Why Apostasy?
20.09.09 am
2 Thessalonians 2 Key verse 15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions, which you were taught, whether by word or our epistle.
Today we will look at apostasy and how it will increase in the last days
First of all, what is apostasy? Falling away, withdrawal from truth
Whether we admit it or not, apostasy has happened, it is still happening, and it will get worse as the age comes to a close
1 Tim 4:1-2 Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron
This departing means defection or falling away
It is evident from scripture that apostates were around during the time of the early church; in fact there are instances where we see them in the OT too
Where we see rebellion against God’s truth, then apostasy is present
Dan 6 being a good example: the people were told not to worship anything or anyone but King Darius; a degree was signed
V10 Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went home. And in his upper room, with his windows open toward Jerusalem, he knelt down on his knees three times that day, and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as was his custom since early days.
Rev 2:15 Thus you also have those who hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate. (the church of Ephesus)
Rev 2:2 ……you have tested those who say they are apostles and are not, and have found them liars
The Nicolaitans were reputed from early times to have been the followers of Nicolaos of Antioch, one of the seven (see Acts 6:5). We gather that they held the same error as the Balaamites, teaching to eat things sacrificed to idols and to commit fornication. These were the chief matters condemned by the decree of the apostolic council (see Acts 15:29). They pretended to have a zeal for Christ, but really they opposed him.
Many Ministers, Pastors, Churches and Christians are forsaking the truth for a lie
Many don’t even know they are apostates
Matt 24:3-5 Now as He (Jesus) sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, "Tell us, when will these things be? And what [will be] the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?"
And Jesus answered and said to them: "Take heed that no one deceives you
For many will come in My name, saying, ’I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.
Jesus knew it was going to happen, so he warned us
Did he say a few would come? A few will be deceived? No, many!
And the apostles carried on giving the warning to the Church
Satan will come to deceive, just has he did in the past, and even more so as the day of Christ’s return draws near
So how do we know if we have fallen away, or if we are still in the truth?
We have to test everything we believe, and every preacher/teacher, including me, by the word of God, but not just find a scripture to back up our belief, but at least three, and in the context they were written
Spurgeon quote
‘We are one in Christ; let us be friends with one another; but let us never be friends with one another’s error. If I be wrong, rebuke me sternly; I can bear it, and bear it cheerfully and if ye be wrong, expect the like measure from me, and neither peace nor parley with your mistakes. Let us all be true to one another, and true to Christ; and as soon as we perceive an error, though it be but as the shadow of one, let us root it out and drive it from us, lest it plague the whole body, and put leprosy into the entire fabric of the church.’
‘You will hear many men admire the preacher who deals in generalities, but when he comes to press home searching questions, by-and-by they are offended.’
Some are too busy criticizing the minister, his or her style of preaching and their doctrine and do not realize their own soul may be perishing
Many of today’s believers are idle when it comes to the reading and studying of God’s word
We want to be spoon-fed, and we take in every new ‘revelation’ that comes along without checking it out
Illustration: Dr Livingstone’s guides were either ignorant or determined to deceive him as he traveled with the gospel; he was quoted as saying he would have been better off without them; his compass was the only thing that kept him from going astray.
Our Bible is our compass today, how are you using it?
2 Tim 2:15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth
Spurgeon quote
‘…if ……we have been warned, if our ministers have been faithful, if they have aroused our conscience, and have constantly and earnestly called our attention to the fact of the wrath to come, if we have not attended to their message, if we have despised the voice of God, if we have turned a deaf ear to their earnest exhortation, if we perish, we shall die warned—die under the sound of the Gospel, and our damnation must be an unpitied one, for our blood must fall upon out own heads.’
We wander why the Church now accepts doctrines that once were not open for debate; things like homosexuality, religious tolerance and fornication etc
Many of the Churches today do not make a stand for truth, but compromise with the world so as to either:
· Be excepted
· Not to offend
· To be politically correct
Right now the Roman Catholic Church is working on a universal church cacatism to connect all churches and faiths (unknown source)
They want spiritual and political unity and have already prepared a replacement pope from Paris called Jeanmari Lusthinger (or similar surname) of Jewish background who will bring all faiths including Islam under one universal order when this pope finishes
There is a global conditioning taking place, and the church sleeps while the Devil works
This is not a James Bond film or some futuristic fantasy, but we need to wake up and see what’s happening!
During the Reformation, men and women laid their lives on the line, some perishing for the sake of the truth
They realized that a man or women may be religious, yet may not be godly
The known established churches have suffered splits over the centuries, and many have left to form the Christian establishments we have today:
· Methodist
· Evangelical
· Pentecostal
· Baptist
· United Reformed etc
But even now, the truth our forefathers fought for is being swallowed up in doctrines of demons
(PowerPoint on false teachers today)
You may believe or have believed some of these people, maybe given towards their ministry
Illustration: I myself was taken in by the ‘Jesus went to hell’ doctrine, until I studied theology for myself on the doctrine of Christology
I learned how to do an exegesis, which developed and sharpened my spiritual man
I want us all to become people who know how to handle the word of God skillfully
The apostle Paul himself was skilled in OT scripture even though it wasn’t with the Holy Spirit
Phil 3:5-6 tells us how Paul defended his doctrine even killing those who opposed it
Imagine how he felt, condemning the Church, to find out he was totally wrong and those he opposed were of the truth
Jesus is the truth, if we have him, not just know about him, then He the Spirit will guide us into all truth John 16:30
So how can we recognise these people? What clues do we have?
Read Jude
Those who fall away Jude describes like this:
1. V 12 ..clouds without water, carried about by the winds;
They look the real deal, they are fluffy and white, but they will never replenish or give the life-giving water we need for a parched land; they’re empty words, carried along by every wind and doctrine; following the next new fad or ‘revelation’ that comes along, the latest trend or technique.
Paul warns us that people like this are doubled minded. Not knowing what is true, not following the path with assurance
David said in Ps 119:113 I hate the double-minded, But I love Your law
This the longest Psalm, which is all about the word of God
2. Late autumn trees without fruit, twice dead, pulled up by the roots;
They claim to have fruit and are proud at how many people follow them, but many people follow anything that makes them feel special and gives in to their sensual nature
Twice dead is a sad statement of truth, they think they’re safe, but they are dead spiritually and will be physically, dead to truth
They have no root; nothing to secure them, no anchor, they will be easily pulled up when confronted with Jesus at the judgment day, how sad
3. V 13 raging waves of the sea, foaming up their own shame;
They make a lot of noise, claiming to be ‘anointed’ and foaming and great swelling words; but one day they will be still as they stand before the King of all truth to their own shame
4. Wandering stars for who is reserved the blackness of darkness forever
Stars were used for direction. Wandering means not reliable, don’t follow their direction; they are lost, so you by following, will also be lost
It is hard to tell the difference between the saved and the unsaved, but the Lord has given us clues
When we see people today claiming to be doing God’s work, we have to ask ourselves these questions:
· Are signs and wonders a sign it is really God?
· Is Jesus’ name more important than the man or woman?
· Is the word of God given priority, or is a man’s testimony or story put higher than the word?
· Who gains from their ministry?
· Where does the money go?
· What kind of lifestyle do they live?
We may think we are safe, but we must make doubly sure, how?
1. Keep God’s word hidden in your heart
2. Keep close to God and resist the devil
3. Test everything
4. Hold traditions like the creeds, the epistles; don’t follow everything that glitters, not everything is gold
5. Make sure dreams or visions fit in with the word; if in doubt, seek advice from mature people who have fruit evident in the things of God
6. Remember, he is able to keep you from falling and present you as spotless before the father on that day
Next week I will continue with this study