Summary: A sermon about the enemies worth fighting: division, defeat, discouragement and distraction.

VIDEO: Wing Clips, "Got to Try", and Hulk vs. Abomination


* Bruce has found a way to control the rage that turns him into the Hulk

* His dreams are about to come true. He is going to marry the girl of his dreams

* But there is an enemy (Abomination) (explain)

* Who is on the loose and destroying innocent lives

* Bruce makes a choice to fight

Today's message comes with a warning it's a bit aggressive

* We have too many fair weathered saints

* Sometimes we need to fight

Like Joshua

* In the valley

* Drew his sword at an angel

* You show me a man who has lost his fight...

* ...I'll show you a man that has been beat and beat down...

o In the board room

o In the bed room

o On the battle ground

* David is facing the fight of his life

* You may misunderstand David's soft side...

o ...crying/singing/poetry/worship

* But I submit it was his worship...

* That enabled him to war

* A mighty warrior

* Champions may lose some battles...

o ...but they never stop fighting

o ...mighty warriors

o ...might get beat

o ...but you keep coming back

* Been beat in the church...

o The family

o Your vision

o Your life

* But it's not time to be defeated

* It's time to recover all

* The Devil always tries to kill the vision

* Killing men

* Killing the seed giver

* Then, there won't be a harvest

* You haven't lived until you've lost a battle

* You won't pray and praise and prioritize and seek power until you run up against something you can't beat

* Everybody has something that kicks the wind out of them

* David was out fighting one battle...

o ...and he was losing another!

* David's men reaped his benefits and his enemies

* David came home tired - - - we have tired people

* Bad news is never good...

* But, when you're tired it's worse:

o Pastor Failure

o Pastor @ Plymouth Church of Christ

o Anthony Clark

o Tim Roeske

o Trey Moldovan

Enemy wants to defeat by:


a. 2 vision

b. Kills vision

c. A house divided against itself will not stand

d. While you're not looking, he will divide you

e. David could have come home tired

f. And everything would have been fine

* But they were divided

o The women were in one place

o The men were in another

* Anytime the man is in one place

* The woman in another...

* It's a door for the Devil


* He was defeated because they were divided

* You can be defeated

* When you're not divided

* Now the Defeater

* Is on the verge of defeat

* To someone who is used to winning

* It's hard to lose

* Wondering...

* you still have what it takes

* The worst thing about a man crying is that it usually comes without tears

* And no one notices he is on the verge of defeat

* This on top of everything...

* His own men turn against him

* Feelings of being all alone...

o Who do I trust

o Who do I call

o Who will listen

o I've been there for everyone

o But, where is everyone for me!


* Discouragement will make a mighty man

o Look like a weak man

o Sound like a weak man

o Talk like a weak man

* He's at the end of his rope

* And he can't tell anybody

* And, they are still wanting answers

* Discouraged - - - he lost his courage

„X - - - he's tired of encouraging everyone

* It's hard to tell when a man is discouraged

o His wife is gone

o She's distant

o He's discouraged

o It's a recipe for destruction


* Defined: Extreme emotional or mental disturbance

Diverts attention or focus


1. Prayer

* The first thing David did was inquire of the Lord

* I know you would rather have...

* ...a new answer

* ...a slick idea

* ...a fresh revelation

* ...a magic tool

* But some things you're only going to get...

* Some things you will only recover...

* Some family will only get saved...

* Some shackles will only fall off...

* Through >>>>>> Prayer

* The only language the Devil understands...

* ... not talking

* ... not crying

* ...not complaining

* ...not bargaining

* >>>>>>> it's prayer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* Listen, we need not only praying women

* It's time to have some praying men

* I would like to have some men, like Bill Burger stop at the Prayer Gate on their way to work

* ...and pray

* ...not eat

* ...not fellowship

* ...Pray!!!

* 80% of suicides in this nation are committed by men

* Men are 3 times more likely in their 40's and 50's to commit suicide

* Men die when they feel defeated

* Prayer will cause you to refuse to die

* Heaven moves when I pray

* Jeremiah 17:5

* Cursed is the man who trusts in man. . . and makes flesh his strength

* This is our generation

* We would rather do anything except pray

* In the church family or the natural family

* No matter how good the intention

* The flesh will always birth an Ishmael

* My kids will speak more next week on prayer


* When I talk about power

* I am talking about the Power of the Holy Spirit

* We have denied this 3rd person of the Trinity

* In practice of theology

* But let me state we need a power bigger than ourselves

* The Holy Spirit draws people...

* ...not pushes away

* 2 churches today

* 1. Surviving

* 2. Succeeding

3. Priorities

* David was conquering the world

* But losing his family

* Some of you are losing because priorities are wrong

* Losing in finances...

o You build His house, He will build yours

* Losing in time...

o Spend time on wrong things

o Give time / money / energy...

o To God / to family / to self

* When he is defeated his priorities fail

* He is looking for something / someone to give him success

4. Positive

* The tongue has the power of life and death

* We had talked about

* Problems so much the last 3 months

* The atmosphere was stale

* Some of your homes are so filled with negative talk / action / TV

* That the atmosphere is defeat

* David encouraged himself

o Atmosphere is set by responding to spiritual influences

o Atmosphere sustained creates climate

o We were meant to be counter culture

o Hanging heads; frowning faces; stressful thoughts; burdened hearts; saddened spirits; bitter memories; and unhappy feelings are just a few descriptions of the people we've allowed ourselves to become.

o We've been robbed. We've been shackled by heavy burdens; we've been buried in guilt and shame; we've been messed over by our own shortcomings; we've been tapped by our past.

o We're still holding on to the past. Satan has used us against ourselves. He's caused us to live a life of panic and fear because he's stripped us of our God given personalities.

5. Perspective

ƒ{ Suddenly every goal David had didn't matter

ƒ{ What mattered was his family

ƒ{ Perspective = outlook / view / vision

ƒ{ I challenge you to get a vision for your life

6. Participation

ƒ{ The best place to be

ƒ{ Participate in your family

ƒ{ Every boy wants to know

ƒ{ Every girl wants to know

ƒ{ There is blessing in participation

„X My story with Bill Bright

ƒ{ The most stressful and rewarding at the same time

ƒ{ Verse 22

7. Praise

ƒ{ He called for the Ephod

ƒ{ The Ephod was a symbolic expression of the Presence of God

ƒ{ He will inhabit the praises of His people

ƒ{ Let's put on the Ephod...the Presence of God