"With Christ in the School of Prayer"
By: Andrew Murray
Introductory Truths:
*Prayer is the highest and holiest work to which man can rise
*Powers of the eternal world are at prayer’s disposal
*Prayer is the very essence of true religion
*Prayer is the channel of all blessings temporal and future
*Prayer is the secret of power and life
*Prayer gives us the right to take hold of God and His strength
*Prayer can only be done right when enabled by the Spirit of God
(10) Prayer Requirements
1. Prayer’s motive must be the glory of God
2. Prayer must be made in full surrender to God’s will as recorded
in His Word
3. Prayer must be made in full assurance of faith in accordance with
a promise from God’s Word
4. Prayer must be asked in the holy name of the Lord Jesus Christ
as taught in God’s Word
5. Prayer must be asked with perseverance that refuses to be denied
once it has been determined it is God’s will
6. Prayer must be begun with a deep confession of our inability
to bring God the worship that is pleasing to Him
7. Prayer must be made with an attitude of child-like teachableness
that waits on Him to instruct us
8. Prayer must be made with a simple faith that yields itself to
the moment by moment breathing of the Holy Spirit
9. Prayer must be made holding fast the simple truth of the Fatherhood
of God
10. Prayer must be made with faith in the infinite Father-love that
gives us His Son and His Spirit to make us children which
is the secret to praying in Spirit and Truth
(6) Powerful Prayer Facts
1. Intercession is the method by which the Kingdom is revealed on earth
2. Jesus did not teach how to preach but how to pray
3. Knowing how to speak to God is more than merely how to speak to man
4. Communion with God involves meditating, tarrying, and praying
in the Holy of Holies at the foot of His throne
5. We take part in Christ’s intercessory ministry when we plead with
God for men
6. Intercession is the key to praying without ceasing
(John 4:23, 24) 1st Recorded Words of the Lord Jesus Christ on Prayer
1. The Father seeks/is on the hunt for worshippers
2. Our worship satisfies Him and is a joy to His heart
3. Only in and through Christ can worship be in Spirit and Truth
4. There must be harmony between God and worshipper
(Full confession and forsaking of sin including sins of
commission and omission)
5. God is Spirit therefore the worshipper must also be communing
in the Spirit
6. Worship is not confined by time and place but must be the continual
action of our life
7. Only worship by the Spirit in us is acceptable (Abba, Father)
8. Spirit of Son-ship alone can worship the Father-He is in us
9. Truth=The Spirit of Christ-We are in Him
10. (3) Types of Worship: 1/ Ignorant (Samaritans)
2/ Intelligent (Jews)
3/ In Spirit and Truth (Those in Christ by
the Spirit of God)
(Matthew 6:6-8)
1. I must meet with my FATHER: (3) times [A sense of being in the
Holy of Holies within the veil]
*Withdrawn from all that is of the world and man
*Prepared to wait on God alone
*To the one who waits, meditating, and praying the Father reveals
Himself [The light of His love will arise upon you]
*The blessing of the closet does not depend on strong, fervent
feelings, but on the Father-love of God for His child
*He will reward you openly
2. My Father knows:
*Prayer is for His glory-He knows the need before we ask-He
wants to answer for our good and His glory
*My Father sees, hears and knows it will help our faith to take
the answer and say:
’We know we have the petitions we ask of Him’ (I John 5:15)
*To be alone with the Father must be your highest joy
*Christ reveals the Father in secret
*In the inner chamber is where God anoints with ’fresh oil’
(Matthew 6:9)
1. First time in Scripture God addressed as Father by saint
2. Knowledge of God’s Father-love=1st and last lesson in prayer
3. 1st: Thy Name, Thy Kingdom, Thy will
4. Grown-up son asks for the Father’s business, takes charge
and intercedes for His glory: #1 Aim in Prayer
5. Holy=Central word in O.T. Father=Central word in N.T.
6. Forgiveness=I know of no person who I do not heartily love
7. The Father is all to the child
8. The Father is all for the child
(Matthew 7:7, 8) ‘Ask and it shall be given’
1. (6) fold repetition
2. Second most important lesson next to Father-love=Everyone that
asks receives
3. Two sides to prayer: 1/ Asking=Human side 2/ Giving=Divine side
4. If no answer: Something wrong with prayer-1/ Is it childlike?
(Father-love) 2/ Are you believing?
Seek grace to pray on for the answer
5. He seeks daily communion-and wants to give daily answers
to distinct and definite requests (Ps 34; 66:19; 116:1, 2)
6. God will teach those who are teachable and give Him time by
His Word and Spirit whether their request be according to His will
(I John 5:14)
7. Prayer is appointed to obtain an answer!!
8. It is in prayer and its answer that the interchange of love between
the Father and child take place
9. Take time as we pray to listen to His voice
10. Persevering prayer takes patience, faith, and most of all time
to allow God to answer His way, in His perfect timing
(Matthew 7:9-11)
1. Power in prayer rests in the relationship of Father and child
2. As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the Sons of God
(Romans 8:14)
3. Secret of effectual prayer is to have our heart filled with
the Father-love of God (Deuteronomy 6:5)
4. The first, deepest, yea, the chief lesson, and also the hardest
lesson, is to learn to say ’Abba, Father’ (Romans 8:15)
5. ‘How much more shall your heavenly Father give [good gifts]
the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him?’ (Luke 11:13)
6. Lord give us Thy Spirit, the Spirit of the Son, make us CHILDLIKE!
7. The start of holiness is in the love and patience and pity that
God has for us
8. God loves you because He is your Father-not because you are clever
or cute or smart-no, simply because He is your Father!
9. We must grow up out of the true love He has for us, His love
lies at the root of all that is ours in our experience
10. We are bound to God by the closest and tenderest relationship
which is Father and child
(Luke 11:1-13) ’How much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy
Spirit to them that ask Him?’
1. The Holy Spirit is the Promise of the Father(Luke 24:49;
Acts 1:4,5)
2. God’s Fatherhood is revealed by and through the Holy Spirit
3. God’s desire is the same as our earthly father, to reproduce
His Spirit in His child
4. The first and most important request for ourselves is:
’Fill me [control me] with your Spirit’