[Consumed with the Cross] The Preaching of the Cross [Cry Out: Cross]
(I Corinthians 1, 2)
I. The Priority of Preaching the Cross
A. Not to baptize (1:17a)
B. Not with wisdom of words (1:17b)
C. Not with excellency of speech or of wisdom (2:1)
D. Not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified (2:2)
E. Not with enticing words of man’s wisdom (2:4a)
F. But in demonstration of the Spirit and power (2:4b)
II. The Power of Preaching the Cross
A. Preaching the Gospel (1:17)
B. Preaching Christ Crucified (1:23, 2:2)
C. Preaching Christ the Power and Wisdom of God (1:24)
III. The Practicality of Preaching the Cross
A. He is made unto us Wisdom (1:30a) [Supernatural Application of God’s Knowledge]
B. He is made unto us Righteousness (1:30b) [Standing before God/Justification]
C. He is made unto us Sanctification (1:30c) [Positional/Personal Holiness] 5 of 10: Holiness**
D. He is made unto us Redemption (1:30d) [Redeemed from the Penalty/Power/Presence of Sin]
IV. The Purpose of Preaching the Cross
A. Demonstrate the Power of God (1:24)
B. Demonstrate the Wisdom of God (1:24)
C. Deliver from the power of darkness (Colossians 1:13)
D. Destroy the works of the devil (Hebrews 2:14) Through death He might destroy him that had the power of death that is the devil
E. Turn sinners from darkness to light (Acts 26:18)
F. Reconcile both Jews and Greeks (Ephesians 2:16)
G. Provide peace through the Blood of His Cross (Colossians 1:20)
H. Nailing to the Cross the handwriting of ordinances that were against us (Colossians 2:14)
I. Provide an Altar for the saved (Hebrews 13:10) We have an altar…
J. Provide the Believer with Picture of the Love of God bringing repentance/revival (Hebrews 12:2ff)