“Revealing the Revelation”
January 3, 2010
Chapter 10
Welcome, once again, to the New Year - 2010. We are in the first Sunday of the New Year. The past is gone, the future lies ahead of us – unknown and mysterious; unused and unblemished. Will it bring triumph or tragedy? Will it bring pleasure or pain? Will it bring prosperity or poverty? Will it bring success or sadness? I don’t know. I only know we must face it one day at a time; one step at a time; one experience at a time. I only know that as I keep my eyes on Jesus, I will be alright. It is when we take our eyes off of Jesus and look at the problems, like Peter did, that we fall. I am determined to keep my eyes on Jesus and follow Him to my very best ability. Turn with me, to Revelation 10.
Revelation 10
1Then I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven. He was robed in a cloud, with a rainbow above his head; his face was like the sun, and his legs were like fiery pillars. 2He was holding a little scroll, which lay open in his hand. He planted his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land, 3and he gave a loud shout like the roar of a lion. When he shouted, the voices of the seven thunders spoke. 4And when the seven thunders spoke, I was about to write; but I heard a voice from heaven say, "Seal up what the seven thunders have said and do not write it down."
5Then the angel I had seen standing on the sea and on the land raised his right hand to heaven. 6And he swore by him who lives for ever and ever, who created the heavens and all that is in them, the earth and all that is in it, and the sea and all that is in it, and said, "There will be no more delay! 7But in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished, just as he announced to his servants the prophets."
8Then the voice that I had heard from heaven spoke to me once more: "Go, take the scroll that lies open in the hand of the angel who is standing on the sea and on the land."
9So I went to the angel and asked him to give me the little scroll. He said to me, "Take it and eat it. It will turn your stomach sour, but in your mouth it will be as sweet as honey." 10I took the little scroll from the angel’s hand and ate it. It tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had eaten it, my stomach turned sour. 11Then I was told, "You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, languages and kings."
It’s been three weeks since I last spoke from this book. I had to travel to Minnesota for my younger brother’s funeral, then we had a Christmas program, then I felt God wanted me to encourage you as we faced the New Year. Last Sunday we received our commission for the New Year – Go, have a part in the making of disciples, gitem’ baptized, and teach them obedience. (Matt 28:18-20)
This morning we come to the 10th Chapter of Revelation –and it doesn’t get any easier. The 10th chapter (graph) is an event between the 6th and 7th Trumpet Judgments, just as chapter 7 was an event between the 6th and 7th seals. Chapter 10 takes place just prior to the “Midpoint” of the tribulation period.
Following the 6th Trumpet Judgment, a “Mighty angel” descends from Heaven to claim possession of Earth. This angelic scene, takes place in the spiritual realm. In the physical realm, those who know Jesus Christ, suffer death, persecution and are in hiding. The scene on earth seems bleak for all humanity.
At this point in chapter 10, the earth is a pretty scary place. War alone has killed nearly half the earth population (Rev. 6:8, 9:15), a quarter in the first Four Seals and a third in the 6th Trumpet Judgments. Earth, physically has also suffered tremendous judgments, with two asteroids crashing into the Oceans, killing a third of sea life, and making one third of fresh waters poisonous. Earthquakes and volcanic activity also cause havoc on a spiritually hardened earth. During this same period, “Two Witnesses” have been the verbal mouthpiece of judgment, causing it not to rain on the earth. As they speak, the outrage on the earth begins to mount against them, as technologies such as television, cell phones, and the internet instantaneously make known what is happening- and of course they put their own evil spin to the events unfolding. The world view of God and Christians are pretty grim. We are blamed for all this stuff happening. It’s only a matter of time until we suffer the wrath of the world.
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Revelation 9 left off with the sounding of the sixth of seven trumpets, which usher in the end of all things. Now, instead of the seventh trumpet, we have another interlude -until Revelation 11:15. We have another pause before that final trumpet is sounded. These interludes serve a dramatic purpose, but they also show mercy in allowing more opportunity for repentance. It is as if God brings things to the brink, then pulls back a little to grant mankind more time to repent.
Always remember that God is good. Always remember that He is the essence of love and joy and kindness – and all the other fruits of the Spirit. The fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5 are so important because they not only show us what we ought to be – but they show us what God is. As these horrible things are happening – understand this isn’t God’s desirous will. It is His ‘permissive’ will – but He clearly revealed His will is not wanting anyone to perish. He is a loving Father – but this is the natural result of sin. This is where rebellion will take you – and it isn’t pretty. But we serve a loving God – and the future is always bright for His children. We can’t lose. The end is only the beginning.
This tenth chapter starts with ‘another’ angel.
“I saw still another mighty angel coming down from heaven, clothed with a cloud. And a rainbow was on his head, his face was like the sun, and his feet like pillars of fire.”
Do you get this visual imagery? A lot of scholars think that this angel may be Jesus. There is a lot of imagery that applies to Him. Take a look.
Mighty Angel in Revelation 10 Description of Christ
Rainbow on his head Throne of God has a rainbow around it Ezek 1:28, Rev 4:3
Face like the sun Jesus’ glorified face was like the Sun…Matt 17:2, Rev 1:16
Feet like pillars of fire Glory of Lord from the waist down….Ezek 1:28
Loud voice like a lion’s roar Jesus is called Lion of Judah….Rev 5:5
Those who argue this is just “another mighty angel” make the following points.
• “Another” means this angel is not unique - in fact the Greek word (Ischuros) meaning strong, is used to picture the angel in Rev 5:2. The angel in Rev. 5:2 is clearly not Jesus.
• Believers also, will shine like the “Sun” in the kingdom of their Father. Matthew 13:43. Revelation 18:1 has a strong angel with “Great power….glory” and is clearly not Jesus.
• This angel swears by “Him’ who created the “Heavens and all that is”. Jesus Christ is the one who created the “Heavens and all that is”. (John 1:3, Heb 1:10, Col 1:15-17)
Maybe a better identification of this angel is Michael, the great archangel. There are similarities to this mighty angel and to Michael as he is described in Daniel 12.
There was a rainbow on this angel’s head. Rainbows represent the promises of God. A crown or a diadem represents authority and power. It could be that this represents the authority based on God’s promises. Whatever his exact identity, “clearly this angel has come from the very presence of God” (Barclay), and shows great might and authority.
In the angels hand is a little book. It isn’t the scroll Jesus had in His hand with the seven seals. We know that because a different word is used to describe it. And we don’t know for sure what’s in the book. Obviously it had some importance to be presented in such a dramatic way – but the contents are not revealed at this time. It is open – but not revealed. It reminds me of how many people have the Word of God in their homes – but never see it; never check it out. Eternity is the most important thing in our lives and God has given us a Book to prepare us for it – and yet so few take the time to look at that open book.
The angel then takes a commanding position. His right foot is on the sea and the left foot on the land. His stance projects his authority over both land and sea. Have you ever noticed that a lot can be communicated just by the way we stand? Our posture communicates volumes. His stance “Indicates complete authority over the entire earthly situation.” (Walvoord) He has his feet on both land and sea “To show that he had the command of each, and that his power was universal, all things being under his feet.” (Clarke)
Then this magnificent angel; this awesome being, holding a little open book, taking a stance of authority over land and sea, opens his mouth – and what comes out? Have you notices that heaven can be a noisy place? This angel cries out with a loud voice. We don’t know what he said – but it was loud! It was like a lion roaring. Have you ever heard a lion roar? It is loud and it strikes fear in the bravest heart. The lion is the king of the jungle and when he roars you better listen and get out of the way. His roar is his way of asserting authority over his territory and in the same way the angel is telling all creation to wake up and get ready. The time is near.
In response to the “Mighty” angel’s cry, the “Seven thunders” uttered their voices. Who are the seven thunders? And what did they say? The number seven demonstrates completeness such as 7 seals, 7 spirits, and 7 trumpets. Thunder has been used to describe the voice of God throughout the scriptures in connection with Judgment. (Job 37:2, 40:9, Psalm 77:18,104:7). So this could be God responding to what the angel said. But imagine the moment. The terrifying roar of a lion – then the seven thunders sound! Have you ever heard thunder close by? It will get your adrenaline going.
But there was communication in the thunder. John heard and understood. Whatever they said probably was relative to what was going to follow in the judgments in the 2nd half of the 7 year tribulation period. John is specifically told to not write what he heard down. The reason why John was not allowed to reveal the message is pure speculation; four possible reasons could be:
1. The utterances were too specific.
2. They would be misunderstood
3. The time was not right
4. What they said was only for John to hear
The voice from heaven said to seal up the things John heard. Daniel, 600 years earlier, was in a similar situation in the prophecy revealed in Daniel chapter 10 through chapter 12. Daniel did not understand what he was writing about, so he asked the angel, what all this means? He was told,
“Go your way, Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.” Dan 12: 9
The bible teaches us that some events are sealed until the time they are ready to be revealed, if God chooses to reveal them. But God HAS revealed some things to us. We need to be faithful to what has already been revealed. Moses writes:
“The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.” Deut 29:29
We may not be ready for what is in the little open book the angel holds in his hands. We may not be ready to hear what the seven thunders spoke. But we do have God’s revealed will in our hands right now. You are foolish if you do not consume it. Eat it up. Study it. Learn it. Memorize it. The wise man is a man of the Word. The wise woman is a woman of the Word. God has revealed His will to us – let’s learn it and do. Let’s be “doers” of the Word.
The angel, in his dramatic pose, with his awesome appearance, raises his right hand and swears by God’s creation that there will be no more delay. We have been waiting such a long time. The saints at heavens altar have been crying “How long? How much longer?” But now the wait is over. There will be no more delay.
The angel also says the mystery of God would be finished. What mystery? The mystery of God probably refers to the unfolding of the end of all things, the finishing of His plan of the ages. Life today is full of mysteries; but it will not always be so. A day will come when all our questions will be answered.
A voice comes from heaven once again and gives John some peculiar instructions. He says to eat the little book. John is commanded to eat the book much in the same way Ezekiel was commanded to eat the scroll or book, almost 700 years earlier. The message was one of judgment on the children of Israel (Ezek 2: 3, 10). Israel, and Jerusalem was about to be destroyed by the Babylonian armies. Ezekiel, beholding the “Glory of the Lord” was told to proclaim the Lord’s message to a disobedient people. When Ezekiel ate the scroll it was sweet in his mouth. Like Ezekiel, John is told to consume the little book which is sweet in his mouth but bitter in his stomach.
God’s word is sweet to those who consume and understand the message and meaning. Psalm 119:103 describes God’s word as sweeter then honey. As the word of God is sweet to those who taste it, proclaiming the message can be a bitter task. You may find, as you share the sweet truths of God, that so bless you, that it falls on unappreciative ears. You may even be persecuted for it. Our mission for this coming year is to go and make disciples – but it may not always be a sweet task. It make cause upset stomachs and leave a bitter taste in your mouth. But we are to do it anyway. We devour the Word – so we can share it with others. Sometimes it is a sweet experience – sometimes it’s bitter. But we are to do it anyway.
The last instruction in this chapter is to prophesy.
"You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, languages and kings."
Most people’s understanding of that word ‘prophesy’ has to do with foretelling the future – and sometimes that is a part of it. But prophesy is simply defined as ‘giving instruction in religious matters’. A prophet is one who speaks ‘for’ or ‘on’ God’s behalf. Preach is a word that is synonymous with it. And our instructions are to go and preach the Gospel.
Do you really believe these things in Revelation are going to happen? Do you really believe the wrath of God is going to be poured out on the unrepentant? Do you really believe in a heaven and in a hell? If you do – you will express that belief through sharing the gospel truth; sharing the warnings and the blessings.
Imagine if you knew how to cure cancer or how to prevent heart disease and kept that knowledge to yourself. It’s the same with knowing the gospel and not sharing it. Plant the seed. Water what has been planted. Tend to the tender shoots that come up. Reap the harvest when it is ready. I don’t know if chapter 10 will happen in 2010 – but it may be soon. Let’s be Jesus’ hands and voice this week.