Summary: This is an exposition of Philippians 3.1-11.

The Christian Journey

Text: Phil 3.12-21


I. The “Perfection” of the Christian – vv.12-16.

A. Ultimate Perfection – none of us has, all of us will get – vv. 12-13.

*I Jn 1.8-10.

B. Experiential Perfection – Some of us have, all of us should get – vv.

14-16. *Eph 4.13.

II. The Passion of the Call – vv. 13-14.

A. A Passion for the future – v.13.

B. A Passion for the goal – v.14.

C. A Passion for Christ – v.14.

III. The Path of the Kingdom – vv.17-21.

A. The Enemies of the Kingdom – vv. 18-19.

B. The Citizens of the Kingdom – vv. 17, 20-21.


We are citizens of heaven if we have trusted Christ as our Savior. In this case we can step out on faith and not be afraid of the future.
