Summary: The 3rd commandment is one that requires us all to take a look at just how we use your tongue in daily living. And ask yourselves the questions, how are we using our tongue?

God’s Last Name is not D***

Exodus 20:7


In the Taurus Mountains of southern Turkey, lives a certain variety of crane. These birds tend to make a lot of noise, especially while flying. And, all that noise gets the attention of eagles, which swoop down and seize them for a meal. The experienced cranes avoid this threat by picking up stones large enough to fill their mouths. This prevents them from making noise and from becoming lunch for the eagles. People have a problem with their mouths too. It seemed to me that this was an appropriate illustration to begin today’s sermon on the third commandment.

You see, on the front of every face in this room is a large opening called a mouth. In each mouth is a little organ called the tongue. The tongue, though relatively small when compared to the whole body, is one of the most powerful forces in the universe. It must be! After all, man can split atoms, walk on the moon, construct enough weapons to destroy his world thousands of times over, yet he cannot seem to control his little tongue, according to James in James 3:8. I don’t know how you feel about it, but for me, few things are as disgusting as repulsive as a mouth spewing forth profanity and verbal ignorance.

A man names Alex Dunlap has written and published a tract entitles Ten Reasons Why I Swear. The purpose of the tract was to show how foolish swearing was. Here are the reasons he gives:

1. It pleases my mother so much

2. It is a fine mark of manliness

3. It proves I have self-control

4. It indicates how clearly my mind operates

5. It makes my conversation so pleasing to everyone

6. It leaves no doubt in anyone’s mind as to my good breeding.

7. It impresses people that I have more than an ordinary education.

8. It is an unmistakable sign of culture and refinement

9. It makes me a very desirable personality among women and children of culture and


10. It is my way of honoring God, who said, “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord

in vain.”

Today we have come to the third commandment. It deals with something far more serious than just a filthy mouth. This commandment discusses the misuse, or profane use of God’s Holy Name. God’s name is a Holy name! It isn’t to be used unless it is used in connection with His praise or His proclamation. Sadly, to many it seems, God’s name is no more than a curse word. A by-word they can throw around at will.

Little Mary, attending Sunday School for the first time one Christmas season, eagerly listened as her teacher told of the birth of God’s Son. She thrilled to the story of the angels, wise men, the star, and the gifts. Then the teacher added, “Any they shall call His name Jesus.” She looked over at the person beside her and asked, “Why did they have to name such a sweet baby a sear word?” It was the first time that she had ever heard His name used outside of a curse! You know, kids just repeat what they hear! The girl’s mother was furious. ‘Young lady where did you learn to talk that way?’

“The girl hesitated, looked toward her father, and asked, ‘Well, Dad, should I tell her?’” We are literally surrounded by profanity. These statistics on television ought to cause us some alarm. Did you know: In one year’s time prime-time television airs 8,333 acts of violence, 14,313 incidents of sex, and 23,566 uses of profanity.

According to a Southern Illinois University study, Researchers monitored two weeks of prime time programming on NBC, ABC, CBS, and FOX, and found that words that were once banned are now heard about once every five minutes on prime time television.

This morning, I want us to look into the third commandment and learn more about this matter of taking the Lord’s name in vain.

Exodus 20:7 reads, “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not leave him unpunished who takes His name in vain.”

I. God’s Name is a Sacred Name

God’s name is often misused and misspoken because it is misunderstood and not appreciated as it should be. Right now, I want to help us fully understand and appreciate this sacred name.

A. The Announcement of God’s Holy Name

• Names in the Bible usually revealed something about the person, his ancestry or his background. This is especially true in regard to the Name of God.

• In truth, God has chosen to reveal Himself to man through His Names.

• There are over 300 given in the Bible.

• Two are used here and it is these two that we will look at today.

1. Lord

• When you see this word in the bible, it is the English rendering of the Hebrew word “Jehovah.”

• It describes God as the self-existent, eternal One.

• It is the name, “I AM.”

• This is the name God used when He revealed Himself to Moses.

• This name is used to declare God’s nature, that is unchanging and eternal.

• In the Bible, Jehovah is coupled with other words to form compound names for god which reveal more about His nature and His attributes.

• Some are:

1. Jehovah Jireh – the LORD will provide

2. Jehovah Nissi – the LORD is my banner

3. Jehovah Shalom – the LORD is peace

4. Jehovah Shammah – the LORD is there

5. Jehovah Tsebaoth – the LORD of hosts

6. Jehovah Rohi – the LORD is my shepherd.

2. God

• Elohim – refers to literally, “The Strong and Faithful One!”

• This is the common word for God in the bible.

• It is used over 2,000 times in the Old Testament.

• In fact, when God stepped out of eternity to reveal Himself to man, this is the Name He chose.

• A name depicting Himself as the strong and faithful one.

• The God who can be depended on!

B. The Adoration of God’s Name

• God’s name is to be held in extreme reverence and adoration.

• The Jews held God’s name as reverend.

• The scribes when they came to the Name of God in the writing, stop writing, thoroughly wash themselves, change pens, and then write the Name of God.

• Afterwards, they would throw the pen away so that it could never be used to write another word.

• Many orthodox Jews today will not even say the name Jehovah or Yahweh.

• Instead, they say the word for Lord, Adonai.

• I am afraid that we have lost much of that holy respect for God’s glorious name.

• When we use God’s name, it is to be in a manner consistent with His character.

• We are to hold His Name in reverence, awe, respect and worship.

II. God’s Name is a Violated Name

This verse tells us that it is wrong to use God’s name in vain. When we treat the Name of God as another by-word, it is nothing short of blasphemy! Sadly, we hear His Name degraded far more often than we hear it being exalted! There are two primary ways in which we violate the Blessed Name of God.

A. When We Use It as a Curse

• How many time have we heard or said, “Oh God!” “Oh my God!” “Jesus!” “Oh Jesus!” “Oh Christ!” “Jesus Christ!” or any of a thousand others just like those?

• Even Christians are guilty of saying things like that.

• We’ve all done it, but it is degrading to the Lord’s Name to throw it around so casually.

• Often, we are guilty of using slang expressions that we feel to be harmless, but which are actually, derivatives from some form of God’s Name.

• The point is no matter how you say it or how you slice it up, when we use the Lord’s Name in a vain way, we are guilty of violating the Holiest of all Names!

• I haven’t even dealt with the little slang words we use when angry!

• You know what you say!

• Dr. L. Nelson Bell warns that a person who freely used “hell,” “damn,” and “devil” in their conversation may well be reminding themselves of their destination, their condition, and their master.

B. When We Use it Casually

• What I mean by that is this, Sunday after Sunday, Christians utter the Name of God in songs and in prayers and in testimonies, but often there is no sincerity and no genuine reverence for that Name.

• In other words, it just isn’t from the heart.

• It makes us sound spiritual, so we use it.

• But, when we invoke the wonderful Name of God, we are to do so with meaning and significance.

• Whenever that Name is used, it must be used reverently, respectfully, and from a heart of adoration and worship.

• Otherwise, it is being used improperly and in vain.

• Beware, of the casual usage of God’s Holy name.

C. When We Use it as Camouflage

• The most subtle way Christians take the Lord’s Name in vain is through hypocrisy.

• When we vow to God to do one thing in and in turn do another, then we are guilty before Him.

• If His name reveals His character, and we are going in His Name, then our hypocrisy sends a false image of God and therefore violates His Name.

• Greg Laurie said, “The hypocrisy of the church is far worse than the profanity of the street.”

• Don’t be guilty of hiding behind the Name of God as a camouflage for evil!

III. God’s Name Will Be Vindicated

A. There Will be Punishment for the Violator

• God will deal with those who willfully violate the sacredness of His name.

• Imagine having to stand before God and defend your profane use of His Name.

• The person who uses God’s Name in vain can never be fully right with God and in position for His blessing until that sin is repented of.

B. A Path for the Christian

• After the Welsh revival of 1904, foul mouthed miners who had been saved returned to the mines are were faced with the task of retraining their mules. It seems that the mules were unable to understand the commands of the miners when there was no profanity used.

• One day a farmer arrived home much later than his wife expected him, so she asked him what had taken so long. His reply was this, “Well, I picked up the preacher down the road, and after that moment, those horses couldn’t understand a thing I said to them.”

• God’s plan for His people is that we guard our tongues and that when we use His Name, we do so with reverence and respect.


A Missionary to the Orient witnessed a twenty year old native approach an idol. He bowed before it and quickly pulled out a knife and cut out his own tongue, placing it before the idol. Within minutes, the young man had collapsed in a pool of his own blood at the idols feet. God doesn’t want your tongue cut from your head, but He does want it consecrated and dedicated solely to His worship and adoration. The question today, is how are you using your tongue? Let’s pray.