Dangerous Church Pt 3
Introduction (from series by Craig Groeschell, lifechurch.tv)
Welcome to- 3rd week- Dangerous Church series
what is a dangerous church?
how does it contrast with a safe church?
do we want to be a safe/dangerous church?
There was nothing safe about the NT church.
Do you remember as a child safety rules
*Do not jump on your bed-fall off- hurt yourself
*Do not run w/scissors- might poke your eye out.
*Do not lick electrical outlets- (Pastor Tony)
In the church world there are also safety rules.
In a safe church you want to keep the members happy,
avoid controversial issues, and guard the status quo.
This week I want to
review last week- different words- reinforce truth,
look at the Unseen Side of a Dangerous Church.
A Dangerous Church brings about transformation.
Transformation- to change in structure or character.
A Dangerous Church transforms
1. The Ordinary into the Extraordinary
God takes ordinary people-transforms-world changers.
Acts 4:13 Now as they observed the confidence of Peter and John and understood that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were amazed, and began to recognize them as having been with Jesus. NASU
Catalyst for transformation- time w/Jesus- pray, Word.
Untrained- Gk- (id-ee-o’-tace)- ignoramus, idiot.
They were amazed at the confidence of these idiots.
That gives me hope for myself/church- God can take an idiot and make a world changer out of him.
One minister from a more formal denomination was praying in a very holy way- “Oh Lord, without thee, we are only but dust.” One little girl turned to her mother and said, “Mom, what is butt dust?”
To take the Gospel to the world, God chose fishermen, tax collectors, prostitutes.
Transformed id-ee-o’-taces into extraordinary people
Ordinary people who believe what God said was true.
Act 19:11-12 (ie prayer posted on twitter)
2. Consumers into Contributors
If you have an encounter w/God it will change you.
Act 2:44-45
These people encountered God-changed their thinking.
Instead of being consumers, they became contributors.
If you are NOT a believer-consume-this is all for you
However, if you are a believer, shame on you if you are a consumer and not a contributor.
It is time to serve/give to God and His work (church).
The church is not here for us … we are the church and we are here for the world
3. The Living to the Dead
God wants to turn the dead into the living, but first He wants the living to die.
Gal 6:14 But may it never be that I would boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. NASU
The old Gary is spiritually dead- I am a new creature.
Hopefully more of US died this past year- died to pride, negative thinking, unbiblical/carnal thoughts.
The Unseen Side of a Dangerous Church
Look at a side of the church- many have not have seen.
Mtt 25:15-30 (tell story- parable of the talents)
Perhaps there is an unseen side of this story
5T man- had studied the market, knew there was a risk, made a decision/took a chance
2T man- agonized in prayer over what to do,
Guy who buried T- thought- others were foolish.
When we see a success story- we want what they have-
great marriage- wish you had a great marriage- but you do not see-
sacrifice, work, struggle, dying to self,
that went into making that marriage great.
someone well off financially- you wish you could be well off, but you do not see-
years of going w/o, denying themselves, so they could invest and save.
We often do not see what is going on behind- scenes.
Look at three unseen qualities of- Dangerous Church-
1. Pain
It is painful to make a difference for-Kingdom of God.
Jn 15:18-19
The world will hate-fully devoted followers of Christ.
Often our goal is to live a safe, insulated life …
Jesus did not die so we could be safe.
1 Pet 4:1Therefore, since Christ has suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same purpose, because he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, NASU
If you want to be part of something great in the Kingdom of God- get ready for pain.
Jay and Linda Threadgill in Haiti.
2. Risk
There are risks and lots of them in walking w/God.
Seven sons of Sceva- watched the disciples minister and said, we can do the same thing
Acts 19:16
They took a risk/failed- but look at- rest of the story
Acts 19:17-18
Their failure opened- door for many to come to Christ.
Your willingness to take risks is based on potential return.
If you are going to take a risk, what is the return?
House catches fire- you get out- realize- gold fish is inside-do you go back? No-return not worth it.
House catches fire- you get out- realize- child is inside- do you go back? Yes- return worth risk.
Risk, failure, learn, adjust- pattern of faith filled life.
We often- think too small- ask the wrong question- we ask what can WE do instead of what can GOD do.
3. Loss
Mtt 16:25 "For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. NASU
So many today looking to find their life in a new house, car, job, career, entertainment, etc.
We need to lose our life if we- going to find true life.
Depression over AVATAR (see article)
To be a Dangerous Church- must give up old ways of doing business because they are no longer effective.
Sacrifice- to give up something that you love for something that you love even more.
Look at-business man-handed down through his family
Lk 5:11 When they had brought their boats to land, they left everything and followed Him.
Jesus offered them a chance to change the world and they were ready to take the risk and suffer the loss.
They left what they loved for something- loved more.
Hokey Pokey … put your right hand in, put your right hand out, put your right hand in, and shake is all about- do the hokey pokey and turn yourself around- that’s what it’s all about.
Many times we are hokey pokey Christians.
We put our right hand in and when it gets uncomfortable, there is pain or loss, we take it out.
What does the last verse of the song say
put your whole self in, put your whole self out-
that is the only way we can follow Christ.
It is no longer about me, it is all about God.
Three questions as we close
1. How many recognize something in your life that you must die to?
2010- will you believe- w/God’s help it can die?
2. How many would admit that they are more of a consumer than a contributor?
2010- are you willing to change that around?
3. Are you ready to
Suffer pain, take risks, embrace loss
all for the glory of God and His Kingdom?
Altar Call
Jesus died for you- ordinary people- so you could die to yourself and live an extraordinary life.
As we die to self, God’s life takes up residency in us-
I die to myself so I can live for God.
If you are ready to make this decision, please pray after me- lets all pray together
Additional Information
As a church, we have a dangerous Mission Statement-
Encounter God, Love People, Share Life
When people Encounter a Holy God they cannot stay the same- something happens to them.
To Love People the way God loved us, you are going to have to let yourself be vulnerable.
To Share Life with others you run the risk looking foolish or being rejected.