Summary: Last week we concluded the 2 part message on the rapture of the church, looking at what would take place when Jesus comes to take His people to be with Him. This is the event that will officially begin the last of the last days of this world as we know i



READ 1 CORINTHIANS 4:1 5..........2 CORINTHIANS 5:10

Last week we concluded the 2 part message on the rapture of the church, looking at what would take place when Jesus comes to take His people to be with Him. This is the event that will officially begin the last of the last days of this world as we know it.

Now I know there is a lot of controversy concerning the series of events that happen in the last days. The trouble with many people is that they interpret events according to their own heart and mind...or according to some tradition...instead of looking to the Word of God.

I will not likely answer all the questions about these things. I don't have all the answers. But we are going to look to the Scriptures and I think we can get a very accurate understanding of what the Word has to say about these events.

Last week we looked at what would happen as Jesus comes to take His bride the dead in Christ would be raised up from their graves in resurrection bodies...and how those alive at this time would also be changed as they went up to meet the Lord in the air.

But now that Jesus and all His loved ones have come together...we need to ask the question: What now? Surely such an earth shaking event such as the rapture will drastically affect life as we know it here on earth...but it will also signal the beginning of some very profound happenings in heaven as well.

Today I am going to look at the events as they unfold in heaven just after the rapture of the church...and then next week we'll see what will happen down here on earth after all the saints are taken away.

From Scripture we find there are several great events that are going to take place in heaven...and one of those is the Judgment Seat of Christ which we will look at today.

Now, I hardly think that this event will take place in the air...and I think it's clear from the Word of God that Jesus and all His saints will move into heaven.

And that is something that I think deserves some attention. What a happy group that will be as they make their way into heaven. What a glorious time that will be. Luke 15:7 says that there is great rejoicing in heaven when just one sinner repents...imagine what will happen on that day when they all come marching in.

I remember very clearly how multitudes rejoiced as those who were faithful in their service to our country returned from the war in the Persian Gulf. What a welcome they received. But this will be so much greater as those who were faithful in their commitment to Christ will be received into heaven.

And I know Jesus will be happy too...because by His shed blood He has saved multitudes of sinners. He said "If I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto me." Well He was lifted up on the cross...and He has been drawing men ever since that day.

Not all have responded...but all have been drawn. Some here this morning have felt that drawing power of Christ and yet have resisted. And as a result you are still lost in your sins. You may be a good church goer...a good worker...but not a blood washed child of God.

But thank the Lord that in every nation...from every country on the entire planet, people have responded and surrendered to Him. And at that time they will all be up there with Him. All those who have not just believed, but have accepted Him as Saviour. And not one true believer will be missing.

And just think what it will be like for that multitude who are now entering in. They will instantly realize that heaven is so much more than any human mind can comprehend. They are changed...and now they are able to experience all that heaven holds in store.

I never knew what living was all about until I became a Christian... and I wouldn't change for all the world has to offer. But even so, life is not easy. And it isn't for anyone who is really serving the Lord. That same thing will be true for those who will be rejoicing there in heaven.

They had been saved...but many of them have been harrassed by Satan. Some have struggled with the cares and troubles of life. Some have even doubted their salvation. But in that day there will be no doubt.

Many of them have suffered here on earth...bodies racked with pain and disease. But then they will have glorified bodies, and they will never suffer again! Down here we struggle and strive to know Jesus...but !then„Ç we shall see Him face to face...GLORY...and we will know Him as He truly is!

But now we come to the next great happening...the Judgment Seat of Christ. And let me once again stress that only the saints will appear before the Judgment Seat. Not one single lost sinner will be there. The lost will appear another judgment altogether... at the Great White Throne.

I mentioned last week about the false idea of a general judgment where every person saint and sinner alike will stand and be judged as to whether we will make it in to heaven or not. Nowhere in Scripture do we find that.

We are saved or lost right here on earth...before we die or before the catching away that we call the rapture. Romans 8:1 says, "There is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus."

That verse doesn't mean that anything we do as Christians is means that as a follower of Jesus Christ we are not going to be condemned to eternity in hell. The Judgment Seat is not a judgment of salvation or damnation...but it is a judgment of rewards.

Well, there are a few things that are evident as we come to this juncture...before the individual judgments take place...and the first is that at the Judgment Seat we come into complete harmony with Christ.

Even though you may be a Christian...a born again child of God...there still can be things that stand between you and Christ. There may be a so called "secret" sin in your life, even though you are saved.

But as we come to the Judgment Seat all that will be put away...we will be perfectly clean...there will be nothing between your soul and the Savior. says we shall be like Him!

Another thing is that all the differences between believers will be adjusted. God's people often have differences which keep them from being like Christ. That's why we have so many different denominations and churches...and even factions within the individual churches.

In fact, look at the Churches of God...within just a few miles there are 3 separate churches who all claim to believe alike. And many people drive past one of the churches to get to another. And it¡¦s the same with other groups all over the country. Now not all of it is bad...part of the reason for many of the separations are strictly cultural...or other legitimate reasons.

But, if we were able to be more like Him here on earth, it would be much easier to get along with each other. And I strongly believe it would be better if we could settle these differences down here... rather than having to have that hanging over our heads when we stand before Christ at the Judgment Seat.

But on that day things will be much different. And it will be different because we will be like Him. In Isaiah 52:8 it says, "They shall see eye to eye." That's the way it will be in heaven...there will be nothing between us and Christ...nothing between us and others.

Some worry about having to spend eternity next to a Catholic... or a Presbyterian...or a Pentecostal...or a preacher like me. But when we get there we will have none of these distinctions...we will be one in the truest sense of the word.

But the main purpose for the Judgment Seat of Christ is to receive our rewards. Rev. 22:12..."Behold I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done."

The Greek word from which we get Judgment Seat is "bema" fact some refer to this as the Bema Seat. The word literally means "tribunal" or the platform on which the seat of judgment is placed.

But in the Greek world the Bema was not the bench where a judge would sit to pass sentence upon a was where the judge would sit when he distributed prizes to the winners of various games.

The judgment at the Great White Throne will be a time of ultimate horror as multitudes stand condemned before a holy God...with eternal punishment as their only possibility.

But here we find a time of anticipation...a time of joy...a time when we will receive the rewards for our labor...where we will stand face to face with our Lord and present our lives to Him as an offering.

Back in 2 Cor. 5:10 it says that each one will receive what is due him. The word receive literally means to receive one's own, or one's due. And this stresses the strict impartiality and justice of this judgment.

We must make sure that this is perfectly clear...our salvation is based on the work of Christ. We must accept His offer, but it is entirely a matter of grace.

Eph 2:8 9 "for by grace..." ...but this judgment will be according to what we have done...not the merit of another...not even on the merits of Christ.

But what we give account for is not just what we did on Sundays or at certain times or events. These judgments that are dispensed are evaluations of the individual lives we've lived 7 days a week. And they will vary from "Well done, good and faithful servant" to a total rejection of a life as worthless.

Now that may sound a little harsh, but it's true. This is not to say that the individual life of that believer is worthless as far as needing and receiving salvation...Christ died for ALL. He didn't die because we were worthy, but because we weren't and so couldn't save ourselves.

But as far as being a benefit to the kingdom...and to other believers, there will be many whose life has been indeed worthless in regards to what they've given back to the body of Christ.

Jesus speaks very clearly and very strongly about those who fail to take what has been given them and using it for the kingdom. I think the parable of the talents shows us that.

So it is in accordance with the assessment of the good or bad character of a Christian's life as to whether he receives reward or loss.

On the day the rapture takes place...(or the day you die) your returns will all be in and Jesus will judge those works. If they have been good works, the person will receive a reward. If those works haven't glorified God...there will be no reward, but that person will squeeze into heaven "only as one escaping through the flames."

We find this in 1 Corinthians 3:11 15 we are told about the kinds of works that will endure...and that every person's works will be tested by the fires of judgment.

Now this idea of judgment by fire is by no means uncommon. But remember, this fire is not some isn't eternal punishment. It is testing...The fire will test what each man's work is like.

Paul likens the Christian life to a building. Last Wednesday evening we looked at this. If you put shoddy material in that building it will perish on the day of judgment.

If you serve God only to have a noticeable place among people...if you only serve because you've been pressured into it and you don't want to do it but you can't say "no"...If you give your money or your time simply to be seen by others for the recognition...

If your work consists of criticisms and complaints...they will perish! And what Paul is talking about here is motive. It's not so much what you do...but why do you do it. Are you doing it for the glory of God..or for the glory of self...or the glory of our church (building).

The Scripture says, "Whatever you do, do it opposed to half hearted...and do it for the glory of God!!!! And if you've used your talents well...and have redeemed the time wisely, Christ will have a great reward waiting for you.

Paul mentioned two kinds of materials. First we have the gold, silver, and costly stones. These materials represent divine things... things that no man can grow or produce for himself...they come from God alone.

And this is why the things that we do which will stand the test of fire are the things that grow out of the divine nature that is within us...where we are led by the Spirit...and work in His power...for God's glory.

The other materials spoken of are wood, hay and straw. And these are things that come about through natural growth...and they represent the things we do in the flesh...where the things we do are limited to any natural talent and ability and done for our own glory.

These are things that will be burned to ashes in that day. And they are not necessarily bad things... but things done with the wrong motive or intent.

READ 1 Cor. 4:4...I think we must make mention of this fact...that just because we don't feel like things are wrong...or that what we do will never perish in the fires...we can't depend on our conscience alone. We must base our life and works on the Word of God...because He alone is judge.

And we must also make that determination with each other. Down in verse 5 Paul qualifies his statements by showing that this means judgment of the motives and intent behind what we do.

We sometimes get hung up on this whole idea of judging. We are commanded to judge righteous judgment...we can tell that certain things are wrong...certain behaviors and actions can and must be addressed.

But only the Lord knows the heart...and only He can make a proper determination of the motive and intent of our lives and actions... which means that He alone is just...He alone is capable of being the final judge who will give rewards to those who have been faithful.

At the later judgment, the Great White Throne judgment there will be many who will stand before the Lord and say, "But didn't I prophesy... didn't I do all these great things...and Jesus will say to them... "depart from me...I never knew you."

All the things they did thinking it was going to count for their good was wasted...because their heart wasn't right with God. And on that day that we as believers stand before the Lord, many of the things we thought would impress Him will be burned away because He will judge it by our motives and intent.

What have we done lately as a work or ministry that was done for the glory of God. Do we even think in those terms? Most of the time we figure it may promote our church or one of our may be something that will impress others...or just get someone off our back.

But those things that will bring rewards are things done out of our love for Him and for His glory. Now, what are the rewards that await us? Scripture lists 4 crowns that will be given out as rewards.

The first crown is one that is called the incorruptible crown...and it is a crown for faithful service. Those who have been faithful in their service to the church..NO. Faithful in their service to Christ.

It's only as we are faithful to Him, developing a personal relationship with Him and finding out what it actually is that He has for us... individually, to do...and then being faithful to that calling.

The second is a crown of righteousness...and this is for those who love His appearing. 2 Timothy 4:8 (READ) Now most would say they are anxious to see the Lord come back so they can get out of this world.

But is that what is meant here? The word love...or longing in NIV is the word agapao. This is an unselfish love that has God as it's primary object. If we are only looking for His appearing as an escape from this madhouse called earth...then we'd settle for a bus...or an angel...or anything that would get us out of this messed up, sinful world.

But there are those who so love the Lord that His appearing is very personal. They long to see Him...face to face. They long to be with Him...and worship Him...and want nothing more than to be in His presence forever.

For those there is no hint of selfish motives in their desire for His coming. And that is not to say that it is wrong to want out of this world...but again, what is the real desire of your heart...relief or Love for Him?

The third crown is the crown of rejoicing....(1 Thess. 2:19) This is a crown given to those who rejoice at the sight of converts that have been won through their ministry for Christ.

What greater privilege could there be than to rejoice as you see people who are there in heaven with you...there because „ªyou„« shared the love of Christ with them.

And the fourth crown is the crown of life. Rev. 2:10 says that those who were faithful even to the point of death will receive this crown. In James 1:12 it says those who persevere under trial...and have stood the test, will receive this crown.

But this won't be an easy one to receive. Look how we make excuses for not sharing our faith simply because we fear persecution...and we really know little if anything of what persecution is all about.

But there have been...and will be many more who have stood the test even to the death...faithful to the end...and their reward will be great.

Yet the greatest thing about receiving any of these rewards is the fact that we will then have opportunity to lay them back at the feet of Jesus...the offering of our lives for the one who gave us life.

What will your life bring forth after the purging fire has tested your works? We will all give account of our will all appear before Him...the good and the bad. What will be left to lay at the feet of the Master?

Those that have been found faithful...who have received their crowns will then be given positions of honor and authority in God's heavenly kingdom.

What will your life hold...if it were to happen today are you anxiously awaiting His soon return...are you laying up for yourself treasures in heaven. Jesus said, "Behold I come quickly...let's all prepare to meet Him so that we will stand unashamed.