Sunday August 17, 2008
Theme: Restore the Walls
Jerusalem was destroyed and temple burned on July 18, 586 B.C. (2 Kings 24).
Oct 29, 539 B.C., Babylon fell to Medes and Persians. In Cyrus’ first year, he issued the decree allowing Jews to return. They made three returns:
1) Zerubbabel led the first in 536 B.C. (Big gap of 57 years - Esther’s time)
In 535 B.C. the construction of the Temple began.
In Feb 18, 516 B.C. the temple was completed and dedicated.
2) Ezra led the second in 455 B.C.
Ezra left with about 1500 men and their families in mid-March 455 B.C.
In August of 455 B.C., the little group arrives safely in Jerusalem.
3) Nehemiah led the third in 445 B.C.
Dec. Of 446 B.C., Nehemiah hears of the report.
In April of 445 B.C., after a prayer period of four months, Nehemiah speaks with the king. Early September, after just 52 days, the wall was completed.
He faced threat from the Sanballat (governor of Samaria), Tobiah (ammonite leader) and
Geshem (Arab chief).
8 Problems Nehemiah faced in Rebuilding Jerusalem
Ridicule (2:9, 4:1-3)
Wrath (4:1, 6-9)
Discouragement (4:10)
Fear (4:11-23)
Internal Strife (5:1-5)
Laziness (4:10)
Satanic subtlety (6:1-8) compromise
Lying prophets (6:10-14)
I. Problem
Nehemiah in verse 2 asks about the surviving remnants and Jerusalem. The response by Hanani and the other men who came with him was not favorable. They spoke of the fact that the people were in great trouble and disgrace as the wall of Jerusalem had been broken down and the gates set on fire. This was a serious problem because of the significance of the wall for the Jewish people. The wall represented security from their enemies. Without the wall the people would be vulnerable to attacks from intruders, the burnt gates meant anyone could enter the city at any time. This also meant the place of worship would be under threat.
The bible says when Nehemiah heard this he sat and wept for what was happening in his homeland. He was affected by what was happening. This morning I wonder are there some young people who recognize that there is a problem with their context. Are there some young people who are perceptive enough to see that Satan is launching an offensive against the people of God? Young people, there is a problem and the question is what are you going to do about it.
The wall of:
• Love for neighbour is broken down
• Love for and relationship with God has broken down
• Family life is broken down
• Purity is broken down
• Holiness is broken down
• Prayer is broken down
• Faith is broken down
• Meditating on God’s word is broken down
Like Nehemiah restored the physical wall of Jerusalem and restored worship within the city, God is calling forth a group of young people who he has placed a vision within to liberate Jamaica. Young people you have been selected by God to bring restoration to your fellowman. God is saying to you the vision is in front of you, he is guiding you and you need to just follow his instructions. Restore the walls. Jamaica is in a spiritual dilemma, young people the clarion call today to you is “Restore the walls”.
A. Prayer (v.4)
Nehemiah did not only hear about the problem and cried but he responded firstly by praying. His prayer was focus and purposeful. Young people this is one of the walls that have been broken down in our lives. We don’t pray like we use to or we should. I stand as guilty as you are in all honesty. Prayer it would seem is the most explosive weapon in the believer’s arsenal as we wage war against an ever present enemy. Those who faint in this regard often find themselves weak, depleted and often discouraged. Those who are rich in prayer find themselves strong and full of hope.
Nehemiah on this day acknowledges God for whom he is and notes that God is a God who keeps his covenant to those who love and obey his commands. This is a definitive section of the prayer. This section of Nehemiah’s prayer is drawn from Deuteronomy 7. Nehemiah is setting forth the idea that God will do as he says when we respond to him in love and obedience.
It is in this prayer that Nehemiah confesses his sin and that of Israel before God. The prophet did not exclude himself but sets forth himself as being as guilty as his fellow countrymen. The bible declares that the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous availeth much. The bible also declares that we ought to pray without ceasing. The bible tells us that men ought always to pray. In the great restorative passage in Chronicles the bible says if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land.
Today like the wall of Jerusalem was broken down and the gates set on fire so is the church. The church that possesses the very life of God and should reflect such has lost its place among the nations. The church that once echoed the name of Christ across all spectrums has become silent and cold. Seemingly it has lost its power. The church that once was unified in its voice for morality has become divided in its ranks. So much so that the church that once spoke against homosexual lifestyle has now ordained a bishop who is openly gay. The church that once echoed and championed the cause for life is now weakening its stance against abortion. This is the context we are apart of young people.
Away with it, God is looking for a remnant that is ready to stand up and say restore the wall of Godly principles back in our churches and our nation. God is looking for some youths to step up to the plate and represent the faith. God is looking for some young people who will not only see the problem and be silent, but a group who will see the problem and seek his face and pray; but not only that, but a group who will be repentant before God and allow him to heal the land. Restore the wall!
B. Promise (v.8)
The text tells us or gives us a description of the promise that God made with Moses. It says, “If the people are unfaithful then God would scatter them. But if they return to him and obey his commands even of they are in exile he will gather them from there and bring them to the place he chose as a dwelling place for his name”.
Nehemiah in this portion of his prayer draws God’s attention to his promise. Having confessed his sins and repented for not doing what he was to do, the prophet says well God if your word is true then this is what you ought to do. The prophet then says to God look these are your servants and people who you redeemed by your great strength and mighty hand. The prophet says Lord we delight in revering you so listen to our prayer. He calls on God to give him success as he prepares to speak with the king.
God can give you favor with any man as long as you walk according to his purpose. Young people the promises of God are real and they are true. God promises to bless you and lift you up if you obey him. But those who walk in disobedience he promises to scatter, curse and to destroy. Many of us here today need to examine our relationship with God. We have the promises but we can’t benefit from them because our relationship is not right with God. Restore the wall of your relationship with God.
C. Position (v.11)
Nehemiah was not any great religious leader when he felt the need to act. He was not a great political leader. He was a cupbearer. He was the one that ensured the Kings food was prepared properly. He was the one that would have tested the food for poison. This was as close as he came to a position of prominence.
Many of us will never stand behind a podium or come from families of greatness but that’s not important to God. He is looking for a vessel that’s available and ready for use. He is looking for someone who will look out at his or her context and see the need for a spiritual revival and step out to do something about it. He used a shepherd boy to kill an experience army general; he used a stuttering man to deliver a nation; he used a dreamer to save a nation and his family; he used a donkey to speak to a prophet. Young people your position does not matter. God is simply looking for someone to restore the wall. Are you that person this morning?
1. The Exhortation (2:17-18)
In this portion we see Nehemiah exhorting the people to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem so that disgrace will no longer be upon the Jewish people. He tells them of the favor he had received from the king. This exhortation moved the people into action as they sought to rebuild the wall.
God is saying to the young people here today, have you not noticed that the moral fibre of our country is decaying. Men have sought to do their own thing; right and wrong are now relative. Our reference point is no longer the word of God, but rather the words of men. So people don’t say I have sinned but they say what I did is not a bad as what my neighbour did. But the devil is a liar. I challenge every young person here to take seriously his or her living in this context. God has set you forth to restore the wall. Restoring the wall means we will face opposition.
2. The Opposition (2:19-20; 4:1-15)
Whenever we choose to do things for God we are bound to have opposition. Nehemiah in responding to Sanballat, Tobiah and Geshem after their ridicule lets them know that God will give the people success in rebuilding the wall. It’s not how good we are in avoiding certain sins or how close we can go to the edge without falling over. It’s by the spirit of God that we are able to make. When we face opposition God must be our point of reference. His word must be our strong defense. When Satan tempted Jesus his reference was the word of God. What is your reference?
All throughout the opposition that the people faced, Nehemiah’s first response was prayer. Do we have some praying young people here this morning? Some young people who when faced with difficult situations will not sit and worry but will kneel and pray. Some young people who your first line of defense is prayer, some young people whose spirit will not rest unless they engage God through prayer. Prayer changes things young people.
What walls are we called to Restore
• Love for God/right relationship with God
The man who seeks right relation with God will soon find that he is experiencing the blessings and favor of God overwhelmingly in his life. Matthew 22:37 challenges us to Love the Lord with all our heart, mind and soul. Many seem to be but are not in right relation with God. Secret sins and sins that we don’t hear pastor calling out prevent us from a deep and closer walk with God.
This is the very foundation on which all else will be built. If your foundation with God is weak, then it will affect every other area of your life. We have taken for granted the relationship we have with the Lord. If God is going to be able to use you effectively then we must be in relationship with him.
It is because of such things why the Lord calls in Chronicles for a turning away from sin. Turning away from our sins is what will guarantee us a right relationship with God.
As we seek to restore right relationship with God there are some things that we must also seek to restore. These include:
1. Holiness and Purity
We have become impure in thoughts and immoral in our ways. We who call ourselves Christian, lack the spiritual integrity to bear the name. we have allowed ourselves to indulge in things God has labeled as wrong. The bible declares that without holiness no man can see God. We have embarrassed God and the church by our immoral behaviour. Some of us cannot and dare not speak out against wrongs as we may find our neighbours pointing fingers at us.
The church is losing its place because its constituents have not fully lived up to the name they bear. We who are called to display Christ-like behaviour before all men find ourselves in reproach before all men. But I challenge every person here especially the young people to restore the walls of holiness and purity. You have lived under the radar for years as focus has been placed on what we call the big sins.
But today in the presence of the Holy Spirit we expose you. The devil is a liar. Young people you cannot please God if you feed your mind garbage. I am saying Movado, Sizzla and Busy Signal cannot give you or direct you to holy living. The bible encourages us to be holy even as our heavenly father is holy. I dare to say that there are some “gospel songs” that are not worth your listening ears as these songs lack any kind of spiritual message. Jumping and dancing is good but only a solid message from God can keep you.
Purity must be restored among the ranks of God’s people. Too many of us are playing church and God is saying enough is enough. Get your act together. I am not just talking to young people but I am talking to adults. I am talking to myself. The bible declares in 1 Corinthians a few times, ‘Know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost’. I stand here today repentant of things I would have done that I should not have done. Because of this I am raising the banner high today. Do I have some young people who will restore the walls of holiness and purity?
2. Prayer
The bible declares that God’s house is one of Prayer. The great teacher and practitioner of prayer E.M. Bounds writes, “The more praying there is in the world the better the world. Prayer he says in one phase of its operation is a disinfectant and a preventative. It purifies the air and destroys the contagion of evil”.
The church has become almost powerless. Prayer meetings have become a drag; it’s a place for some people to catch up on their sleep. Some don’t even turn up. When God is desirous of intimacy with us, we are caught up doing our own thing. While we lay a prayer-less church Satan prepares to attack the body of Christ. We who are set apart as children of God lack spiritual potency as we live prayer-less lives.
The story is told of Jay Kessler traveling on a flight and a young man sat next to him. Jay noticed that the young man refused to eat and so was moved by the gesture. He asked the young man if he was a Christian. The young man told him he was a Satanist and every Friday at noon they would pray that Christian leaders would fall into sexual sin and their families would crumble. This shocked Jay. When I hear stories like this I am challenged to pray more. I call on the young people to restore the wall of prayer in 65.
Prayer is a deterrent for sin. Every time you come to God in prayer his awesome presence shows you where you are and what you need to do. I don’t know what you have been told, I can’t explain it. Maybe I am a crazy individual, but one thing I know every time I call on God he hears. Prayer changes things. If as a church we are serious about taking back the community, if miracles are to happen again in our churches then we must restore purposeful praying. I am not talking about pretty rumblings for others to hear. I am talking about coming to God with a broken and contrite heart in all honesty and pouring out before him. Restore the wall of prayer.
3. Word
We who are called Christians find our purpose in God and his word. This word is vital to the growth and development of the believer. This word is also a powerful weapon in the hands of the believer as he/she fights against Satan and his strategies.
Today our churches are filled with wordless members; immature 20&30 year veterans. Why? Because the word of God has taken a backseat for some of them. If God could find a group of young people who are hungry for his word; a group who will place emphasis on his word. The cry is that our youths lack depth, but how can they get deep when we have not placed enough emphasis on God’s word or taught them his word. Many of us the only time we come in contact with the word is when you are told to open your bible on a Sunday morning. That alone cannot do. We are in a war with an enemy that is strategic in his approach and if we are to cut him down it is going to take a serious engagement of God’s word. The word reveals who you are in light of what God says.
• Justice and love for fellowman
Nehemiah chapter 5 tells us that the people cried to him as they were experiencing hard times. Not because of their enemies but because of their fellow Jewish brothers. Nehemiah sought to speak with the officials and after sharing with them they all gave back to the people what they had taken. Why should the people suffer while they were prospering?
Young people you have been called out in a context that is full of injustices. Jesus says by this shall all men know you are my disciples that you love one another. He also says love your neighbour as yourself. These two declarations by Jesus seem to have fallen on deaf ears even by those who profess to be apart of the kingdom. As long as it does not affect me or my family many have laid silent as injustice runs from one end of the land to the other.
But I challenge you this morning young people to speak up and speak out. What was happening in Nehemiah’s context was what happened in Micah’s context. So Micah in chapter 6:8 sets us three things that God requires from his people and among those mentioned was for his people to do justly or for his people to embrace justice. Justice is a concept involving the fair, moral, and impartial treatment of all persons, especially in law. It is often seen as the continued effort to do what is "right
God is saying to his people you must seek after justice. You must stand for what is right and just. Restore the wall of Justice and love for our fellowman.
In chapter 8 of Nehemiah the bible says the people when they heard the word of the Lord wept. They were sorry for what their forefathers had done and what they themselves had done in relation to what God required of them to do. The people cried before God. What’s your response to God today? Are you at the place you should. God is calling but where are you.
• You have moved from the placed of holiness and purity
• You have moved from the place of prayer
• You have moved from the place of reading and being
obedient to God’s word
• You have moved from the place of justice for your fellowman
But even as you have moved from these critical areas God is saying will you not repent and turn from your wicked ways. Will you not give me a chance to be all I can be in your life? Young people the walls need restoring are you ready to restore them.