Summary: If the name is Jesus, everything is in that name! His name is the source of our salvation. His name is the hope of our hearts. His name can lift the greatest burdens. His name can comfort the broken heart ... His Name is above all names.

Opening illustration: Well, in the Bible, names are very important and they are significant in other cultures as well. Talking about the Mexican Indians, and somehow or another something of their culture comes up, and the face is very important to an Indian, just as it is in the Orient, we know of course that face is very important. In other words, a person is really humiliated if he has to lose face. And so face is important among them. A child is regarded as being born with no face and what he does is build up his face through the years as his character develops and as his experiences unfold, one gains an idea of what his face really is. Well face sounds very much like the biblical term name. Yes, to our mind, they are almost identical, so that a name is the revelation of a person’s character.

Let us turn to Isaiah 9 and Matthew 1 and see the names that were prophesied and given to Christ, even before He was born.

Introduction: These great things for the church shall be done by the Messiah, Emmanuel. The Child is born; it was certain; and the church, before Christ came in the flesh, benefitted by his undertaking. It is a prophecy of him and of his kingdom, which those that waited for the Consolation of Israel read with pleasure. This Child was born for the benefit of us men, of us sinners, of all believers, from the beginning to the end of the world. Justly is he called Wonderful, for he is both God and man. His love is the wonder of angels and glorified saints. He is the Counselor, for he knew the counsels of God from eternity; and he gives counsel to men, in which he consults our welfare. He is the Wonderful Counselor; none teaches like him. He is God, the mighty One. Such is the work of the Mediator that no less power than that of the mighty God could bring it to pass. He is God, one with the Father. As the Prince of Peace, he reconciles us to God; he is the Giver of peace in the heart and conscience; and when his kingdom is fully established, men shall learn war no more. The government shall be upon him; he shall bear the burden of it. Glorious things are spoken of Christ’s government. There is no end to the increase of its peace, for the happiness of its subjects shall last forever. The exact agreement of this prophecy with the doctrine of the New Testament shows that Jewish prophets and Christian teachers had the same view of the person and salvation of the Messiah. To what earthly king or kingdom can these words apply? Give then, O Lord, to thy people to know thee by every endearing name, and in every glorious character. Give increase of grace in every heart of Thy redeemed upon earth.

What is in the Names of Christ?

1. Wonderful (Isa. 9: 6) ~ Marvel or to be in ‘Awe.’ Only those who truly know Him can appreciate Him and understand His attraction.

• In His humanity ~ “A child is born” brings to mind His humanity.

• In His humility ~ “Son is given” calls to mind His Deity and His Death. It brings to mind John 3: 16.)

• In Honor Of His Person - This word means Supernatural, Secret and Extraordinary, Judges 13: 18. This name points out the truth that there is nothing common about Jesus, He is the Miracle man! He is so far beyond our level of comprehension that we can never figure Him out, yet He can be known by a little child! He is Wonderful!

2. Counselor (Isa. 9: 6) ~ means “to advise, counsel, purpose, devise and plan.” It refers to His role as the leader and guiding force of our lives. He is wonderfully qualified for this job.

• He had the age and experience - Dan. 7:9; Heb. 4:15

• He has the knowledge - Acts 1:24; 1 John 3:20

• He has the education - Isa. 40:13-14

• His price is right - Isa. 55:1

• He is always available - Matt. 28:20; Heb. 13:5

• He always gives perfect advice - Hos. 14:9; Psa. 19:7-8; John 16:13.

• His motives are always pure - 1 Pet. 5:7

3. Mighty God (Isa. 9: 6) ~ this word means “Hero! It refers to one Who is strong, mighty and invincible.” He alone is worthy to be our Hero for He has defeated all our enemies.

• Death - 1 Cor. 15:55 (He is the first fruits from the dead - 1 Cor. 15:20.)

• Sin - Rom. 6:14; He brought salvation to all men - Heb. 7:25; Rom. 10:13.

• The Grave - Matt. 28:1-6

• Eternity - John 10:28

4. Everlasting Father (Isa. 9: 6) ~ He is “everlasting”! There has never been a time when He was not and there will never be a time when He will not be! He is the great “I AM”! By the way, if you are saved, your life is tied to His and you will live only as long as He does!) This verse also says that He is our “Father”. This word means “Producer or generator.” In other words, He is our source! He brought us into being and He sustains our lives by His power. He fulfills His role as our Father by:

• Loving us - Jer. 31:3; Rom. 8:38-39

• Supporting us - Psalm 18:35; Deut 33:27

• Sustaining us - 2 Tim. 1:12

• Comforting us - John 14:16-18

• Providing for us - Luke 12:32; Matt. 6:25-33; Phil. 4:19

5. Prince of Peace ‘Shiloh’ (Isa. 9: 6) ~ this phrase refers to the fact that He will rule His kingdom in peace. How can He do this? He is the creator and provider of peace. And, those who know Him know all about peace, John 14:27; John 16:33a; Phil. 4:7. He provides peace with:

• God - Eph. 2:16 - Reconciled!

• Self - Phil. 4:7; John 14:27

• Others - Rom. 12:10; 18

• Ultimately, He will bring peace to the world for eternity!

Illustration: We are living at a time when the longing for peace is intense. Many of you have children or other family members who are at war in the fight against terrorism. You long for peace so your family can come home safely and soon.

If you turn on the evening news there is inevitably a story about conflict in the Middle East and in many other places around the world. There are stories of violence in our own communities. Many people live their lives frightened. The idea of peace on earth and goodwill toward men seems illusive.

We are living in hectic times. We feel pulled in a hundred different directions at once.

Sometimes the obligations are so numerous that we find ourselves paralyzed with indecision. We would love to know the experience of a "silent night, holy night" where "all is calm and all is bright".

6. Jesus – Joshua - Yeshua ‘Yahweh Saves’ (Mat. 1: 21) ~ REVEALS HIS PURPOSE

• Speaks Of His Desire – The name Jesus reveals a God with a desire to save sinners. We are told that Jesus came into this world not to condemn the lost, but to save them, John 3:16-18. This was not a new desire, but it was the heartbeat of God even before the world was formed, Rev. 13:8; 1 Pet. 1:18-20. God’s plan was conceived in eternity and consummated in time.

• Speaks Of His Deliverance – The name Jesus reminds us that He came into this world for the sole purpose of setting the “captives” free, Luke 4:18. He came for the redemption of the lost, Titus 2:14.

• Speaks Of His Death – The name Jesus reminds us of the fact that He came into this world to die for our sins. The only way the sin problem could have been dealt with is through the shedding of blood, Heb. 9:22. Jesus came that He might die on the cross to set us free from sin! (Ill. Gal. 1:4, “for us”; Gal. 2:20, “for me”.)

7. Immanuel – ‘God With Us’ (Mat. 1: 23) ~ REVEALS HIS PERSONALITY

• Reveals A Supernatural Baby – Not just another child, but God in human flesh, John 1:1, 14; Phil. 2:5-8.

• Reveals A Supernatural Birth – Not a normal birth, but a virgin birth, Isa. 7:14, which produced a child without a sin nature, 1 Pet. 2:22.

• Reveals A Supernatural Battler – Why would God enter this world? He came to fight a battle that humanity could never wage or win. He came to do battle with Satan and sin. (Eph. 6:10-18; 1 Sam. 17:47.)

Application: If the name is Jesus, everything is in that name! His name is the source of our salvation. His name is the hope of our hearts. His name can break sin’s bondage and cool the fevered brow. His name can lift the greatest burdens. His name can comfort the broken heart. His name is a name worth knowing, because is speaks of a Savior worth loving. His name is everything. His name unlocks the door of heaven and closes the gates of Hell. His name saves the vilest sinner; redeems the blackest soul; and secures the precious saints. His name may be Jesus, but that name cannot tell us all there is to know about Him. Listen to some of the names He wears in the pages of the Bible. Jesus is the image of the invisible God.