Summary: About discovering the call of God for your life.

(The following message has drawn from Rick Warren’s message “Shaped for Serving


Does your life hold significance?

Does your life bear importance in this world?

As we conclude this series entitled ‘The Call’… that is the question I want to help settle

this morning..

Significance - The quality of having importance or intended meaning (Encarta


Potential illus (any one of three below)

1. In the opening clip from the film THE EMPEROR’S CLUB": Kevin Cline portrays an

instructor of Western civilization in a prestigious private school. In the opening scene

he begins his first day of class introducing a quote by a figure who had made a great

conquest in earlier centuries… and invited the students to find what they can about

him. But as they begin flipping through their books… he adds… they won’t find

anything. That despite his conquest of an ancient land… noting is known of him.

Why… he proposes?


2. For three weeks, Elvis’ album of greatest hits has been the number one album in

the nation, 25 years after the guy died! Now in spite of enormous success, Elvis was,

according to friends, an unfulfilled and unhappy man. He died of obesity and drug

dependency at 42. And in an interview with his wife, Priscilla, she said this about her

husband: “Elvis never came to terms with who he was meant to be or what his

purpose in life was. He thought he was here for a reason, maybe to preach, maybe to

serve, maybe to save, maybe to care for people. That agonizing desire was always

with him and he knew he wasn’t fulfilling it. So he’d go on stage and he wouldn’t have

to think about it.” Elvis didn’t have a clue where to begin to look. In a sense, he was


3. Saw program on the tragedy that can accompany welfare… unique is that it was

focused on children raised on welfare provisions.

> Essentially…. The second great question of human existence…significance… was

often left unanswered.

Of course it’s not just an issue of employment or economics. Many who are well

employed can feel the same quiet question: Do I have significance?… a unique

contribution to make?

If the enemy of our souls can’t keep you from the security of

discovering God loves you… he’s equally intent to keep you from

knowing your significance…. that God includes you in His purposes.

> There’s bad news for the enemy… God has significance for you…


Eph. 2:10

"For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good

works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."

You were created for significance…. to offer a unique contribution for the

purposes of God.

1 Peter 4:10 (LB)

“God has given each of you some special abilities; be sure to use

them to help each other, passing on to others God’s many kinds of


Each of us… not just those in the front row… have been given special attributes

by God… favor in some special gifting….through which His grace to the world can


> You have been given the potential to have significance…. and it lies in how

your gifts are used to serve others.

Simple truth is that: “My significance involves serving God by

serving others.”

Now the Bible has a word for this, it’s called “MINISTRY”.

… an often misunderstood word. When I say the word “minister” most people think of

priest, pastor. They think of somebody who wears those funny collars, or a robe, and

talks like [close to microphone, in a deep voice, drawing out the word] “GOD”, and you

know, that kind of stuff!

But in the Bible the word “service” and “ministry” are the same word. And in the

Bible “servant” and “minister” are the same word. The Bible says that every person

who receives the life of Christ within them is a minister.

Now, not every believer is a pastor, but every believer is a minister.

Ministry simply means using my shape to help somebody else in the

name of God. Any time you use your talents, your abilities, your background, your

experiences to help somebody else, you know what that’s called? Ministering. And

you know what you are? You’re a minister.

So all of us are called to ministry.

1. I’ve been created for ministry!

"For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which

God prepared in advance for us to do." Eph. 2:10

2. I’ve been saved for ministry!

"It is He who saved us and chose us for his holy work, not because we deserved it

but because that was his plan long before the world began..." 2 Tim. 1:9 (LB)


Not saved to survive… or sit… but to SERVE.

3. I’ve been called into ministry!

"God, in his grace, chose me even before I was born, and called me to serve him."

Gal. 1:15 (GN)

"...You have been chosen by God himself--you are priests of the King... " 1 Peter

2:9 (LB)

4. I’ve been gifted for ministry!

“God has given different gifts to each of us.” 1 Cor. 7:7b (CEV)

As Job recognizes,

“Your hands shaped me and made me.” (Job 10:8).

We’ve borrowed a simple acrostic to note how God uses five things to shape you:

Spiritual gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, and Experiences. That spells ‘SHAPE’.

Those five things make you, and God uniquely shapes you, different from anybody

else in the world, for a purpose. And that purpose is to serve Him.

Spiritual Gifts Heart Abilities Personality Experiences

Now we’re not going to go into detail today on these five things (the spiritual gifts,

heart, abilities, personality, and experiences) because we cover them in our

upcoming Discovering Your Ministry class

> But I do want you to notice this, God made you unique and your uniqueness is

not for your benefit.

Now the good news is that God not only shaped us for such

significance, He gave us a model. He came to earth Himself and said “This is

how you do it. I want you to watch Me”. And so he came to earth in the form of a

man, Jesus Christ, and He said, “This is what I want you to do with your life”. You

were created to be like Christ, and what did Christ do while He was here on earth? He


Matt. 20:28,

“Jesus said, ‘Your attitude must be like My own, for I did not come to be

served, but to serve’.”

Your SHAPE determines your MINISTRY, but your ATTITUDE determines your




Jesus, as the model of ministry, reveals four vital qualities…. Let’s quickly consider

these qualities and some challenges / barriers that they reflect.

1. Serving like Jesus means being HUMBLE.

Philip. 2:5-8 (NLT)

Your attitude should be the same that Christ Jesus had. Though he was God,

he did not demand and cling to his rights as God. He made himself nothing; he

took the humble position of a slave and appeared in human form. And in

human form he obediently humbled himself even further by dying a criminal’s

death on a cross.

It all began with humility…

Notice …‘Obediently humble’… he entered a state of responsiveness to the Father.

This connects to our first barrier.

1st Barrier: False humility - A self protective and self made disqualifying

of ourselves to avoid discomfort.

We disqualify ourselves based on our level of maturity or competence.

False humility is the subtle renaming of fear as ‘humility.’

False humility is really a self protective and self made decision to avoid

discomfort. True humility says “Yes” to God’s call.

The Bible includes the accounts of some who tried to disqualify themselves…

and God isn’t real impressed. There’s nothing humble about saying ‘no’ to God.

What we present is that we don’t want to be the perfoemer.

True humility understands what God understands… that isn’t interested in us

being on the stage… but rather he wants us to BE THE STAGE on which he


2nd Barrier: PERFECTIONISM – We become afraid of failure… and the

ideal quenches the real.

A second barrier to being used by God…is perfectionism. “When it’s all

just right, when things settle down, then I’ll serve.”

Eccl. 11:4 (NLT)

“If you wait for perfect conditions, you’ll never get anything done.”

Real servants, Christ-like servants, do the best they can with what they

have for Jesus Christ today. They don’t wait.


The Good Enough Principle is this: It doesn’t have to be perfect for God to bless it.

That’s the truth. If God only used perfect people, what would get done in this world?

Nothing, zip, zero! We’re all a bunch of misfits. We all have weaknesses. We all

have faults. We all have failures. We all have handicaps. But guess what? God uses

us all. Why? Because God doesn’t use perfect people because there aren’t any.

There aren’t enough superstars in this world to get it done. God uses normal people.

It doesn’t have to be perfect for God to bless it.

God doesn’t use perfect people because there aren’t any.

If we look at what Paul describes of Christ we see another element critical in serving

God… it says he appeared in human form”… that is… he showed up! “

2. Serving like Jesus means being AVAILABLE.

One day Jesus was walking down to go to Jericho and some blind men

start yelling at him. And the Bible says this…

Matt. 20:30-32

“Two blind men shouted ‘Lord, have mercy on us! Jesus stopped

and called them. ‘What do you want me to do for you?’.”

Now I want you to circle the word “stopped”. Jesus stopped. If you want to be used

by God, if you want to serve God, you must be willing to be interrupted. Most of

Jesus’ ministry and most of Jesus’ miracles were interruptions. You think about

it. All the people he healed – the blind man, the lame man, the sick people, the

paralyzed man, the dead child – all of them were interruptions. His first miracle?

Interrupted at a wedding. He second miracle? Interrupted on the way to Galilee. It

says, “Jesus stopped”.

As Rick Warren says, ‘Many people like to follow the steps of Jesus… but you can’t

without following the stops of Jesus.’

The willingness to have life interrupted involves more than just moments in life…

it involves our whole plans for life.

> Jesus didn’t have a set plan and agenda that kept him from what

God the Father was calling him to.

There is a tendency that can run throughout life to think serving God will come

at another stage or season of life. When we’re a child… we think we’d better wait

til we grow up. When we’re young adults… we think we need to fulfill our big

goals and settle down. When we’re adults… we think we need to wait until we’re

not so busy with career and family. When we get older we think it might come

with retirement. And then when the later years come… it’s common to think

we’re too old to be of any use and that we should leave it to the young lives.

And all of this quenches the call of God. The Biblical testimony is one of God

calling all lives at all seasons… Samuel when he is a child…. Noah in his latest

years. And God said that the day we live in is the day in which His Spirit is now

poured out so that all will dream dreams and flow in His favor. (Captured in video

clip “Time to Serve” but choosing to describe rather than show media piece.)


Now what keeps us from being available?

3rd Barrier: Self Centeredness - We try to find significance in what we

can get rather than in what we can offer.

Phil. 2:4 (Msg) - “Forget yourself long enough to lend a helping


We hang this “do not disturb sign” on the door of our heart, “Do Not Disturb.” We

do it all the time. We say, “do not disturb”. “Don’t disturb my heart. I’ve got my goals.

I’ve got my safe little life going here, so don’t disturb me for the needs of other people.”

Matthew 16:25 (NLT)

If you try to keep your life for yourself, you will lose it. But if you give up

your life for me, you will find true life.

You know a lot of people spend so much of their time searching for self-esteem,

for self-worth, and significance. They want to feel good about themselves. But

they’re looking in all the wrong places! You don’t get your self-worth from

success, because there’s always somebody else who does a better job. You don’t get

your self-esteem from status. You don’t get your self-esteem from sex. You don’t get

your self-esteem from your salary. The Bible says you get your self-esteem from

service. Jesus said to give your life away in order to find it.

4th Barrier : Consumerism: Our connection to community is reduced to

what we can get rather than on what we can give.

One of the primary reasons that the experience of community and belonging is

hard to grasp today… is that we are so steeped in consumerism. We have come

to identify with being consumers rather than contributors. Without realizing it,

we have sold our sacred connection for the shallows of comfort… and the result

is that true community now eludes us.

Throughout today an interesting phenomena will take place… football

games…100,000 in the stands who desperately need exercise and 22 on the field

who desperately need rest.

The more dynamic the team… the more fans will watch.

The more a church provides…the more will tend to embrace passivity.


5th Barrier: Celebrity – Spectator Orientation: We allow our current

culture’s dynamic of living through the lives of others to replace the real

gifts we bear.


Our celebrity and spectator oriented culture is one in which we create bigger than

life figures to then live vicariously through. Why?… because it’s a way to avoid

finding significance in real life.

Helen Keller - When she was 1 1/2, she was extremely ill, and she lost both her vision

and hearing.

She learned to read French, German, Greek, and Latin in braille! When she was 20,

she entered Radcliffe College, the women’s branch of Harvard University. She wrote

11 books, did research, gave speeches, and visited 39 countries on five

continents…before she died in her sleep in 1968.

Helen Keller -

“I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty and joy

to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble. . . For

the world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but

also by the aggregate of tiny pushes of each honest worker.”

Mother Teresa of Calcutta -

“Unless a life is lived for others, it is not worthwhile”

“We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great


They discovered the secret of breaking the barrier… of self-centeredness,

consumerism, and spectator orientation.

6th Barrier: Overload - We become overwhelmed by life’s demands.

We can all feel overwhelmed… for many it’s because they HAVE made themselves

available… and now need to refine their commitments so that they never lose


We need to seek God’s wisdom… build around your strengths… be creative and


But for some others of us… many other commitments shut off our availability to God.

It’s a matter of taking on an investor’s mindset - What am I doing with my time that will

invest into the lives of others?

3. Serving like Jesus means being GOD FOCUSED.

To look at the life of Jesus is to see a life of constant relationship with God… never

sense that his life is flowing from those around him… but from the Father who he is


That is the quality that the apostle Paul discovered and declares for all of us…

Colossians 3:23-24 (TEV)

”Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were


working for the Lord and not for people. Remember that the Lord will give

you as a reward what he has kept for his people. For Christ is the real

Master you serve.”

7th Barrier: Resentment – We become bitter for lack of affirmation,

respect, and support.

If you find resentment in your hear towards those you serve… change bosses.

Learn from Jesus to be God focused in your serving.


Faithful. Now what does that mean? It means you don’t give up. You keep on

going. You don’t quit in the middle of your assignment. At the end of Jesus’ ministry

on earth, Jesus said this in

John 17:4 “I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work that You

gave me to do.”

Might want to circle that phrase: “completing the work.”

Do you hear the peace that Jesus has? It’s a peace that can so often

elude us… we never feel we complete anything. But he completed what he had

been given… and ended his earthly existence with peace.

Even more than peace… there is joy…

Matt. 25:21

“’Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few

things so; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your

master’s happiness!”

Those are the words every life can hear. Faithfulness that leads to fulfillment. They

are the words of a servant discovering their significance.

Notice… it all begins with the little things…. first steps.

1 Cor. 15:58 (MSG)

“Throw yourselves into the work of the Master, confident that

nothing you do for Him is a waste of time or effort.”

Notice “nothing”: that means it all matters, even the little stuff. Why? Because in

God’s book, there is no little service. He said, “Even if you give a cup of cold water in

my name to a child, that counts.” In God’s eyes, there is no little service.

Now if you’re going to learn to be a servant of God,

you must learn the difference between significance and prominence.


On my body, my nose is quite prominent. But I could lose my nose and still live the

rest of my life, because while it’s prominent, it’s not significant. On the other hand,

if I lost, you know, my liver, or if I lost my heart, it’s not very prominent. You don’t see

it. But if I lost it, I’d be dead. And a lot of people think that if something is given a lot

of visibility, it’s the most important. No, that’s not true. In fact the stuff behind the

scenes is more important, God says. He says the parts of your body that you don’t

see are more important than the parts you do see! And the same is true in the Body of

Christ. It all matters. You see the fact is with our limited perspective, we can’t see

how our small acts have big consequences, but they do!

Let me give you a little quiz. Let’s see if you know these. Do you know the name of

the person that opened up the parking lots this morning? Do you know the name

of the person that greeted you when you were coming in? Do you know who is

teaching your children right now? Do you know the names of the musicians who

were here on this stage a few minutes ago? Do you the people who are managing

the sound and multimedia so that we can engage in this time together? Do you

know the people who restocked the restroom before you got here? Do you know

the people who stuffed the bulletin you’re holding? The truth is, all of them were done

by people just like you…. Servants of God and His people. And it’s all important.

> Very basic premise…. Everyone has a ministry and a mission.

I have a ministry in the body of Christ and a mission in the world.

Your ministry is your service to the body. Your mission is your service to the

world around you which God is reaching out to. I believe that as long as we define

commitments in ways that are flexible and in varying levels, that it is appropriate that

every person is ultimately called to contribute to the body (chose some ministry to

serve in) and to serve the needs of those in the community around us (choose some

missional expression). I truly believe that God has designed us to need BOTH, an

opportunity to contribute in our household (ministry) and an opportunity to reach out to

those who God wants to be reached by His grace (mission).

> Today is focused on making a practical step to embrace your contribution… in

some tangible form of ministry… even if you’re still not sure what your long term

ministry might be.

How will God use you? Well let’s just get real practical.

Let’s take out this little brochure that reads on the front, “Discovering My Purpose

in Ministry and Mission”. Walk through…

1. Choose one area of ministry from the list below through which you would like

to initially exercise your regular contribution to the needs of God’s


Ask yourself…“Where might my niche be in serving others?”

Most of us aren’t sure yet… and that is why we want to create an opportunity to

just explore. All the opportunities to serve can be entered with an exploratory

commitment… generally 6 or 8 weeks… then you can see what you’ve discovered

about yourself. More often than not - You discover your gifts through ministry, instead

of discovering your ministry by identifying your gifts.


2. Consider additional involvement in the some of the areas of ministry that are

less regular.

3. Clarify your S.H.A.P.E. for life ministry by participating in the Discovering

Your Ministry class.

You can turn this in today or you can take it out to the Ministry Fair and turn it into one

of the tables out there.

As we close this morning… series… the answer to the question: Does your life have

significance? is a profound YES.

Watching movie; Transformers… in classic Hollywood fashion… a more ordinary and

unpopular kids… discovers he’s at the center of saving the world. Pentagon trying to

get a hold of him… they need him… his gifts and car… and more. Imagine if last night

the Pentagon had called you…

> What we discover is that in Christ… and now by the Spirit… God called last night…

and many nights.God called. He wants your time, treasure, and talent.