Summary: As we begin the New Year I want to provide some spiritual resolutions I believe we need to make and keep in 2009.

Resolutions for 2009--Part I

Proverbs 3:1-10

Introduction: Today is the first Sunday of 2009. I don’t know about you, but it seems that time just keeps moving faster and faster. As we celebrated this past week at my parent’s house, it was hard to believe that Blake Jr. has already been in the Marines for two years, that Lindsay has already finished a semester of college, and then the biggest perspective of all--Brittany and Brandon announced their engagement. My baby is getting married this summer! Where did the time go? When did they grow up?

In addition to all this, Lenea reconnected with her sister who she hasn’t seen or heard from in years, and a friend of mine from High School who I hadn’t talked to in 28 years found me on the computer. All this got me thinking about the past, and as I was working on my sermon this week I was reminded of the community production of the musical Fiddler on the Roof which my friend from High School and I were in back in 1977. It specifically reminded me of one of the songs from the play:

Sunrise, Sunset















"One season following another, laden with happiness and tears." That is the reality of life. Time continues to march on, and we are challenged to answer the questions that it brings, and those challenges will be laden with both "happiness" and "tears." So how will we answer those questions and challenges? I guess we could be like a lot of people and make New Year’s Resolutions though after listening to these "Word on the Street" interviews we might wonder if they really do any good.

Show Video Clip: Did you make any New Year’s Resolutions?

I hope that IF we made any resolutions we do a better job than these folks. But the reality is we are probably not much different. We are only 4 days into 2009 and I’m guessing we have already struggling. Even so, I would like to offer you FIVE resolutions that I think each of us should make for 2009. They are found in Proverbs 3:1-10. We will look at a couple of them today and then finish up with the rest next week.

Each of these resolutions is paired with a reward. If you do this--then God will do that. I don’t think we should have to receive a reward in order to do the things God wants us to do, but I am thankful that God blesses us when we are obedient to Him. So let’s see consider what we might resolve to do in 2009.

Resolution # 1

I will get in the Word and stay in the Word (1-2)

The Bible is annually the best-selling book. I wish that being the most sold book translated into being the most read book! Unfortunately, I know that is not true. Let’s see what Proverbs tells us about getting into and staying in the Word...


1 My son, don’t forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commands;

We all need to make a renewed effort to be good students of God’s Word. We need to be reading it daily. We need to be studying it with others. Which means if you aren’t coming to Sunday School you should start next week. If you can’t be here at 9:30 then come back at 4:00.

You can’t BE who Jesus wants you to BE if you don’t KNOW what Jesus wants you to BE. So how do you KNOW? Where do you find the instructions for living a life that pleases the Lord? IN THE BIBLE! But it’s not enough just to read the Word, we need to be studying the Word, and I believe we need to be doing that together.

The author of Proverbs also says that "iron sharpens iron" (Pr. 27:17) which means that we need one another if we truly want to sharpen our spiritual lives. I don’t mean to diminish the value of personal Bible Study, but I believe it is both arrogant and foolish to believe that you can study the Bible alone without any interaction with others and get all that the Lord wants to reveal to you.

You being in Bible Study and sharing what God has shown you might be exactly what someone else needs to grow in their spiritual lives. I can’t tell you how many times I have learned important lessons about life and God’s Word while teaching others.

If you aren’t involved in Bible Study you aren’t just depriving yourself, you are short-changing others as well. I believe that God is going to reward those who make a renewed commitment to getting into and staying in His Word. Look at verse 2...


...for they will bring you many days, a full life, and well-being.

So what does that mean? Can I promise you that if you start coming to Sunday School, Wednesday Bible Study, and get involved in a Home Bible Study you WILL LIVE LONGER? Well, no I can’t, be I can promise you this: Getting into the Word with other will ADD to your life.

There are things about life that you will never learn until you are willing to make a commitment to faithfully studying God’s Word. Why not make that resolution today.

Resolution # 2

I will get serious about commitment to God & others (3-4)

If there was one thing that I think is most missing in our culture today it would be commitment. People aren’t committed to God, to others like they should be. Here’s a simple illustration that I have seen develop over the years:

I’ve always been a sports fan, and years ago players in professional sports would stay with a team their whole careers. We now live in an age of "free agency" where players peddle their athleticism to the highest bidder. Fans are just as bad. It used to be that a person was a fan of one team and stuck with that team no matter what. Now a days people jump on and off the bandwagon based on who’s winning.

What has happened in sports is a picture of what has happened in society as a whole. We have way to much "free agency" in relationships, in jobs, in churches, and most unfortunately in people commitment to Jesus Christ. So what does Proverbs say to us about commitment? Look at verse 3...


3 Never let loyalty and faithfulness leave you. Tie them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart.

If scripture says that we should "never" do something I would take that to be pretty important. What is it that we are to "never" do? Let "loyalty and faithfulness" leave us. Wouldn’t you say that those two words are synonymous with what commitment should be?

The word that the HCSB translates as loyal is one of the most important words in all of the Old Testament. It is the Hebrew word chesed and it often translated as lovingkindess, mercy, or loyal love. It is a reflection of the character of God, that He will always be there for us--that we can count on Him--that His love never ends.

So how would you grade yourself on being loyal and faithful? To God, and to others? Is commitment a word that has been written on your heart? I hear people talk a lot about commitment, but I’m afraid I don’t see a lot of committed people. People often talk about wanting more, and wanting to do more, but never experiencing either. Why?

Jesus gives a simple straightforward explanation:

Luke 16:10

Whoever is faithful in very little is also faithful in much, and whoever is unrighteous in very little is also unrighteous in much.

Are you faithful in little? Are you being committed to what you already have? Would you identify yourself as someone who is loyal to the Lord and to others? What kind of legacy are you building, will you build in the coming year?

Once Babe Ruth was asked about his legacy, his influence on others:

"Most of the people who have really counted in my life were not famous. Few ever heard of them, except those who knew and loved them. "I knew an old minister once whose hair was white and whose face shone.

I have written my name on thousands and thousands of baseballs in my life; he wrote his name on just a few simple hearts. How I envy him! He was not trying to please himself and win the plaudits of the world. So fame never came to him.

"I am listed as a famous homerun hitter. Yet, beside that humble, obscure minister, who was so good and wise, I never got to first base!"

I would like to propose to you that each of us are in the baseball diamond of life, standing at the plate, and the pitch is on the way. Are we going to get a hit? I’m not asking for homeruns, I’m simply challenging us all to be willing to get to first base by renewing our commitments to God and to others.

On the Sunday before Veteran’s Day we had a special service honoring all those who have served and continue to serve in our military. We put up all the seals for the Branches of the service as their flags came in. Other than Jorge, who can tell me whose seal this is...(Marine Corps)?

Does anybody know their motto? It’s a Latin phrase (semper fidelis). Fidelis is Latin for "faithful" and the word simper means--"when convenient...when I feel like it...when I don’t have anything else to do...when it suits me...when I get something out of it...NO! It means "ALWAYS." Not sometimes, not most times, not almost all the time, it means ALWAYS!

So would that motto fit your life? Are you "always" committed to Christ? What about to His Church? To your family? To your job? We simply don’t have time to examine all the areas in life where we could apply a little more commitment, but I’m sure there are several that come to your mind right now.

I came across a great way to look at commitment. Imagine the year ahead of you as a blank piece of paper. Sign the bottom of the page and let God fill in the rest!

So what commitments do you need to get serious about in 2009? Is there a reward for getting serious about our commitments to God and to others? You bet there is, look at what it says in verse 4...


4 Then you will find favor and high regard in the sight of God and man.

Committed people--people who are both loyal and faithful to God and to their fellow man are blessed because they are a blessing. The reward is in knowing that you are making a positive difference in the life of others. We can see that example in the life of Jesus as He grew up. Speaking of when he was only 12 years old Luke said:

Luke 2:52

52And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and with people.

What was true for Jesus can be true for us as individuals, and as a Church. Listen to how Luke characterized the influence of the Early Church:

Acts 2:46-47

46And every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple complex, and broke bread from house to house. They ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, 47praising God and having favor with all the people. And every day the Lord added to them those who were being saved.

Are you going to find favor with God and with others in 2009? Is FBC going to find favor with God and with our community? If so, then we are going to have to renew our commitments to Him and to others. Is it possible that God will add to our lives in to our Church if we commit ourselves to Him? I believe He can and will.

Invitation: What are you going to resolve to do today? What commitment do you need to make to the Lord, or to others? Is it to Get into Word and stay in the Word? Is it to Get Serious about your Commitments? Whatever it is, I challenge you to use this time to begin your New Year right.

You may need to come to and kneel down before the Lord.

You may need someone to pray with you.

You may need to go to someone and make offer forgiveness. Or, you may have to go and ask for it.

What are you resolved to do today?