to recognize the power by taking action
1. Social
2. Systems
3. Struggles
...That produces an unhealthy fruit
I. SOCIAL (vs. 3)
* Great number of disabled people
* Birds of a feather flock together
* These individuals were segregated and isolated to live with like people
* They were stuck in a social environment
* That prevented them from seeing a healthy way
* I believe the social environment that you live in, hang out in
o Has a lot to do with your ability to have a breakthrough
o And produce fruit
* When people are serious about changing their lives
* They eventually have to consider their social structure
* Yes, open the circle of love
o But you can't have all of one kind of person around you
o And expect to be different
* It's not just the drug that has you...
o It's the culture
* It's dangerous to only have those like you...
o Struggling and fighting the same things you are
* You eventually have to get around someone:
o If you want to learn to be a contender...
o Hang out with some champions!
* If everyone around you is:
o Sick
o Depressed
o Angry
o Egotistical
o Etc
* It's easy to stay that way
* Because the abnormal looks normal
o Even church folks (bubble)
* You become what you gaze at.
Blind = no vision
Lame = no forward progress
Paralyzed = no action
* Put strangers in a room
o And eventually all the people will gather under the same colonnade
* It's hard to get out -- get healed
* Because everyone is in your same mindset
* If you have a problem with anger
o Don't hang out with mean, ready-to-fight people
o They will only empower your sickness!
* As a parent...
o I even want to arrange certain people and places to influence my kids
* I want to go to a church that:
Challenges me
Inspires me
Changes me
* I want that environment / atmosphere / culture
To be alive
Filled with contenders
* This man needed a miracle
o But the people he was around prevented an atmosphere for miracles
* Because the atmosphere of expectancy is the breeding ground for miracles!
* A shark will only grow to the size of its aquarium
* It's time to get a bigger tank!!
* A better social atmosphere
* You will become just like those you hang out with!
II. SYSTEMS (vs. 7)
* The man begins to tell Jesus the system he was in
* We all wait
* Once a year or so
* The angel stirs the water
* The first one in gets healed
o The fastest
o The most alert
o The one with friends
o The best positioned
* This is our system / a cycle
* There is a problem with this system.
* 364 days we are waiting
* There comes a time when you've got to stop waiting for change
* Break out of the system mindset
* 38 years waiting / hoping
* Growing
o Bitter
o Hopeless
o Filled with excuses
* Systems -- root systems
* Everyone thinking when all the planets line up
* You got to change your system
* You're...
o Waiting on a bad system
o Waiting for someone to believe in you
o Waiting on everyone to agree
* This guy's system was too small
o I can't wait 38 years
* I declare I won't wait
o I will change a system
* Pastors who tell me they won't change anything for a year
* Wonder why they can't get anything done!
* I can't wait by a pool hoping
* I need a miracle now!
* The words Households \ represent systems
Kingdoms /
* System = A procedure or a process that produces an end or objective
= An order or method that produces an objective
* The House of David replaces the House of Saul
Saul = system of religion -- man chosen
David = system of religion -- God chosen
Eli = no vision
Samuel = full of vision
Moses =
Egypt =
Joseph =
Pharaoh =
3 Hebrew =
Babylonian =
* I don't want to bring new things into an old system
* But destroy an old system
* And build a new system
o The method isn't sacred, the message is
* New wine / old wineskins
* Why we can have new preachers
o And same old church
* You can come to church and love God but not change your systems
* It's then not enough for me to:
o Build
* If our systems don't change!
o Its paving an old cow path
o Its prettier but the same way
We've not only changed the way the stage looks
But it represents a new system, or a new way of doing church
If you always do / what you've always done...
If we just remodel a nursery
* As something to do
o It's a waste!
But because the nursery is part of us reaching 19-40 year olds
The remodel of the nursery becomes a part of a new system
New wine (19 -- 140 year olds) can be poured into a new wineskin system!
* We have frustrated Christians because they have come and heard the Bible preached
* That tells them they are the "head" and not the "tail"
o But it's new information
o Put into an old system
* Nothing, therefore changes
o And they become frustrated
* Information -- into a new system = revelation
* I am frustrated because I know better...
o But I don't know how to get there!
* Without revelation
o Church becomes an information center that becomes frustrating
* You can know your promise is Canaan
* But the system of Egypt won't let you break out!
* Moses -- becomes an apostle or Father
o That breaks down a system
1 Corinthians 12:28 -- First Apostle
First = Proton = Bomb Tear Down
First = Conquering Winning position
* System = an arrangement of things and how they interact with one
The interplay of things with each other
This thing is affected by that thing
* Until we change our systems
o We will always be...
* Gathering information
o Always learning, never coming to knowledge
* Always having church
* Enamored with good church
* This is why people come to church
o Learn new songs
o Make new friends
o Quote sermons
* Get
o Educated
o Motivated
* But must change your system!
* Or you will have the same issues, strategies
* Churches
o Get new pastors every 3 years
o Follow latest church fads
o Church Growth Conference
* But until we change a system
o Or set an order
* Father sets an order
* Lot came out from Father Abraham
o Covering
o System
o Order
* Prodigal son came out from fathers'
o House
o Covering
o System
* I can't wait 38 more years
* I need something to happen now!
* Jesus is trying to get this man to accept responsibility
* For his condition
* Do you want to get well?
* The struggle
o The root
o No man was there to help me!
o But look who's around you
* It's a victim root
o You aren't even surrounded by people
o That can help you
o They're all messed up too
* I don't feel sorry for this guy
* Because he keeps telling me about ...
o His wrong social roots
No man
o His wrong system roots
No time
* But why didn't you get some new friends
* And work the 364 other days to get positioned
o For a miracle
* It was his...
o Wrong social roots
o Wrong system roots
o Wrong struggle roots
* You wasted normal days waiting for great days
* Your bad roots held you in a spot that grew deeper every year
* They're hiring at Boeing
o Oh, I'll get my resume together
o Too late!
* Abe Lincoln...
o I'll prepare myself because
o One day an opportunity will come!
* You should be moving before the angel came
* Prepare for famine / during feast
* Get to the edge of the pool
o Plop, plop
o Fizz, Fizz
* His struggle is to take responsibility
* Stop letting others get in your way
* Stop waiting
o Because the angel didn't come on the day
o Jesus came now