INTRO: A job well done is to be celebrated and certainly Nehemiah along with God’s people were primed for worship after the rebuilding of the walls. God’s hand was upon Nehemiah as he sought to move God’s people forward in obedience. However, Nehemiah still had much work to do in PREPARING God’s people to be effective in their worship of the Lord. They had to learn what they BELIEVED inwardly about God needed to worked out in their BEHAVIOR before a watching world. For the worship of God to be at its best, the PEOPLE of God needed to be their best!
ILLUS: A missionary tells of a woman in India holding in her arms a weak, whining infant, while at her side stood a beautiful, healthy child. The man of God saw her walk to the banks of the Ganges River and throw the robust youngster to the crocodiles as an offering, and then turn toward home again still clutching the sickly child to her bosom. Tears were running down her cheeks when he stopped to question her concerning her shocking actions; however, she proudly replied in defense of her conduct, “O sir, we always give our gods the best!”
We must not be guilty of giving our best to the world and our least to the Lord!
PROP. SENT: The Bible teaches that God is a God of order…He sets the standards, not us. The leadership of the church must teach, preach, and serve the Lord in such a way that God’s good order is made known and practiced. In addition, God’s people must be found faithful in discovering, developing, and deploying their unique gifts if worship is to be pleasing to God. Do you know your place and are you fulfilling your part in God’s order of worship?
A. Scriptural in Focus Neh. 7:1
1. Nehemiah knew that his job was not done just because the walls had been rebuilt – God’s people needed to be led into the lifestyle of worship and service.
2. Vital to Jerusalem ’s strength and vitality would be closely linked to their physical, spiritual, and intellectual development.
3. It’s interesting to note how Nehemiah led God’s people during their rebuilding of the citizenship of Jerusalem . He appointed the following leaders for the benefit of the nation…
a. Gatekeepers – protection and security (they would sound the alarm if enemies were approaching)
b. Singers – spiritual worship (full of worship and praise to the Lord)
c. Levites – teachers of the law and history
4. Just as Nehemiah knew God’s people had to be grounded in God’s word and led by godly leaders…WE NEED THIS SAME SCRIPTURAL FOCUS FROM THE LEADERSHIP IN THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST TODAY!
ILLUS: “In a relativist and pluralistic age like ours, one of our greatest needs is for preachers, teachers, and homegroup leaders who will faithfully communicate the eternal truths of Scripture, and share them in a manner which will demonstrate their unique authority, crucial importance, contemporary relevance and timeless appeal.”
5. Of course, no leader is going to be perfect in the eyes of those he leads – not even the Lord Jesus Christ, the sinless Son of God, pleased everyone.
6. I’m sure, Nehemiah had people rise up and tell him what he was doing wrong and how he could be doing things better…yet Nehemiah led with a scriptural focus second to none.
7. The Word of God is the standard we are to acclimate our lives to. (Do not water it down – but preach the Word!)
8. The greatest thing a pastor can do is stick with the Word of God – the message does not change; the message does change lives!
B. Spiritual in Faith Neh. 7:2-3
1. Nehemiah’s brother, Hanani, was given charge over Jerusalem .
2. It was Hanani who had first reported Jerusalem ’s devastating and deplorable conditions to Nehemiah…Hanani obviously had a great heart for God and similarly, a great heart for God’s people. (Neh. 1:2-4)
3. Hananiah was the military leader of Jerusalem . He was faithful and feared God more than most men. Wouldn’t it be great if it was said of all our military leaders in America , that they too were, “faithful men
and feared God more than many.”
4. Isn’t that what the Lord is looking for in each of our lives and each of His churches?
5. He is looking for people who are faithful and fear Him!
ILLUS: “…to live a holy life--to reject sin…means living a life where the power of the Holy One, the power of the Infinitely Loving, Infinitely Powerful, Infinitely Wise, Infinitely Good God does His Loving, Powerful, Wise, and Good work in us, and in through us into the world. In choosing to live a holy life, we choose to exchange the bondage of sin and worldly satisfaction for the limitless, loving, powerful freedom of Christ.” - Jana Fischer
6. Nehemiah commanded that the gates of the city would not be open until the sun was risen. This was strategic and helped keep possible enemies out. (Neh. 7:3)
7. This speaks of our need to stay sober and vigilant in our walk with the Lord Jesus Christ – on constant watch for the enemies attacks. In 1 Thessalonians 5:5-8 the Apostle Paul states, “5for you are all sons of light and sons of day We are not of night nor of darkness; 6so then let us not sleep as others do, but let us be alert and sober. 7For those who sleep do their sleeping at night, and those who get drunk get drunk at night. 8But since we are of the day, let us be sober, having put on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet, the hope of salvation.”
8. Nehemiah knew the importance of doing all he could to ensure his people were guarded against all kinds of attacks the enemy could throw at them - this started with leaders who were scriptural in focus and spiritual in faith!
ILLUS: “What a tragedy that schools that once were true to the faith are today denying the faith, and churches that once preached the gospel now have in their pulpits ministers who preach “another gospel.” Every Christian ministry is one short generation away from destruction, and God’s people must be on guard.”
–Warren Wiersbe
9. Principle: What you guard – you keep and when you lose guard – it could lead to ruin – yours and the lives of others!
10. Apply: Daily worship, obedience, trust…etc. See Proverbs 4:23 , “Watch your heart with all diligence…”
ILLUS: Pastor Bryan Chapell speaks of a group of Christian businessmen who are plain about the fight against temptation. They meet once a month and ask each other questions: The last time you traveled on a business trip, did you stay pure in your hotel room? When you returned from your business trip, did you stay honest on your expense reports? Those are tough questions. Why would they put themselves in such embarrassing positions? Because they are in the fight. Because they are at war for the goodness of their souls, for their relationships with each other and with the Lord. —Bryan Chapell, “The Great Escape,” Preaching Today.
A. Significant in the Lord Neh. 7:4-69
1. When you go over passages like this in the Bible, it’s easy to skip over – but in Nehemiah’s day it was of utmost importance to be able to prove you were truly of Jewish descent. This is the same genealogy found in Ezra 2 . The point is…these folks mattered to God!
2. It was the passion of Nehemiah to have people in Jerusalem who knew where they came from and the great heritage they had in the Lord.
3. Having a knowledge of your identity, belonging, acceptance in the Lord Jesus Christ through faith should encourage you to know something of your significance as a child of God!
ILLUS: R. C. Sproul shares the story of a college student he once taught who had cerebral palsy. The student struggled with—spastic movements and garbled speech, yet he was very bright and capable. Sproul writes: One day he came to me vexed with a problem and asked me to pray for him. In the course of the prayer, I said something routine, with words like, "Oh, God, please help this man as he wrestles with this problem." When I opened my eyes, the student was quietly weeping. I asked him what was wrong and he stammered his reply, "You called me a man. No one has ever called me a man before." Lee Eclov, in the sermon "The Blessed Limp,"
4. If you are unsure of your relationship to the Lord – you must understand there is only one way to heaven and that is through a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. John 1:12 , Acts 4:12
5. It’s been said, “If you were put on trial for being a Christian, would there be any evidence?” Have you personally confessed your sins to the Lord and placed your faith in the crucified Lord…now risen and coming again?
6. The men, women, boys, and girls who helped reestablish Jerusalem – left everything behind in Babylon to find a new life within the Jewish nation.
7. It’s not enough just to have your name written down on the church roll – but your name must be written in the Lamb’s book of life!
8. Your significance in life does not come primarily through your job, bank account, or retirement plan…but through your relationship with the Lord.
B. Security in the Land Neh. 7:64-65
1. Just showing up with the returning Jewish families did not necessarily include you in the family – there were many priests and families not included at all.
2. The Urim and Thummin was in the breastplate the priest wore and was essential in determining the will of God. Today, do we have an urim and thummin? Absolutely…it is the Word of God!
3. Pagan nations had influenced Israel ’s history before and Nehemiah wanted to keep covenant with the Lord through the worship of Jehovah God alone!
4. There was no compromise with people of other faiths – entrance to the city required commitment to the worship of the One True and Living God.
ILLUS: NBA star Shaquille O'Neil—tried to get into the White House without an appointment. At 7-1 and 325 pounds, with a winning smile, and NBA championship rings on his fingers from years of playing for the Los Angeles Lakers, Shaq has what it takes to walk into most places he wants to go. Shaq (believing doors should open just because of his name) gave it a try, and just as Shaq has rejected those who would drive past him to the hoop, so the security guards at the White House gate rejected him. Later that day, Shaq tweeted, "The White House wouldn't let me in, whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy."
4. How many today believe they will be accepted by the King of Kings in Heaven simply on the grounds of who they are?
5. Just as in Adam (first birth) ALL DIE…so only IN CHRIST (second birth) we can each be MADE ALIVE!
A. Supply Neh. 7:70-73
1. It’s so encouraging to know God has a way to rebuild and restore…no matter how much wreckage the enemy has done in our lives!
2. God’s promises are stronger and more powerful than any circumstance you are facing today.
3. These Scriptures show that God does keep a record of how we serve, give, follow, share our faith with future generations.
4. These believers put God before anyone or anything.
5. There was much rebuilding to be done – how easy and typical would it have been for them to put themselves, their families first and then bring their gifts to the Lord.
6. In fact, they did the opposite. They gave themselves first to the Lord…trusting that if they would do His will…He would see them through and take care of their needs.
ILLUS: Plenty of people are willing to give God credit, yet few are willing to give Him cash. —Quotable Quotations
B. Sacrifice
7. Nehemiah did not ask God’s people to do something he was not willing to do himself.
8. What you give is between you and the Lord – I do not know who gives what to the curch.
9. I do know that faithful giving to the Lord’s work can bring our renewal, joy, and strength to the church and also great joy and assurance to the giver!
ILLUS: Christian stewardship is really nothing less than all we do with all that we have. The amount Jesus is talking about is a pretty big amount: it’s 100 percent. Stewardship is not just about how much of what I own will I give to God. It’s about how much of me have I given to God…. Stewardship is not about paying dues. Sometimes I wish it were because that would be easier: just tell me how much I owe, and I can pay the Lord just as I pay the bills. It’s not paying dues. It’s about deliberately making deposits of my time and my energy and what I own into God’s business…. Fundamentally, stewardship begins with giving 100 percent of who I am to God. —Heidi Husted, “The Sermon on the Amount.”
CONCLUSION: God is a God of order and has a place for every single child of God. He has His people in places of leadership, worship, teaching, serving, etc. Critical to your walk and joy in the Lord will be knowing your place in God’s order of worship. Do you know yours and are you faithful?