Summary: Study of Revelation, using "the Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible" as a guide. Includes work sheet for participants. boxes & underlined blanks may be missing

Study in revelation 15

Will Anyone Be Saved During The Tribulation?

Rev. 7: 1-17

We have six of the seven seals broken that seal the book, that tells what will happen at the end of the world. So far what we have seen is just the previews of things to come. Right now we are looking at what is called

“The beginning of sorrows and woes”

For the first six seals we just jumped right in, opening one after the other. Now there seems to be a pause before opening the 7th seal. Why? Let’s see if we can figure this out.

V. 1 Winds of judgment are held back:

Where are the angels standing?  Beside the throne Down by the river On the four corners of the earth.

What are they doing? Cleaning the throne room Fishing holding back the winds [check one]

What wind are they holding back? –Cool breeze that blows in off the ocean –Warm southerly breeze of Spring –Winds of judgment that are about to blow across the whole earth.

Are the angels in charge of the wind or do you believe that God is in charge of the wind and the angels?

Vs. 2-3 The command is given:

God gives the command to hold back the tribulation until a wonderful thing can be done. What might that be?

I get to preach the last revival message

We have to take up an offering

The servants of the almighty God are to be sealed.

In ancient times a king’s ring was his seal. He would stamp important documents, showing that they were under his power and authority.

There will be others receiving a mark or seal during the tribulation time, who are these?

Those who follow the beast or the antichrist.

During the terrible time of tribulation those who are sealed by God will not be harmed by the judgments to come. There will, however, be some killed by the antichrist during this time. But the judgments that God will send will not affect them, because they bear His seal.

Can you think of a good example that shows us God’s protection of those who are sealed in Him?

What about the ten plagues of Egypt? Did any of God’s people feel the affects of God’s judgment on Egypt?

In the final Judgment they were told to sacrifice a lamb and to put the blood of that lamb where?

In the street so the Egyptians would slide down in their catfish bait so they could catch more fish on the door post of their home. Why? So the death angel would pass over the homes of those sealed by the blood of the lamb.

Vs. 4-8 Who are these 144,000?

I don’t understand the confusion over who they are, but look at what others say.

Jehovah’s Witnesses distinctly believe that only 144,000 people will be raised to heaven, and will thus spend eternity with God. They do not believe that this number necessarily comes from descendants of Jacob, but from early Christians, and those of Jehovah’s Witnesses who profess to be "anointed" (or "spiritual Israel").[4] Witnesses believe that the 144,000 have been selected by God from the time of Jesus’ apostles through to today. They believe that the 144,000 (those having a "heavenly hope") will reign with Christ in heaven, while all other people accepted by God will live forever on a paradise earth (an "earthly hope").

Traditional Christian teaching Corresponding Jehovah’s Witnesses teaching[5]

1) 12,000 and 144,000 are symbolic numbers representing all of God’s people; or 2) Literally 144,000 people (12,000 from each tribe) will be chosen from the tribes of Israel.

All Christians are born again and will thus spend eternity with God.

One cannot see God’s Kingdom or enter into it without being born again.

Approximately 9,105 of the 144,000 anointed ones are alive on Earth today, according to the latest figures posted on the official Jehovah’s Witnesses website [12]. However, they believe that Jesus is Shepherd and Savior over both those with the "heavenly hope" (the 144,000) and those with the "earthly hope" (to live on a paradise earth).[13]


The Christian Skoptzy sect in Russia believe that the Messiah would come when the Skoptsi numbered 144,000, and all their efforts were directed to reaching this total.

New Age movements

The number 144,000 is also significant in various New Age religious movements.

The Church Universal and Triumphant teaches that Sanat Kummara and the Lords of the Flame also brought 144,000 souls with them from Venus.

The new age religion called Raëlism also states that there are 144,000 chosen people to continue humanity in case of an upcoming disaster.[14]


1^ See "Numbers in the Book of Revelation" as an example of this view.

2^ "144,000 sealed in Apocalypse [Revelation] 7:4ff; 14:1 ff: This is [[12 (number)|]], the number of the tribes of Israel, multiplied by itself and then multiplied by [[1000 (number)|]], the number of a military unit in the ancient Israelite army. The number indicates the fullness of Israel; the Church in the New Testament is conceived as the fullness of Israel, and this is the heavenly Church in its final completion."--Dictionary of the Bible, John L. McKenzie, S.J., p. 621.

3^ "The earth-dwellers will stand in rebellion against God, but the 144,000 as slaves of God will faithfully proclaim the gospel." Robert L Thomas, "One Hundred Forty-Four Thousand: Who Are They?", Ankerberg Theological Research Institute

4^ What does the Bible Really Teach?, ch. 8, p. 79

5^ For the full table of doctrinal differences or comparisons, please see Controversies regarding Jehovah’s Witnesses#Doctrinal differences

6^ "Since natural Israel consisted of 12 tribes, it logically follows that spiritual Israel would be spoken of as having 12 tribes to show that it was a complete spiritual nation, with no part or tribe missing. There is no numerical imbalance within spiritual Israel, for the Bible book of Revelation symbolically reveals that an equal number--12,000--is sealed from every tribe. (Rev. 7:4-8) Commentary on the Letter of James, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (1979), pp. 12,13.

7^ The Watchtower © Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania | 9/1/04 p. 30 Questions From Readers | “Note, however, the contrast that John draws between verses 4 and 9 of Revelation chapter 7. He states that the first group, “those who were sealed,” has a definite number. However, the second group, “a great crowd,” is without a definite number. With that in mind, it is logical to take the number 144,000 to be literal. If the number 144,000 were symbolic and referred to a group that is actually numberless, the force of the contrast between those two verses would be lost. Thus, the context strongly indicates that the number 144,000 must be taken literally.”|

8^ “Reasoning From The Scriptures” –1985 © Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania | p. 224 - p. 225 Jews | “Among whom do the prophecies about restoration of Israel have fulfillment today?” “Gal. 6:15, 16: “Neither is circumcision anything nor is uncircumcision, but a new creation is something. And all those who will walk orderly by this rule of conduct, upon them be peace and mercy, even upon the Israel of God.” (So “the Israel of God” is no longer determined on the basis of conforming to the requirement laid upon Abraham for all the males of his household to be circumcised. Rather, as stated at Galatians 3:26-29, those who belong to Christ and who are spirit-begotten sons of God “are really Abraham’s seed.”)”

9^ What does the Bible Really Teach?, ch. 8, p. 79

10^ The Watchtower, 2/1/1986, p. 17, ¶ 17 (see also

11^ The Watchtower, 2/15/1986, p. 14 (see also

12^ "2007 Report of Jehovah’s Witnesses Worldwide". Retrieved on 2008-02-15.

13^ Worldwide Security Under the "Prince of Peace" 1986, p.11 paragraphs 18-20

14^ The message, Intelligent Design, page 298

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Now what does scripture teach us?

There will be 144,000 Jewish believers sealed, by God, in the end time. Which tribe stands out with more, who will be saved?

There will be 12,000 from each tribe.

If we look ahead to chapter 14 we will see that the 144,000 are a special body of believers.

In 14: 4-5 we see 3 things.

a. They have never been married. [virgins] They may have taken a vow. But also the days of the end time will not be filled with flirting and marriage; there just simply will not be time.

b. They are called the servants of God. They are completely given over to serving God. While there is ungodliness and evil all around, they will be witnessing and encouraging, they will be ministering to those who will be fleeing into the wilderness, looking for a hiding place.

c. They are redeemed from among men. They are called the firstfruits What does this mean?

They will be the first to farm during the tribulation They will be the first in line to pick the fresh fruits that will be growing in a war torn land they will be the first Jews to be saved during the tribulation.

This is what many believe to be part of the restoration of Israel.

Scripture: Rom. 11: 2 * 11: 15 * 23-24 * 25-26

Is that all that John sees?

Vs. 9-17 there is a numberless multitude of believers that show up. There are just too many to count.

Who are these people? Where do they come from?

v.9-10 tells us that they come from all nations. One of my professors @ Liberty University gave this definition of all. “All means all and that’s all all means.” It does not mean that ALL Americans and no Russians or even just some nations. It means what it says, there will be people from EVERY nation, EVERY tongue standing around the throne.

What does this tell us? That God NEVER shut the door of SALVATION to anyone who will turn their hearts and lives over to Him. That person that you may not feel deserves a chance at salvation may be the very one that God wants you to witness to. Romans 10: 13 says “For WHOSOEVER [who ever will] shall call upon the name of the Lord  could SHALL might be saved.”

John 3: 16 “For God so loved —America —people just like me —THE WORLD that He gave His ONLY begotten Son, [why?] that WHOSOEVER believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

Where are they standing? Before the throne and the Lamb. Near to God, face to face with Christ and the Father…

What are they wearing? White robes. What did they do to earn those robes? Sold more chicken bog tickets gave the most $$$ to the church Nothing, the robe is a symbol of righteousness that comes only through Jesus Christ.

You and I can not earn righteousness anymore than we can earn salvation. We can’t buy or perform our way into Heaven. Our presence there comes only through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and through the sacrifice He made, on the cross.

What are they holding? Palm branches. Palm branches are a symbol of celebration, triumph, victory, deliverance and joy.

They are celebrating their victory in Christ.

They celebrate their deliverance in Christ.

They celebrate their joy in Christ.

They shout praises to God for their salvation.

Vs. 11-12 This is a picture of those gathered around God’s throne.

The redeemed, around the throne have just sung a song of praise, to God for salvation. When they finish the rest of the heavenly beings Dance a new dance Jump and shout Fall on their face before God in worship.

They praise God for His blessing. They praise God for His glory. They praise God for His wisdom.

They offer thanksgiving to God. They praise God for His honor. They praise God for His power His might and His strength.

Scripture tells us that we should always be thanking and praising God.

Heb. 13:15 * 1Pet. 2: 9 * 1Cor. 6: 20 * Col. 1: 12 * Col. 3: 15 * 1Th. 5: 18 * Ps. 9: 11 * PS. 63: 7

Vs. 13-14 Tells us the identity of this numberless multitude. Up to this point the multitude has not been identified. All John knows is that they are too many to count. Notice two things:

1.They are believers. “Well that’s obvious, since they are in heaven!!!”

But notice where they are from. California Russia Came out of the “Great Tribulation”

2. They are those who have washed their robes.

How did they wash them? Tide with color guard Pure bleach The precious blood of The Lamb

Vs. 15-17 We see the function and the blessings of the multitude.

Their function will be to

 Keep the temple clean  Water the lawn so it will stay green To serve and honor God

We see the blessings of the numberless multitude.

1. They will have the presence of God with them. “But I thought God was with us right now?” This scene gives us the understanding that there will be unbroken communion with God. Think about the times that you have broken that communion. For some it may have been a lot, for others not so much. But then it will be absolutely unbroken.

2.Their physical needs will be met. During the tribulation there will be hunger, thirst, and shelter issues as well as other physical needs…

3. They will be protected. Not only will they be protected from the enemy but from the elements as well.

4. They will have their spiritual needs met. The Greek word for feed is Shepherd. This feeding is different from what we see in verse 16 where it talks about hunger and thirst. We have here the idea that the Lamb of God is feeding the souls of those in His presence.

5. They will be led to the fountain of life. We can understand from this that there will be perfect guidance and we won’t make anymore wrong turns.

6.Their sorrow will be wiped away. No more suffering * pain * poverty * hunger etc…

Study in revelation 15 [work sheet]

Will Anyone Be Saved During The Tribulation?

Rev. 7: 1-17

For the first six seals we just jumped right in, opening one after the other. Now there seems to be a pause before opening the 7th seal. Why? Let’s see if we can figure this out.

V. 1 Winds of judgment are held back:

Where are the angels standing?  Beside the throne Down by the river On the four corners of the earth.

What are they doing? Cleaning the throne room Fishing holding back the winds

What wind are they holding back? –Cool breeze that blows in off the ocean –Warm southerly breeze of Spring –Winds of judgment that are about to blow across the whole earth.

Are the angels in charge of the wind or do you believe that God is in charge of the wind and the angels?

Vs. 2-3 The command is given:

God gives the command to hold back the tribulation until a wonderful thing can be done. What might that be?

I get to preach the last revival message

We have to take up an offering

The servants of the almighty God are to be sealed.

In ancient times a king’s ring was his seal. He would stamp important documents, showing that they were under his power and authority.

There will be others receiving a mark or seal during the tribulation time, who are these?

Those who follow the or the anti .

During the terrible time of tribulation those who are sealed by God will not be harmed by the judgments to come. There will, however, be some killed by the antichrist during this time. But the judgments that God will send will not affect them, because they bear His seal.

Can you think of a good example that shows us God’s protection of those who are sealed in Him?

What about the ten plagues of Egypt? Did any of God’s people feel the affects of God’s judgment on Egypt?

In the final Judgment they were told to sacrifice a lamb and to put the blood of that lamb where?

In the street so the Egyptians would slide down in their catfish bait so they could catch more fish on the door post of their home. Why? So the would o the homes of those sealed by the blood of the lamb.

Vs. 4-8 Who are these 144,000?

I don’t understand the confusion over who they are, but look at what others say.

Jehovah’s Witnesses distinctly believe that only 144,000 people will be raised to heaven, and will thus spend eternity with God. They do not believe that this number necessarily comes from descendants of Jacob, but from early Christians, and those of Jehovah’s Witnesses who profess to be "anointed" (or "spiritual Israel").[4] Witnesses believe that the 144,000 have been selected by God from the time of Jesus’ apostles through to today. They believe that the 144,000 (those having a "heavenly hope") will reign with Christ in heaven, while all other people accepted by God will live forever on a paradise earth (an "earthly hope").

Traditional Christian teaching

1) 12,000 and 144,000 are symbolic numbers representing all of God’s people; or 2) Literally 144,000 people (12,000 from each tribe) will be chosen from the tribes of Israel.

All Christians are born again and will thus spend eternity with God.

One cannot see God’s Kingdom or enter into it without being born again.

Approximately 9,105 of the 144,000 anointed ones are alive on Earth today, according to the latest figures posted on the official Jehovah’s Witnesses website [12]. However, they believe that Jesus is Shepherd and Savior over both those with the "heavenly hope" (the 144,000) and those with the "earthly hope" (to live on a paradise earth).[13]


The Christian Skoptzy sect in Russia believe that the Messiah would come when the Skoptsi numbered 144,000, and all their efforts were directed to reaching this total.

New Age movements

The number 144,000 is also significant in various New Age religious movements.

The Church Universal and Triumphant teaches that Sanat Kummara and the Lords of the Flame also brought 144,000 souls with them from Venus.

The new age religion called Raëlism also states that there are 144,000 chosen people to continue humanity in case of an upcoming disaster.[14]


1^ See "Numbers in the Book of Revelation" as an example of this view.

2^ "144,000 sealed in Apocalypse [Revelation] 7:4ff; 14:1 ff: This is [[12 (number)|]], the number of the tribes of Israel, multiplied by itself and then multiplied by [[1000 (number)|]], the number of a military unit in the ancient Israelite army. The number indicates the fullness of Israel; the Church in the New Testament is conceived as the fullness of Israel, and this is the heavenly Church in its final completion."--Dictionary of the Bible, John L. McKenzie, S.J., p. 621.

3^ "The earth-dwellers will stand in rebellion against God, but the 144,000 as slaves of God will faithfully proclaim the gospel." Robert L Thomas, "One Hundred Forty-Four Thousand: Who Are They?", Ankerberg Theological Research Institute

4^ What does the Bible Really Teach?, ch. 8, p. 79

5^ For the full table of doctrinal differences or comparisons, please see Controversies regarding Jehovah’s Witnesses#Doctrinal differences

6^ "Since natural Israel consisted of 12 tribes, it logically follows that spiritual Israel would be spoken of as having 12 tribes to show that it was a complete spiritual nation, with no part or tribe missing. There is no numerical imbalance within spiritual Israel, for the Bible book of Revelation symbolically reveals that an equal number--12,000--is sealed from every tribe. (Rev. 7:4-8) Commentary on the Letter of James, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (1979), pp. 12,13.

7^ The Watchtower © Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania | 9/1/04 p. 30 Questions From Readers | “Note, however, the contrast that John draws between verses 4 and 9 of Revelation chapter 7. He states that the first group, “those who were sealed,” has a definite number. However, the second group, “a great crowd,” is without a definite number. With that in mind, it is logical to take the number 144,000 to be literal. If the number 144,000 were symbolic and referred to a group that is actually numberless, the force of the contrast between those two verses would be lost. Thus, the context strongly indicates that the number 144,000 must be taken literally.”|

8^ “Reasoning From The Scriptures” –1985 © Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania | p. 224 - p. 225 Jews | “Among whom do the prophecies about restoration of Israel have fulfillment today?” “Gal. 6:15, 16: “Neither is circumcision anything nor is uncircumcision, but a new creation is something. And all those who will walk orderly by this rule of conduct, upon them be peace and mercy, even upon the Israel of God.” (So “the Israel of God” is no longer determined on the basis of conforming to the requirement laid upon Abraham for all the males of his household to be circumcised. Rather, as stated at Galatians 3:26-29, those who belong to Christ and who are spirit-begotten sons of God “are really Abraham’s seed.”)”

9^ What does the Bible Really Teach?, ch. 8, p. 79

10^ The Watchtower, 2/1/1986, p. 17, ¶ 17 (see also

11^ The Watchtower, 2/15/1986, p. 14 (see also

12^ "2007 Report of Jehovah’s Witnesses Worldwide". Retrieved on 2008-02-15.

13^ Worldwide Security Under the "Prince of Peace" 1986, p.11 paragraphs 18-20

14^ The message, Intelligent Design, page 298

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Now what does scripture teach us?

There will be Jewish believers sealed, by God, in the end time. Which tribe stands out with more, who will be saved?

There will be from each tribe.

If we look ahead to chapter 14 we will see that the 144,000 are a special body of believers.

In 14: 4-5 we see 3 things.

a. They have never been married. [virgins] They may have taken a vow. But also the days of the end time will not be filled with flirting and marriage; there just simply will not be time.

b. They are called the of God. They are completely given over to serving God. While there is ungodliness and evil all around, they will be and , they will be ministering to those who will be fleeing into the wilderness, looking for a hiding place.

c. They are redeemed from among . They are called the What does this mean?

They will be the first to farm during the tribulation They will be the first in line to pick the fresh fruits that will be growing in a war torn land they will be the first Jews to be saved during the tribulation.

This is what many believe to be part of the restoration of Israel.

Scripture: Rom. 11: 2 * 11: 15 * 23-24 * 25-26

Is that all that John sees?

Vs. 9-17 there is a multitude of believers that show up. There are just too many to count.

Who are these people? Where do they come from?

v.9-10 tells us that they come from nations. One of my professors @ Liberty University gave this definition of all. “All means all and that’s all all means.” It does not mean that ALL Americans and no Russians or even just some nations. It means what it says; there will be people from nation, tongue standing around the throne.

What does this tell us? That God shut the door of to anyone who will turn their hearts and lives over to Him. That person that you may not feel deserves a chance at salvation may be the very one that God wants you to witness to. Romans 10: 13 says “For WHOSOEVER [who ever will] shall call upon the name of the Lord  could SHALL might be saved.”

John 3: 16 “For God so loved —America —people just like me —THE WORLD that He gave His begotten Son, [why?] that WHOSOEVER believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

Where are they standing? the throne and the . Near to God, face to face with Christ and the Father…

What are they wearing? robes. What did they do to earn those robes?

Sold more chicken bog tickets gave the most $$$ to the church Nothing, the robe is a symbol of righteousness that comes only through Jesus Christ.

You and I can not earn righteousness anymore than we can earn salvation. We can’t buy or perform our way into Heaven. Our presence there comes only through a personal relationship with J C and through the sacrifice He made, on the cross.

What are they holding? branches. Palm branches are a symbol of , , _ , and joy.

They are celebrating their in Christ.

They celebrate their in Christ.

They celebrate their in Christ.

They shout to God for their salvation.

Vs. 11-12 This is a picture of those gathered around God’s throne.

The redeemed, around the throne have just sung a song of praise, to God for salvation. When they finish the rest of the heavenly beings Dance a new dance Jump and shout Fall on their face before God in worship.

They praise God for His . They praise God for His . They praise God for His .

They offer to God. They praise God for His . They praise God for

His His and His .

Scripture tells us that we should always be thanking and praising God.

Heb. 13:15 * 1Pet. 2: 9 * 1Cor. 6: 20 * Col. 1: 12 * Col. 3: 15 * 1Th. 5: 18 * Ps. 9: 11 * PS. 63: 7

Vs. 13-14 Tells us the identity of this numberless multitude. Up to this point the multitude has not been identified. All John knows is that they are too many to count. Notice two things:

1.They are . “Well that’s obvious, since they are in heaven!!!”

But notice where they are from. California Russia Came out of the “Great Tribulation”

2. They are those who have their robes.

How did they wash them? Tide with color guard Pure bleach The precious blood of The lamb

Vs. 15-17 We see the function and the blessings of the multitude.

Their function will be to

 Keep the temple clean  Water the lawn so it will stay green To serve and honor God

We see the blessings of the numberless multitude.

1. They will have the of God with them. “But I thought God was with us right now?” This scene gives us the understanding that there will be communion with God. Think about the times that you have broken that communion. For some it may have been a lot, for others not so much. But then it will be absolutely unbroken.

2.Their needs will be met. During the tribulation there will be hunger, thirst, and shelter issues as well as other physical needs…

3. They will be . Not only will they be protected from the enemy but from the elements as well.

4. They will have their needs met. The Greek word for feed is . This feeding is different from what we see in verse 16 where it talks about hunger and thirst. We have here the idea that the Lamb of God is feeding the souls of those in His presence.

5. They will be led to the of . We can understand from this that there will be perfect guidance and we won’t make anymore wrong turns.

6.Their will be wiped away. No more suffering * pain * poverty * hunger etc…