Study In Revelation 16
The Final Seal is broken, The Trumpet Judgments begin
Rev. 8: 1-13
When the 7th seal is broken there is absolute silence. No one is speaking, no one is moving; not even Jesus. You sort of wonder if every eye is on God at this moment. He hasn’t said a word and after all that we’ve seen up to this point one can only wonder, “can it get any worse?”
We’re told that the silence lasted for half an hour. Can you imagine the suspense and anticipation that was in the air? The action starts in verse two.
Vs. 2-4 The instruments of justice and judgment are passed out
There are seven angels who suddenly appear before the throne.
These seven angels are, each, given a Banjo Flute Trumpet
They stand before the throne and God Himself hands them the trumpet.
This tells us that The angels are responsible for the coming judgments These judgments are coming directly from God
Trumpets always symbolize Gods’ intervention into human history and God is about to move against the evil and the godless of the earth. We must understand at this point that God is not going to punish His own. These judgments are for those who have turned against Him and His kingdom.
The second instrument that is handed out is the prayers of all of the saints. These are not just the prayers of all of the saints in heaven nor are they the prayers of all of the saints on earth. They are the combined prayers of ALL of the saints, in heaven and on the earth. We need to remember what is happening right now. Many are being slaughtered because of their faith. The savage persecution by the antichrist has taken the lives of millions of God’s own. There is a cry for justice, day and night from the saints, both in heaven and on the earth.
V. 5 The signs of the coming judgment
The angel takes fire from the altar. When the angel takes the fire from the altar of God, where does he put it?
In his pocket He gives it to the seven with the trumpets He mixes it with prayers of the saints
Why did he mix it with the prayers of the saints?
So it would make more smoke To burn up the prayers so no one could hear them Cast them to the earth.
There is coming a day when God is going to judge the evil and on that day He will avenge His name and all those who have stood with Him.
The angel cast down to the earth, the fire and prayers of all the saints. When he does something happens
1. There are voices
2. There is thundering and lightning
3. There is an earthquake
The people of the earth must know that something is about to happen but maybe wonder “What now?”
Imagine if you were minding your own business and suddenly you hear the voices of millions upon millions of people and severe thunder and lighting then a violent earthquake. What would that do to you?
Well they know that something is about to happen.
Little do they know, God is about to launch the great tribulation.
V. 6 The angels get ready
What are they getting ready for? They are getting ready to sound the trumpet blast that will launch their judgment on the earth.
Who is the judgment for? Only those who curse and deny Christ Every human who is left on the earth
v.7 The first trumpet sounds
When the first trumpet sounds we see a terrible storm.
What is in this storm? Some say hail fire mingled with what looks like blood.
Remember what Revelation 6: 12-14 says
“And I beheld when he opened the sixth seal, and, lo there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; and the stars of heaven [meteorites] fell unto the earth, even a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.”
Some believe the storm will rain down hail that looks like fire mingled with blood. The reddish color will no doubt be caused from the tremendous amount of sand that is blown up into the atmosphere by the most violent storm in history.
If a third of the trees and all of the green grass is burned up there must really be fire coming from somewhere.
Hail and fire were viewed by Jews and pagans as a “warning of divine judgment.”
Some speculate that this could be caused by volcanic eruptions. “The masses of water vapor blown skyward might well condense in the intense updrafts as hailstones, and showers of burning lava might well be ‘cast upon the earth with them.’
Whether there is a violent volcanic eruption, which throws molten lava everywhere or burning meteorite particles falling from space; one thing is for sure, things are going to be bad. With a third of the trees gone there will be a major shortage of fruits and vegetables. Remember we talked about the olive tree and the grape vine as important staples in the lives of the first hearers of Revelation. Many will lose their livelihood.
Not to mention that with the grass gone, many animals will starve. This will affect ranchers and shepherds.
It will also result in a shortage of seeds to replant and could result in “dry, desert lands” from the destruction of the trees.
Ultimately this spells disaster for the world’s supply of fruits, vegetables, meat, milk, and cheese.
Notice that the first trumpet judgment affects the land.
Vs.8-9 The second trumpet sounds
We see the destruction of the ocean.
Pay careful attention to the phrase “as it were a great mountain” [KJV] in the text here. John doesn’t say that a mountain falls.
It is possible that this could be a volcanic mountain in the sea which explodes, and as it falls back to earth resembles a fiery mountain. It could be a falling star, “a giant meteorite, or asteroid, or even a satellite orbiting one of the other planets” or any number of things.
We’re not sure what the object is, but I do favor a literal interpretation. If not, then what about the water turning to blood, the sea creatures dying, and the ships being destroyed?
Whatever the object is or isn’t, it is an obvious sign of judgment. One would think that people would get it by now and surrender to God.
A third of the sea turns to blood and a third of the fish die. Can you imagine the smell around the world? The fishing industry will suffer greatly. In addition, a third of the ships are destroyed.
According to one source, “the number of ships in the world’s commercial fleet [was] 89,899 in 2003.” One-third of that is 29,966 ships! Keep in mind that these are just commercial ships. This doesn’t include personal yachts, military ships, etc. List some things that may be on a ship.
If 30,000 ships sink around the world, there will be oceanic pollution like the world has never known.
Obviously this will affect trade between countries. But this scripture deals with the judgment of God on the ocean.
What will happen to all the people on board those ships?
Vs.10-11 The third trumpet sounds.
We see destruction of the world’s fresh water supply.
Many believe this to be a meteorite that explodes just before it gets to earth. The explosion is so powerful that the pieces will be scatted around the earth. One third of all the drinking water will be poisoned.
This falling star has a name. Wormwood. This plant is extremely bitter…
I think we need to stop for a moment and remind our selves of two things.
1. These judgments are on the wicked and not on the people who turned to God during this horrible time.
2. The rapture has taken place the church is long gone.
Let’s look at how the bitterness of wormwood is used in scripture.
1. Wormwood became a symbol for idolatry, because of its bitterness. Idolatry is bitter in the mouth of God. He will give those who practice idolatry the taste of bitterness or wormwood of His judgment
Scripture: Jer. 9: 13-15
2. Wormwood symbolized the bitterness of an immoral life.
Scripture: Pr. 5: 3-5
3. Wormwood symbolized the result of forsaking God.
Scripture: Dt. 29: 18 * Jer. 9: 13-15 * Jer. 23: 15 * Amos 5: 6-7
v.12 The fourth trumpet sounds.
We see strange happenings in the second heaven.
Just what Scripture is saying here is difficult to understand. There are a number of opinions as to what is happening in this verse
1. That one third of the sun, moon, and stars will be eclipsed.
2. That there will be an eclipse that will blacken out one third of the day; that is, there will be one third less light.
3. That there will be no light whatsoever for a third of the night; that is, the moon will be eclipsed for one third of each night.
4. The day and night will be confused, with 16 hours of night and only 8 hours of day
5. The 24 hour day, as we now have will be shortened by a third. This would mean a 16 hour day
This will be a judgment similar to the one God placed on Egypt, before the exodus began. See Ex.10: 21-23
LOOK CLOSELY AT VERSE 23. Who had light in this period of darkness?
The Philistines Egyptians The captive Israelites. This tells me that, just as God has always been there to protect His own that He will be there during the 4th trumpet judgment; somehow giving light to His people.
Vs. 13 Angel or Eagle?
The KJV translates the Greek word aetos as “angel,” but the NIV, NASB, HCSB, and ASV all translate the word properly as “eagle.” A quick look at the word reveals that it cannot possibly be translated “angel.” (12) Interestingly, the KJV translates the same aetos as “eagle” in Revelation 4:7 and 12:14 while the others maintain consistency.
I don’t know why the KJV rejects an eagle crying out, but we need to leave room for the supernatural. I heard one pastor say, “If God can make owls say ‘who, who, who’ then surely God can make an eagle say ‘woe, woe, woe’!”
In any case, the eagle may represent sudden and swift judgment; just as an eagle is sudden and swift in hunting its prey.
The fact that we really need to focus on is that there is a pause between the first four trumpets and the last three. Notice what the messenger is saying.
“Woe, woe, woe. To the inhabitants of the earth…” Who are the “inhabitants of the earth”
Trees Animals Mankind
These last three “woes” will be directed toward the human population of the earth. Remember, however, they will be for those who reject God and His Son.
The eagle is warning that what is to come is far much worse than anything we have seen, up to this point.
I’ll tell you a secret if you promise not to tell. The 7th and final trumpet won’t sound until chapter 12.
It will take the next 3 chapters to deal with trumpets 5 & 6.
Study In Revelation 16
The Final Seal is broken, The Trumpet Judgments begin
Rev. 8: 1-13
Vs. 2-4 The instruments of justice and judgment are passed out
There are angels who suddenly appear before the .
These seven angels are, each, given a Banjo Flute Trumpet
They stand before the throne and Himself hands them the trumpet.
This tells us that The angels are responsible for the coming judgments These judgments are coming directly from God
Trumpets always symbolize Gods’ intervention into human history and God is about to move against the evil and the godless of the earth.
The second instrument that is handed out is the of of the . These are not just the prayers of all of the saints in nor are they the prayers of all of the saints on . They are the combined prayers of ALL of the saints, in heaven and on the earth. We need to remember what is happening right now. Many are being slaughtered because of their faith. The savage persecution by the antichrist has taken the lives of millions of God’s own. There is a cry for justice, day and night from the saints, both in heaven and on the earth.
V. 5 The signs of the coming judgment
The angel takes from the . When the angel takes the fire from the altar of God, where does he put it?
In his pocket He gives it to the seven with the trumpets He mixes it with prayers of the saints
Why did he mix it with the prayers of the saints?
So it would make more smoke To burn up the prayers so no one could hear them Cast them to the earth.
There is coming a day when God is going to judge the evil and on that day He will avenge His name and all those who have stood with Him.
The angel cast down to the earth, the and of all the saints. When he does something happens
1. There are _________
2. There is and ______________.
3. There is an .
Imagine if you were minding your own business and suddenly you hear the voices of millions upon millions of people and severe thunder and lighting then a violent earthquake. What would that do to you?
V. 6 The angels get ready
What are they getting ready for? They are getting ready to sound the blast that will launch
their on the earth.
Who is the judgment for? Only those who curse and deny Christ Every human who is left on the earth
v.7 The first trumpet sounds
When the first trumpet sounds we see a terrible .
What is in this storm? Some say & mingled with what looks like .
Remember what Revelation 6: 12-14 says
“And I beheld when he opened the sixth seal, and, lo there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; and the stars of heaven [meteorites] fell unto the earth, even a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.”
Some believe the storm will rain down hail that looks like fire mingled with blood. The reddish color will no doubt be caused from the tremendous amount of sand that is blown up into the atmosphere by the most violent storm in history.
If a third of the trees and all of the green grass is burned up there must really be fire coming from somewhere.
Hail and fire were viewed by Jews and pagans as a “warning of divine judgment.”
Some speculate that this could be caused by volcanic eruptions. “The masses of water vapor blown skyward might well condense in the intense updrafts as hailstones, and showers of burning lava might well be ‘cast upon the earth with them.’
Whether there is a violent volcanic eruption, which throws molten lava everywhere or burning meteorite particles falling from space; one thing is for sure, things are going to be bad. With a third of the trees gone there will be a major shortage of fruits and vegetables. Remember we talked about the olive tree and the grape vine as important staples in the lives of the first hearers of Revelation. Many will lose their livelihood.
Not to mention that with the grass gone, many animals will starve. This will affect ranchers and shepherds.
It will also result in a shortage of seeds to replant and could result in “dry, desert lands” from the destruction of the trees.
Ultimately this spells disaster for the world’s supply of fruits, vegetables, meat, milk, and cheese.
Notice that the first trumpet judgment affects the .
Vs.8-9 The second trumpet sounds
We see the destruction of the .
Pay careful attention to the phrase “as it were a great mountain” [KJV] in the text here. John doesn’t say that a mountain falls.
It is possible that this could be a volcanic mountain in the sea which explodes, and as it falls back to earth resembles a fiery mountain. It could be a falling star, “a giant meteorite, or asteroid, or even a satellite orbiting one of the other planets” or any number of things.
A third of the sea turns to blood and a third of the fish die. Can you imagine the smell around the world? The fishing industry will suffer greatly. In addition, a third of the ships are destroyed.
According to one source, “the number of ships in the world’s commercial fleet [was] 89,899 in 2003.” One-third of that is 29,966 ships! Keep in mind that these are just commercial ships. This doesn’t include personal yachts, military ships, etc. List some things that may be on a ship.
If 30,000 ships sink around the world, there will be oceanic pollution like the world has never known.
Obviously this will affect trade between countries. But this scripture deals with the judgment of God on the ocean.
What will happen to all the people on board those ships?
Vs.10-11 The third trumpet sounds.
We see destruction of the world’s supply.
Many believe this to be a meteorite that explodes just before it gets to earth. The explosion is so powerful that the pieces will be scatted around the earth. One third of all the drinking water will be poisoned.
This falling star has a name. . This plant is extremely bitter…
I think we need to stop for a moment and remind our selves of two things.
1. These judgments are on the wicked and not on the people who turned to God during this horrible time.
2. The rapture has taken place the church is long gone.
Let’s look at how the bitterness of wormwood is used in scripture.
1. Wormwood became a symbol for , because of its bitterness. Idolatry is bitter in the mouth of God. He will give those who practice idolatry the taste of bitterness or of His judgment
Scripture: Jer. 9: 13-15
2. Wormwood symbolized the bitterness of an life.
Scripture: Pr. 5: 3-5
3. Wormwood symbolized the result of God.
Scripture: Dt. 29: 18 * Jer. 9: 13-15 * Jer. 23: 15 * Amos 5: 6-7
v.12 The fourth trumpet sounds.
We see strange happenings in the heaven.
Just what Scripture is saying here is difficult to understand. There are a number of opinions as to what is happening in this verse
1. That of the sun, moon, and stars will be eclipsed.
2. That there will be an that will blacken out one third of the day; that is, there will be one third less light.
3. That there will be light whatsoever for a third of the night; that is, the moon will be eclipsed for one third of each night.
4. The day and night will be confused, with hours of night and only hours of day
5. The 24 hour day, as we now have will be shortened by a third. This would mean a hour day
This will be a judgment similar to the one God placed on Egypt, before the exodus began. See Ex.10: 21-23
LOOK CLOSELY AT VERSE 23. Who had light in this period of darkness?
The Philistines Egyptians The captive Israelites. This tells me that, just as God has always been there to protect His own that He will be there during the 4th trumpet judgment; somehow giving light to His people.
Vs. 13 Angel or Eagle?
The KJV translates the Greek word aetos as “angel,” but the NIV, NASB, HCSB, and ASV all translate the word properly as “eagle.” A quick look at the word reveals that it cannot possibly be translated “angel.” (12) Interestingly, the KJV translates the same aetos as “eagle” in Revelation 4:7 and 12:14 while the others maintain consistency.
I don’t know why the KJV rejects an eagle crying out, but we need to leave room for the supernatural. I heard one pastor say, “If God can make owls say ‘who, who, who’ then surely God can make an eagle say ‘woe, woe, woe’!”
In any case, the eagle may represent sudden and swift judgment; just as an eagle is sudden and swift in hunting its prey.
The fact that we really need to focus on is that there is a pause between the first four trumpets and the last three. Notice what the messenger is saying.
“Woe, woe, woe. To the of the earth…”
Who are the “inhabitants of the earth” Trees Animals Mankind
These last three “woes” will be directed toward the human population of the earth. Remember, however, they will be for those who reject God and His Son.
The eagle is warning that what is to come is far much worse than anything we have seen, up to this point.
I’ll tell you a secret if you promise not to tell. The 7th and final trumpet won’t sound until chapter 12.
It will take the next 3 chapters to deal with trumpets 5 & 6.