Outline for CBF AM May 3, 2009 Romans 1:8-15
Intro. Review & learning of the the gospel ought to be like eating.
- The gospel is for everyone!
I. Those, already in the family of God need to hear it, know it and review it, for their own good! 8-11
-Besides salvation (16-17) what benefits are their for speaking and hearing "these words?"
A."established", 11 - sthrizw "to strengthen, to be made firm, or stable."
1.One is strengthened by understanding the "nuts & bults" of life and relationship both with God and others.
2.One is strengthened by grace imparted through contact with the gospel.
B."encouraged ", v. 12- sumparakalew "to be comforted, to be cheered on"
- Without this constant input one will become unstable, insecure and discouraged! It’s so easy to forget!
II. We all need to share it for our own good! 12-15 "encouraged together"
A. There is something about "speaking those words!"
Illustration of those who kind of "levitate" in their seats when a preacher talks
about these basic truths.
Almost any true child of God will actually feel that lift!
B. Both studying & sharing the gospel can become an "addiction." (11, 13)
C. We have a debt to pay, 14-15