Summary: The call of Gideon to deliver Israel

Chased by God

Judges series wk 4

Today we look at one of the most famous and familiar Judges, Gideon.

Again Israel following their own desires and worshiping other gods


You have an allotment and you work hard to plough, plant and tend it; then your neighbours steal the produce. How do you feel? You cannot do a thing about it.

Judges 6:1-6 (reading by )

The Midianites (Moses’ decedents) and Amalekites would come and steal from them

How many of us have felt robbed in life?

Each time things start to go right, something happens and it’s gone

Every time God has given me anything, I’ve had to give it up again

Abraham and Isaac on the alter

Gideon was busy working, threshing wheat, in a winepress!

God come to us when we are doing the everyday things in life

He came to me when I was being a mum to 2 young children, a barmaid, a woman of foul mouth and someone who was abused by family and her husband

He was hiding; I was hiding

He was fearful; I was fearful

He felt intimidated by the enemy without and perhaps angry as we see by his reaction to the message

Jud 6:11-15 (reading by )

Where are the miracles we read and hear about?

We feel intimidated by the enemy within; I did

Everybody else was better than I was

I constantly put myself down

I never achieved anything in life and didn’t think I ever would

How we have felt angry as we see others prosper and we have felt forgotten again

He believed he was the least in his father’s house

What it’s like to be the ‘black sheep’ of the family

No one believes in you

No one respects you

You have to strive for recognition

You have struggles with inferiority, self-worth and image

All the ‘rejected’ people I know are usually the most sensitive and caring

But many have inner strengths and beauty that have shaped by their circumstances

But what was God’s reply to him?

Jud 6:16

This is all we need. To know He is with us: singular you

I will never leave you or forsake you Deut 31:8 and Heb 13:5

You will defeat them as One man Jud 6:16

Gideon wasn’t the brightest or very quick to learn

God takes the foolish and the weakest to confound the wise

1 Cor 1:26-31 (reading by )

God works out His purpose in those whom seem weak

Gideon represented Israel, weak and low

If you feel weak and low, then this message is for you

Gideon needed:

· Comfort

· Confidence

· Challenge

· Conformation

Gideon needed comfort

Gideon had 4 doubts:

1. Does God really care? (6:1-13)

2. Does He know what He’s doing? (6:14-24)

3. Will He really take care of me? (6:25-32)

4. Does He keep His promises? (6:33-40)

Every time the people cried out He heard them and delivered them

How many people do you know cry out in time of distress?

How many times have you seen Him reach out to the needy?

He doesn’t always work out things the way we think or want

You think you can work God out?

Our times of testing challenge our character and develop us

When we are weak we are strong

Gideon’s personal struggles written to encourage us

He needed a sign (fleece)

God has given us a sign according to Isaiah; a virgin …..

The Jews seek a sign, but the Just shall live by faith

Illustration: My testimony of how God has taken care of me

He has fulfilled His promises

Individual and universal

He sent Jesus the promise of salvation to us

God sent us a judge, a leader and a king and He still rules!

Gideon needed confidence

God knew Gideon was a man with a brave spirit; He created him

When you were formed He knew you Ps 139

We don’t always know who we are until someone tells us

Encourage each other

Build confidence in each other

Especially people of low self-worth; they see very little in themselves

God inspired him by showing him he had all the qualifications needed

He assured him of success

He could nothing in himself, but with God everything is possible

When God calls He equips

Gideon had to strengthen himself in the words God gave him

Always remind yourself what God has said

Illustration: My testimony waiting for nearly 30 years

This can be enough to keep you going

You have to depend upon what you know in your heart despite what may be happening around you

God said, ‘I am with you’

That’s all that matters; you can go anywhere, do anything as long as He’s with you

Gideon was obedient to the heavenly call

Then God put His Spirit upon him

When God calls, he clothes you with the authority and the necessities needed; He qualifies you

Why would He ask you to do something He already knows you wouldn’t?

Illustration: Our friends who wouldn’t leave their home or jobs etc for God even if He appeared to them!

Gideon needed a Challenge

He gathered the army together; 32,000 vs 135,000 that’s 4:1 ratio

Not enough God!

Too many

What? Do you know how many there are God?

Too many; Israel will say they have won this battle

Tell the fearful to go

Deut 20:8

“The officers shall speak …….to the people, and say, ‘What man is there who is fearful and fainthearted? Let him go and return to his house, lest the heart of his brethren faint like his heart.

People have an effect on others

How many times have you doubted because someone has doubts themselves?

We need people of faith around us not doubters

So 22,000 left! Now the odds are 13:1

Still too many; God lessens them to exalt His own strength

Now God was really challenging him

Go and watch how they drink, choose the ones who lap

These were the ones who didn’t think about their own comforts; they managed on little; they could endure fatigue without complaining of thirst or weariness

But there are only 300! 440:1

When the odds are stacked against you, God moves

They preferred the service of God

But what did God do?

He changed their equipment and they were lesser now in power too!

No weapons, 300 men; now God can work

They were living from hand to mouth

Soldiers became trumpeters

All they had was the trumpet, a torch and an earthen jar

Gideon you fight with faith or with nothing at all!

This is our message today

God is either in complete control or we are

Now Gideon, you will see what your heart longed for:

· You wanted to see the miracles you had heard about?

· You wanted to see the God of Israel who with a shout destroyed the walls of Jericho?

· You wanted to meet with the God who overthrew the Egyptians?

Well here I AM!

You have no military skills, no weapons and only 300 inadequate men

God claims the glory

Everything we do must belong to Him

We cannot touch what belongs to Him

We dare not


Gideon needed conformation

Even after the previous signs: sacrifice burnt, the fleece x2 Gideon still needs God to confirm His word.

He sends him down into the enemy’s camp to hear what they say

He ends up at the right tent at the right time just in time to hear the dream

If we were to listen in to the enemy discussing us and our authority in Christ, what might we hear?

Ø “See how powerful they are because of Him!”

Ø “They don’t know who they really are!”

Ø “If they were to grasp God’s word we would be defeated!”

Ø “If only they knew their status and rights!”

Ø “Not even you death can overcome them!”

How much confirmation do we need?

Gideon went back and they broke the earthen jars, they shone the torches, and shouted

God has called us to:

· Break these earthen vessels

· To shine has lights

· To raise up our voice against the enemy

And the end result?

God gets the glory, it’s nothing of ourselves and the enemy runs away in confusion


Gideon needed:

· Comfort

· Confidence

· Challenge

· Conformation