Sunday, June 28, 2009
Pastor Brian Matherlee
What is it about our town & area that we love? What makes this place special?
What about our area does God love?
What would happen if Jesus showed up and led every follower of His in our community to live out His mission?
How can we discover where God is working and join him? (Blackaby)
1. Ask God to help you see the city just like Jesus
a. Luke 19:41-42
b. Matthew 9:35-38
2. Ask God to reveal specific steps to reach people
a. James 1:27-look after the vulnerable
b. Matthew 25:36-provide basic necessities, comfort the afflicted, befriend the friendless
c. Vineyard church in Cincinnati, OH had a specific vision for their community to try and break through the cold, unfriendly nature and began the “Conspiracy of Kindness” that has been copied by thousands of churches.
d. Gaining God’s vision is more than thinking of things off the top of our head.
e. Vision comes when efforts are in place to minister how we know to do right now.
3. Act in faith upon God’s leading
a. Mark 11:12-14; 20-24
b. The disciples were stunned what Jesus declared happened. God help us to believe.
c. Expectation…anticipation.
d. My children have no doubt they will get a present for their birthday. I have no doubt that I will receive a gift for Christmas and will give Loretta something for our anniversary.
e. When God says He will provide for us…we must live in that provision…now!
4. Cast your bread upon the water
a. Luke 10:1-20
b. Opportunity was presented; recruits accepted and their action was rewarded. Greater risk brings greater reward.
c. God help us to have God sized vision!
d. Without God sized vision…
i. Abram would have stayed in the land in knew instead of the land God would show him.
ii. Israel would have stayed in Egypt
iii. Joshua would have gone around Jericho
iv. Gideon would have tried to hang on to his army.
v. Jesus would have stayed in heaven.
vi. Peter would have stayed in the boat.
You can’t gain vision sitting on the sidelines. Get out and mix it up with people. Have in your heart the prayer for open eyes at every turn! God will show you those things hidden from everyone else.