Summary: A sermon on how God's grace can make a hero out of imperfect people who make mistakes.


ƒ{ Hancock is a superhero with serious character issues

ƒ{ While trying to do good he inevitably creates trouble

ƒ{ When a person has an entire ocean to throw a whale into and it hits the only sailboat in sight

ƒ{ You might have some issues

ƒ{ I was reading a verse to a group of guys on a bike ride with me this summer

ƒ{ And this bible character reminded me of Hancock

o Though Hancock starts out rough

o He goes on to be a great hero

ƒ{ Mark 16:1-7

„X And Peter

ƒ{ Why the disciples and Peter


ƒ{ God never holds the faults against the great heroes

„X Eve -- blew her diet

„X Noah -- got drunk

„X Abraham -- lied

„X Samson -- hooker

„X Moses -- Murdered

„X David -- Adultery

„X Thomas -- Double minded

„X Judas -- traitor

ƒ{ It's interesting

„X People expect you to be perfect

„X But God never does



Sarah Palin


1. His Path

* Mark 15:54

o He followed from a distance

* Up enough to say I was there

* Back enough to say I wasn't there

o Like many today

„X Love Church

* No involvement

„X Love the blessing

* Not the battle

* Following from a distance will always cause you to deny Him

* The proof of desire is in the pursuit.

* I love you

o Mark the box

2. His Pride

* He said I will never fail

* I will never leave you

* I don't need your grace

* Pride makes you self-sufficient

* Pride keeps you from accepting grace

3. His Presumption

* At a campfire he failed

* At a campfire he was restored


* He presumed he was

„X Unwanted

„X Unloved

„X Not valuable

o I failed

o Killed

o Lied

ƒ{ Judas & Peter

ƒ{ 2 roads

* Grace broke the curse

„X Reverse the curse