Last week I read several verses to you from the Book of Revelation--Revelation, chapter 1, verses 5 and 6, and Revelation, chapter 5, verses 9 and 10; that because of the blood of Jesus, we have been made kings and priests unto God. I talked to you about what a king should do. A king has absolute rule and authority. And that’s what God expects us as kings to do--is to rule and reign in our world on this earth. And as priests, He’s given us the ministry of reconciliation--that we reconcile people unto God through the Lord Jesus Christ--that that is our ministry, that is our calling, that is our anointing in life.
And I talked to you a little bit about how the blood of Jesus has brought the family of God into what we call "the Church," or "the Body of Christ," and how important it is for us to understand Kingdom thinking and Kingdom principles. Because Kingdom thinking and Kingdom principles are often diametrically opposed to regular church history. Yeah, "Amen," is right. In other words, we become to some people very radical because we become Kingdom-oriented or Kingdom-thinking.
And because of that, people don’t understand what we’re talking about in terms of authority and anointing and power and giftings, and all of the things that we believe. And of course, when we even talk about the whole message of favor or supernatural prosperity in God. But we’ve come to understand that while we are in the world or in a world government, we are not of the world. Yes sir. And that we are a people that are in Christ and, while we live on the earth, we really get our orders from our headquarters. And that is not a state of a city in America or in some nation of the world; it is from the very throne of God itself. And so the Kingdom has come on earth actually through the ratification of the blood of Jesus, and He made us nigh unto God.
But really, when you go back into church history and back into the Old Testament, the Kingdom had its infancy when the political landscape began to change, when the children of God had conquest of Canaan. Because God had set down laws and rules and regulations of the Kingdom. Some people don’t even like to even think of reading a book like Leviticus. Most people have a hard time even pronouncing it. But the Book of Leviticus is a book that describes in detail ceremonies and laws and regulations that the people were to conduct every day of their life.
Because in the Kingdom of God, there has to be order. And everywhere God is, there has to be a ruling authority--God Himself. And He subjugates Himself to no man. He retains absolute sole authority. The only authority that we exercise are is that authority that He has given us and that He has instructed us to keep. And I’m gonna talk to you a little bit about that in just a few minutes. But God has to set down rules and regulations. He set down civil rules; He set down social rules; He set down -- watch this now--eating rules. Whoa, Jesus. He set down -- yes, "Amen." Glory to God. And anybody that’s ever listened to Dr. Jordan Reuben, you know that, as a converted Jew, that he is very strong also on eating rules and regulations that God set down.
Now a lot of people say, "Well, that was Old Testament." "Yup. Yup, you’re right. That was Old Testament." There was a lot of things in the Old Testament that we still do, though. You can’t cut all the Old Testament out. If God established a way of eating that was healthy for the people, then we ought to have the brains to follow it. Ah, but because of some of our cultures and backgrounds, we’re not gonna like the way God established it. Yes, "Amen." I know this is a tough spot. To have someone actually say "Amen" for me, I’m really -- I don’t want to respond right now. You know, because -- "Amen, Amen."
’Cause when we start talking about civil rules and civil regulations that God set down, we don’t like to read Leviticus, because we say, "It’s boring. There’s no power in there." But really, we need to understand how to live; and especially in the day and age that we’re living in in the 21st century, where men and women have taken their own ideologies to a level that is above God’s. No wonder why our world is in such a mess. Amen. Most of us make our own messes--because we choose just not to follow God. I said we choose not to follow God.
Now interestingly enough about the dietary regulations that God set down, you have to understand that when God set these down, as the people of God were coming and traversing into the Land of Promise, for 40 years nobody got sick in the wilderness. They couldn’t go to an oncologist; they couldn’t go to a psychiatrist; so they better had followed what God was saying. Now I’m not about to get into the dietary regulations, because some people would get very offended. I’ll just leave it at that and move on.
But God set down these things because He was attempting to establish Kingdom rule and authority, even under an old system. Oh come on, somebody say, "Amen." And so the reason why many people of God today do not understand the Kingdom of God is because they believe the Kingdom of God is gonna come some day in the future when Jesus finally returns to earth. But the Kingdom came when Jesus ratified it in His blood and raised up a whole generation of believers that are called the "in-Christ crowd." I like that terminology. Tell somebody, "I’m in the in-Christ crowd." That’s one of those tongue twisters. C’mon, tell somebody real quick, "I’m in the in-Christ crowd." (Laughs) Amen.
And so the Kingdom of God is now on the earth, but the Kingdom of God is within us. Jesus hasn’t set up a rule in a city or a country; but His rule is in us. Because to have a king, you gotta have -- say it out loud. ("a Kingdom"). And so we’re the people of God, called by His name. We have been washed in His blood. He has redeemed us unto the Father. And now, the Kingdom of God is within us. So Kingdom rule on the earth comes through the kings and the priests that He has assigned to specific duties on this planet. Ah, c’mon--say "Amen" with me.
Let me show you what I’m talking about. Open your Bible to Acts, chapter 20. Acts, chapter 20. When the Apostle Paul was giving his farewell address to the church at Ephesus, he made some interesting statements to the leadership and to the people. In verse 28, he made this statement: "Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock over which the Holy Ghost -- " Oh, I wish I had time to talk about that; but that’s a leadership seminar. "Over which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers." See I’m under the firm belief that if you’re a leader in the household of faith, nobody can vote you in. (Laughs) Because when people can vote you in, they can vote you out. But when God appoints you and anoints you and selects you, I’d rather be appointed by the Holy Ghost than by a church board.
Now watch what he says. "Over which the Holy Ghost has made you overseers." Look at this. "To feed the church of God." Feed. Not only lead, but feed. Everybody say, "Lead and feed." ("Lead and feed.") "Over which the Holy Ghost has made you overseers, to feed the church of God." Notice the last expression--"which he hath purchased"-- purchased, purchased, purchased--"with his own blood." So the church, then--the church of Jesus Christ--is purchased by the blood of Jesus. We belong to Him.
This is not Demola’s church. Ah, periodically, you hear people say that. "Well, I go to Demola’s church." Where is that? If it was a church that was conducted only by a man, it would be a church in deep trouble. Don’t ever call this "Demola’s church." This is the church of the Lord Jesus Christ that meets in Sayerville, New Jersey. Come on, somebody help me a little bit. You may think that’s picayune, but that is not picayune.
First of all, if it’s the Lord Jesus’ church, then I don’t have to stay up at night and worry about you. Yes, "Amen." And I don’t have to be concerning myself about your needs in your life in terms of being worried to where I get a nervous breakdown over you. Because the Lord is keeping over you. You’re His people--you belong to Him. And my assignment is to be your local leader; and to lead you and feed you the Word of God, and instruct you in those principles of Kingdom living that will take you to the next level. You better say, "Amen," or "Oh me." ("Amen!") Okay.
Now watch this. So the church is purchased with the blood of Jesus. That’s the reason why we’ve got to be careful when we call somebody "saved," when they’ve only prayed a little prayer. You cannot be trained how to be saved. You can be trained after you’re saved to know how you got saved, and to know what salvation is. Salvation is a work of the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah! You are regenerated, according to I Peter, chapter 2, by the Word of God. And the Holy Ghost is the agent of that regeneration; but the blood is the purchasing agent. Hallelujah!
So you are washed in the blood, purchased in the blood. And I wanna show you something here--that if you get this, you will never be the same the rest of your life. Because if you are purchased with His own blood, then you got to understand the power of that blood and what that blood has done in your life. Most of us don’t understand that. So we’re flopping around in religious ceremony, trying to find out exactly what it means to be saved.
Being saved doesn’t just mean you got a home in Heaven when you die. What are you gonna do between the time you get saved and the time you die? Have you ever thought about that? "Well, praise God. I got a home in Heaven some day." Well that’s a great thing. And by the way, that’s only a temporary home. "So what do you mean by that, Pastor?" We’re coming back to this earth to rule and reign with Jesus. He’s creating a new heaven and a new earth. So you’re only going there to get away from the mess that’ll be going on here while we’re there--called "the Great Tribulation." And after everybody tribulates, we’re coming back to regulate what’s going on on the earth. So we’re not gonna tribulate, we’re gonna regulate with Jesus--rule and reign.
Okay, now watch. So I’ve got to know how I can be sustained between the day I get saved and the day I go to Heaven. To some people it may be five years, one year; to other people it may be 10 years, 15 years, 30 years. To some people it may be 50 years; to others it may be 80 years. We don’t have a time line of when Jesus is gonna come. For us to say, "Jesus is coming soon" is a right statement, but it is not an articulating statement because we really don’t know what "soon" means to God.
"Soon" means to me next minute. How many know what I’m talking about? How many wanna have patience and you want it right now? Oh come on, we all live in the here and now. We want it done now. "Lord, I’m just believing You. Lord, I’m just waiting on You. But I ain’t got much time to wait--I want it tomorrow morning, Lord!" We’re all that way. We’re no different. I got two "Amens." We’re all that way. We want it now. Right now. And so we say, "Well I -- "
For example, you’re having guests over to your house, right? And your little child says to you, "Mommy, when are they coming?" And you say, "Soon." And "soon" might mean five minutes or five hours. But it may not mean 50 years. But in God--watch this--come on, somebody -- you know where I’m going here. What does your Bible say about the timetable of God? That one day is like a thousand. Oh Lord. So I better make sure that I have -- listen to me -- that I have learned how not to survive, but how to trust God between the time of my salvation and the time of my revelation to Heaven--or when Jesus comes back.
So when Jesus is coming soon -- and people say, "Oh yeah, all the signs of the time--Iraq and Iran and all that stuff." Yeah, but you know, people that were -- 40 years ago when we were having a cold war and a hot war with Russia, they were saying, "Ah, ah--they’re gonna drop a bomb. We’re going to Heaven real soon." So don’t get hung up on what you perceive to be these certain signs. I know it’s getting closer because the signs now are centered around Israel. And that’s a key into the prophetic understanding of the future.
But don’t get hung up on getting to Heaven real soon. ’Cause I promise you that those of you that wanna go to Heaven real soon, if, God forbid, you had a little pain in the next few minutes, you would run to somebody here and say, "Get me to the hospital so I don’t die." Talk to me somebody. My father used to say this all the time: "Everybody wants to go to Heaven, but nobody wants to die." I don’t want to die--now. I didn’t get one "Amen" after I said that. You are worrying me! Do you have somebody in the wings? Let me try that again so I can get a little help; otherwise I’ll go home real sad today. I’m not expecting to die now. ("Amen!"). Thank you, Minnie.
All right. Watch this. So I need to know how I’m going to be sustained and blessed between the time of my salvation and the revelation to glory. And that means I’ve got to understand what happened when the blood was applied to my life. Because we’ve never really understood the power of the blood of Jesus--and what power that has to allay every power of darkness and to attract every blessing from Heaven on our lives.
That’s why I’m teaching you how to confess the Word of God every day. You gotta confess who God says you are--not your friend, not your neighbor, not your cumpare -- whatever it is. You gotta confess what God says about you and believe that what God says is accurate, and what everybody else says is a lie unless it conforms to the Word of God. Amen.
So tell somebody next to you--"I’ll tell you right from the beginning, I’m blessed." Now if you sat next to me and you just reached over to me and said, "I’m blessed." I’d say, "Really? Don’t look like it." So I want you to do it again. Tell somebody next to you, "I’m blessed." ("I’m blessed.") Now tell them this: "I’m not waiting to be blessed," ("I’m not waiting to be blessed,") "I’m blessed." ("I’m blessed.") Now I know when some of you said that, you said that with a little pain in your life--something’s gone wrong; you’re trusting God for something, you need a miracle for something. And things are happening in your life--maybe financially or socially or mentally or physically or -- even spiritually--you feel dry.
But our -- listen to me -- our confession is not depending on our situation. Our confession is depending on the Word of God. And that’s why I wanna unfold to you the understanding today of what Paul was saying to the church at Ephesus. "The church has he has purchased with his own blood." You and I need to understand that as our earthly fathers protected us in the natural, that our heavenly Father will surround us and protect us in the spiritual realm. In fact, the Bible says that "if you being evil know how to give good things to your children, how much more"--somebody say "how much more," "shall your heavenly Father give good things to them that ask Him." C’mon somebody.
So in other words, many times in life, we have been sorrowed and pained because our earthy fathers have not been to the best that they were supposed to be. And we oftentimes relate that to God. But God is not like your earthly father. Oh, I think somebody ought to say "Amen." He is not like your earthy father because we know that our God is a perfect God. Therefore, everything God does is going to be good. In fact--hallelujah--three-quarters of the word "good" is God. Hallelujah! I said, "Hallelujah!"
Or you can say it the other way--watch this. That God is good all the time, and that "every good" -- James 1:17 -- "and perfect gift comes down from above from the Father of lights"--hallelujah--not darkness -- "in whom there is no variableness or shadow of turning." In other words, if God said it, that settles it. Are you in agreement with me so far?
So we gotta go back and understand what happened when we were purchased with the blood. And I always go back to Exodus, chapter 12. Now you may say, "Well we heard this several times already, Pastor." That’s exactly right. The art of preaching is not saying something new every week; it’s saying the same thing in a new package. And I’m gonna pound this in until you get the revelation of it, and not just the information. Because there is a difference between information and revelation.
Here’s the difference. Information gets locked up in your brains; revelation gets locked up in your spirit. Glory to God! Are you hearing me? So you could go to Bible school and get all the logos. But what we want you to get is a rhema from God--a word from God for your life. And the only way you can change your situation is to get a word from God. There could be 50 people sitting around you right now that could hear what I’m saying and get information.
And you could be sitting there and saying, "I’m going out of here with revelation." They may have a lot of information, and they may even know more than you. Because sometimes when you get a revelation -- oh, watch this. Sometimes when the Holy Ghost is speaking and you get a revelation, when you get to that point, He gives you what you need--and you don’t hear anything else the rest of the service. You don’t hear anything else the rest of the service ’cause you got that word from God that you needed to change the direction of your life. Hallelujah?
That’s why I insist when people study the Bible, they just don’t read a chapter every day. Because when you get into the chapter-reading every day, you read a chapter, but you hardly ever remember what you read. I think you need to read devotions that will give you a focus on one scripture or two scriptures--or a little few scriptures--so that you can get a revelation out of that, and not only information. What shall it profit a man or a woman if he reads the whole Bible in one year, but doesn’t get any revelation?
So I wanna focus in on Exodus, chapter 12. And I wanna show you there--and I want you to read it on your own time again--how God instructed Moses and the people of God, who were getting ready to leave Egypt. Egypt is a type of the world. Pharaoh is a type of Satan. The children of Israel, there in the land of Goshen, were supernaturally protected. You need to do a study of this. You need to find out that while every bad thing was going on in the entire nation of Egypt, down in the land of Goshen, God had a supernatural protective shield around them. Hallelujah! Ooh, I hope I can finish this without getting excited. Glory to God!
Frogs and lice and plagues were in all of Egypt. But can you imagine a fly flying up to a DMZ zone -- DMV zone--whatever you call it--demilitarized zone--DMZ zone. The fly would fly up and in an invisible shield, he would hit it and say, "Oop, I can’t go that way." You didn’t even hear what I just said. No, you didn’t hear what I just said. You didn’t hear it! Can you imagine a frog hopping along--gets up to a certain line that nobody can see in the natural, and the frog says, "Oop, I’m not welcome there." Turns around and goes the other way. Can’t anybody listen to what I’m saying?
We are talking about people--people who weren’t even purchased with the blood of Jesus yet--who were living in a society while they were still poor. They were not affected and afflicted by the things that were affecting and afflicting the Egyptians. We read Psalm 91 like it’s Disney World fantasy. "No plague shall come nigh my dwelling." We day, "Well, that’s good--oh, praise the Lord, praise the Lord!" We get excited--we get all happy about it. But do we really believe that no plague has the authority to come nigh our dwelling?
Can you imagine -- in the natural you cannot see this; but in the spiritual, you are looking at the H5N virus that is flying through the air. And it comes up -- put your address in. Really, say your address out loud right now. And when it gets to that address, that virus comes to a shield that cannot be seen in the natural, and turns around and goes the other way. Ha, ha. Oh glory to God! I said, "Oh glory to God!" I said, "Oh glory to God!"
So Moses says to the people, "You have been supernaturally protected from all of these plagues; but now God is getting ready to do the last thing. And the last thing--He’s gonna deliver you out of this. You have spent more than 400 years in bondage, and now God is about to recompense and repay." Can I tell some people in the room something right now that you need to know? Stop worrying about retribution. God is about ready to repay you for your years of sorrow and pain. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
I wish I had the time today--but I went back and I have been studying this for many, many weeks. I went back and looked at when they went down to Egypt, there were 70. And now after all of these years, they have multiplied to millions. Some 3 ½ million, some say as many as 4 ½ million. That was the people that were still alive. Can you imagine how many millions had died over those 400 years? So they multiplied supernaturally. And of course, Pharaoh who is a type of Satan again, he put up a plan to try to kill all of the baby infants. And it didn’t work. Because what happened was, the midwife said, "Every time we get to these Jewish women, they have the babies so quick that we can’t even stop the birth!"
Nobody -- you’re not hearing what I’m saying. I believe that’s prophetic--that something’s going to accelerate in our time. Watch what it is. I’m not saying you’re gonna have 50 boys and girls in your family; what I’m about to tell you in the spiritual realm is you are about to see an acceleration of things that God is gonna birth in your life. And (speaks in tongues) -- and the devil not gonna be able to abort the birthing that’s about to take place in your life.
I don’t think you heard what I just said. Those dreams and visions that God has given to some of you are about to be turned into reality. The enemy has put up a plan to abort your birthing process. But God is not gonna allow the devil to stop what He is about to bring to pass in your life. You might as well put it down in the front page of your Bible today. Mark it down as a prophetic word from God. You are about to have an acceleration of birthing in your life--the dreams, the visions, the plans that God has purposed for you are about to burst into your life!
So now they have multiplied. I’m telling you, if you are a casual viewer of nightly news--just a casual viewer--you are finding out right now that the liberal people in this country are more afraid of Christians than they are of Iran. Ah, they’re not afraid of the people that go to church every day and go through religious ceremony. They’re afraid of some of you radical people sitting out here right now--who are buying up their houses in their neighborhoods. Oh glory to God! Who are driving down the road in your new car--which they can’t understand. Ah, somebody’s not listening to what I’m saying. Can you all hear me in the back row back there? Somebody shout "Amen!" back there with me.
They’re afraid of you and I because they see, like the servant of the prophet, the cloud a size of a man’s hand that’s arising. And it’s because the people of God are waking up. Years ago, Lester Summerall said, "If the church ever wakes up, there’s something going to happen so radical in our generation, it’s gonna shake the foundations of the earth." I believe it’s happening today. I watched Ryan Hardbunker the other night in Nigeria, and there were 2 ½ million people in the crowd.
Listen America, be careful--because God is working in the African nation so supernaturally. In the Asian nations, the underground church has spread to millions and millions. They don’t -- listen, listen. They don’t have the convenience of air conditioning or heat or a church building. They meet 2:00 a.m., 3:00 a.m. in the middle of the wilderness--under the stars, in cold and hot weather. Because when you love God, you don’t worry about convenience. Hallelujah!
And so they’ve multiplied to all of these millions. And now God has a plan to liberate them. And so He instructs Moses, as the final act of judgment by God, to tell children of Israel that they -- each family are to get a lamb and roast the lamb. And they are to take the blood of the lamb and they are to sprinkle it on the lintel in the doorposts. The lintel would be the top of the door and the doorposts would be the two sides. And as they would sprinkle that -- I believe it’s in Exodus 12:11 or 12:13 -- He said, "And when I see the blood"--it’s Exodus 12 in 13. "When I see the blood, I will pas over you."
God said, "Here’s what I want you to do. I want you to go to your employer. I want you to go to your masters and I want you to borrow vessels." You can read it in Exodus, chapter 11. The Bible says, "And the Lord gave the children of Israel favor in the sight of their Egyptian masters." Hallelujah! Yeah, I’m gonna speak again prophetically. Supernatural favor is about to come on some of you. Hallelujah! I read it yesterday morning in Deuteronomy, chapter 6. God said, "I’m bringing you into a land where you have done nothing to deserve it. You will pick from trees you did not plant; you will move into houses you did not build." Somebody say "Amen" with me.
This thing that God is about to do is not gonna be pressure on anybody. Ah, somebody say, "Oh, I could use to get rid of some pressure today." How many of you -- you’re feeling some financial pressure? C’mon, be honest with me. God is speaking to you today that the pressure on you is about to lift. Somebody say, "Amen" with me. The pressure on you is about to lift. There will be no limitation to the car that you drive. I speak that prophetic word to you today. There will be no limitation to the car that you desire to drive in. I’m talking to you. I’m talking to you, David. There will be no limitation to the car that you desire to drive in--because that’s the God that’s gonna relieve any pressure off of you.
Oh the worrying about "how shall this thing be?" No, no, no, no, no. Supernatural favor is coming on you. Because the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just. And God is about to make a wealth transferal from the world’s system into the Kingdom of Almighty God. I’m telling you, you are -- somebody is gonna build their dream house. And to them, it’s gonna be their nightmare, and it’s gonna be your dream. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! We better take just about a minute praise break. C’mon! (Applause, shouting)
Watch this. Watch this. Four hundred plus years of poverty--in one night, they are so loaded down with jewels and diamonds and gold and precious things. Can you imagine? Some lady’s got an heirloom that came from two generations before it. And she says to the slave that’s been working for her for all of those years, "I don’t know why I feel led to do this, but I’m gonna give you this heirloom that’s from my grandmother’s grandmother. And here it is--it’s priceless." And all of a sudden, a slave that’s been baking bricks in the hot sun, in the 117° heat of the desert is now walking around--still with soiled clothes on and holes in their sandals--but with an heirloom hanging around their neck.
You don’t hear what I’m saying today. No, you don’t hear what I’m saying. If you heard what I was saying, you couldn’t be silent another five seconds. And He said, "Prepare yourself. I want you to take the lamb and I want you to eat all of it. Don’t cook a lamb that’s too big for you family because you’ve gotta eat all the lamb." That’s prophetic. Because you and I can’t just take a part of the lamb. We gotta understand the Lamb of God. We’ve gotta understand His authority, His power, His holiness, His greatness. We’ve gotta eat the whole Lamb.
But then we’ve gotta take the blood and sprinkle the blood. Because the blood will become our protection. It will become our attractor to favor. Listen to what the blood would do. The blood would be their protection, the blood would be their deliverance, and the blood would be their purging. All the sorrow and the pain that you have gone through; all the waiting and travailing that you have gone through; all the times of you trusting God, but seeing nothing; all the times of you standing in faith, but not seeing a manifestation. It’s about to change!
If you could close your eyes for 10 seconds, for 15 seconds--and you could see your son standing at the altar with you while he gets saved. See your wife standing here at the altar while she receives Jesus. Ah, glory to God! See the manifestation of healing in that crippled leg that’s been crippled for many, many years. See that tumor disappear that you’ve been standing and believing God for. If you could just close your eyes for 15 seconds and see in the Spirit the manifestation of what your believing for. It’s about to change.
The blood was about to purge Israel from the pain and sorrow of their past. The blood set at liberty the captives in one night. One night. Poor one day; rich the next day. Listen to what Psalm 105 in verse 37 says. "He brought them forth also with silver and gold: and there was not one feeble person among their tribes." Listen to Psalm 107 in verse 20. "He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from all of their destruction." Not one sick person among them.
Think of a city that size in America--perhaps about the size of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. There’s about 3 ½ -- 4 million in that vast city. Think about this. Anybody ever been through Philadelphia? You know how big it is, right? How many know it’s big. Think about this. God sends His Word to the city of Philadelphia, and all the hospitals have to close down. There are so many walkers and canes and crutches collected that there isn’t enough room at the dump to pile them all. Think about this. Think about this. Suddenly, everybody with arthritis is healed. Every cancerous cell in the bodies of those sick people is healed.
And when the time came for every descendant of Abraham, under this ruling of God, walked out from under Egypt’s shadow of bondage by the blood of the lamb, every single one of them was healed and delivered and blessed and prosperous. Can you imagine the command after that night? The angel of death has passed over, and to every household where he has seen the blood, he passes over that. Remember the old song we used to sing? "When I see the blood, I will pass over you." Some of you remember that hymn. How many of you remember that hymn? You know, "When I see the blood, when I see the blood, I will pass, I will pass over you."
Here comes the angel of death, and the angel says, "Oop, can’t touch that house." Now you have to understand that the angel of death is not an angel from Heaven. Ah, you see? You’re saying, "Oh, I didn’t know that." No, no--God’s not a killer. You look at the men and women of God that died in the Old Testament. Abraham gave up the ghost. He breathed out and he said, "I’m leaving here. I’m going to my eternal reward." He didn’t die because he was bent over. Oh I’ll tell you man, that guy was prosperous in his old age--still marrying and still having children; dying at 175 years old with young kids and grandkids. Oh, I can’t get any help over in this section today. Hallelujah! Somebody say "Amen" with me. ("Amen!")
Get this idea now that’s going on. All of a sudden, the command is given. Think of the sorrow and the pain that these people have gone through working this hard. And the command is given--"We’re going!" The angel has passed over, but he could not touch those places. Listen, when that death angel passes over your house and sees the blood of the lamb sprinkled on you, he cannot touch you.
Stop saying, "I don’t have no luck. Nothing goes right for me. Things just don’t seem to work out for me. Everything I touch seems to turn bad." Stop saying that, and start saying, "I am a blessed woman." Stop telling everybody in a little complaint session, "Well you know, I’m a single mother." No, you’re not a single mother. You may not have a natural husband, but you’re married to somebody who’s gonna take care of you better than any man can take care of you. We just go from one excuse to the other.
Instead of depending on the God that we serve, we depend on the situations of our life. "Well I don’t know--nobody treats me right; nobody treats me right." You’re black-eyeing the Holy Ghost. You don’t belong to a man; you belong to God. God is just allowing you, Miss, to marry a man to be a partner with you on this world. But the reality is, you are married to the Son of God. And the reality to every man is that you are married to the Son of God--whether you like it or not.
I’ve come to tell you today that -- well people always say, "Well I need a man." You need God! "Well I need a woman." You need God! And when you put God first, you’ll treat a man or a woman right. Because a man or a woman will not only become the object of your lust, they will become an object of God’s affection on them. Ah, that’s another session.
So the angel has passed over. Can you imagine? Here comes the angel of death. He says, "I’m gonna get that house." And he sees the blood. He said, "Oop--back up. Back up boys, back up boys. That’s off-limits. Can’t touch that. Can’t touch that. We ain’t getting to wrestle with anybody in that house. Oh no. We don’t want no fight with them." You’ve been afraid of the devil. You’ve been afraid of the enemy. You’ve been fearful of the enemy. The reality is the devil is afraid of you!
So the command is given. It’s the next morning. They’ve got so much gold on them, they can’t hardly walk. And all of a sudden, Mama says to her husband, "What are we gonna do with Grandpa? He’s in a walker." And as they’re talking, they hear, "Snap, crackle, pop!" And Grandpa says, "What are you all waiting for? Let’s go!" Mama says, "We’re gonna have a little bit of a time with Grandma. She’s blind--she can’t see." And Grandma turns around and says, "Can’t you see that door is open now and we’re supposed to be leaving?" Oh, you’re not hearing me. Nah--you’re not hearing me.
The command is given, and all of a sudden, God begins to supernaturally change everything. Sick one day, healed the next. Poor one day, rich the next. Bound one day, freed the next--all because of the blood of the lamb. Psalm 105, in verse 44. "And he gave them the land of the heathen: and they inherited the labour of the people." You’ve gotta get the revelation of that! People had properties in their descendancy for years. "This property belonged to my great grandfather’s grandfather’s grandfather." And they labored over it. They put the fences up, they planted the crop. And all of a sudden one day, they were gone, and the people of God were living in their house and eating the fruit of their vineyards.
Some of you are sitting there and saying, "That’s great. That’s wonderful. Praise the Lord! But what about my electric bill?" I’m trying to get you to change, silly. I’m trying to get you to understand that if you can see the power of the blood under an inferior covenant, what will the blood of Jesus do for you today? The blood, the blood, the blood, the blood, the blood, the blood, the blood, the blood, the blood, the blood, the blood, the blood, the blood, the blood, the blood. Did you hear that, devil? The blood, the blood, the blood, the blood, the blood, the blood, the blood. Blood, blood, blood, blood, blood, blood, blood, blood, blood. Blood, blood, blood, blood, blood, blood, blood!
’Cause I’m telling you--if God’s people who are listening to me this morning understand the power of the blood, you are about to give the devil a nervous breakdown. Walk into your house, open the door and close it. Turn around and say -- (the blood). Get in your car, turn the key and go -- (the blood). Go to the supermarket, pick up the expensive meat and go -- (the blood). Go down to the car showroom, sit in that car with a 16-way power seat, with touch-screen GPS, heated steering wheel, heated seat, air conditioned seat. And when the salesperson comes up and says, "You like it?" Just go like this. I double-dog dare you to do it!
I’m telling you, the devil’s afraid of the blood. (Laughs) He’s afraid of the blood. The blood, the blood, the blood, the blood, the blood, the blood. I dare you to say it out loud ten times. The blood, the blood, the blood, the blood, the blood. Over my little Joey, over my Susie, over my family, over my car, over my house--the blood, the blood. Over my children in California, over my children in Florida, over my children, over my family, out back in the country I come from. Oh yeah--over my family, over my nephew, over my daughter, my son, over my grandchildren. The blood, the blood, the blood, the blood, the blood. Over my bank account. Hey, over my investments, over my real estate, over my property--the blood, the blood, the blood, the blood, the blood, the blood, the blood.
The power of the blood--the power of the blood--the power of the blood. Oh, that blood that has a precious flow. There is power, power, wonder-working power in the blood of the Lamb! I dare you to get on your feet and put if over your head. Put it on your body. Send the blood to your children. I dare you to do it right now. How many have an unsaved family member? I want you to send the blood right now--send the blood. I send it, I send it, I send it. The blood, the blood, the blood. C’mon, send it. C’mon, c’mon, c’mon.
We trust that you’ve been blessed by this powerful teaching. If you’ve never made Jesus your Lord and Savior, you can do so right now. The Word of God tells us in the Book of Romans, chapter 10, verses 9 and 10, "Believe in your heart that God has raised Jesus from the dead, and confess Him as your Lord and Savior, and you’ll be saved. For with the heart man believes, and with his mouth he confesses what he believes." Now receive Jesus into your heart by saying this simple prayer: "Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Your Son Jesus Christ to die for my sins. I believe that you raised Him from the dead, and I confess that He is my Lord and Savior. Thank You, Heavenly Father, for saving me. In Jesus’ name, Amen."
Now if you’ve done this for the first time and would like to receive further instruction, we’re here to help. Call us here at Faith Fellowship Ministries in Sayerville, New Jersey, at 732-727-9500, week days from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. EST. And remember, keep your faith in God. It’s the greatest possession you have.