Summary: We have heard many great sermons in the course of our life from this particular passage of Scripture. We have echoed the words of Nehemiah at some point in our Christian Journey – “I am doing a great work.” We have heard sermons encouraging us not to co

Dr. Wayne A. Lawson

Preached at Antioch Institutional Baptist Church

Oklahoma City, OK



1Now it came to pass when Sanballat, and Tobiah, and Geshem the Arabian, and the rest of our enemies, heard that I had builded the wall, and that there was no breach left therein; (though at that time I had not set up the doors upon the gates;) 2That Sanballat and Geshem sent unto me, saying, Come, let us meet together in some one of the villages in the plain of Ono. But they thought to do me mischief. 3And I sent messengers unto them, saying, I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down: why should the work cease, whilst I leave it, and come down to you? 4Yet they sent unto me four times after this sort; and I answered them after the same manner.

We have heard many great sermons in the course of our life from this particular passage of Scripture. We have echoed the words of Nehemiah at some point in our Christian Journey – “I am doing a great work.” We have heard sermons encouraging us not to come down from building our spiritual wall – to hold on to God’s unchanging hand – to stand fast and God will see us through. As we continue to be a Church in Transition, it is also important for us to spend time in a Healing Process. I pray last weeks and today’s message will assist in that endeavor. In our text we see God’s people also in a state of transition and moving through the various stages of the Church healing process.

The Bible records that it was on July 10, 586 B.C. The Babylonian forces of King Nebuchadnezzar broke through the Northern wall of Jerusalem and led 100’s of thousands of Jews 700 miles to Babylon = The land of idolatry. The Jewish survivors were hauled across the Syrian desert to Babylon, many of them perishing along the way. Recall with me that The Southern Kingdom of Judah had ceased to exist, the monarchy had ended and this marked the end of the First Temple Period.

Jerusalem was burned and the walls of the city were torn down. All military, civil and religious leaders were either executed or carried away into captivity. Isn’t it interesting how the devil wants to remove leadership – strike the shepherd and what happens? Only the poorest of the peasants of Judah were allowed to remain in the land which was by now a place of complete desolation. But I am so glad this morning that God always leaves a remnant, this is why we are reminded that the meek shall inherit the earth.

Nehemiah, found in our text, was the cupbearer for the King of Persia. Nehemiah was a happy man, rarely ever depressed. He was the cupbearer of the king and that meant that he was privileged and responsible to appear before the King regularly. One day he came before the king as he came before the king, his countenance was fallen. He had a sad look upon his face. The king inquired of him because he had never come that way to the king before. He was always on the topside of things. always cheerful. That is the way it should be with all of us as Christian. Those that knew Nehemiah knew that something had to be wrong. So the king inquired, “Nehemiah, what’s wrong?” and Nehemiah told him, that the word had come from a man, one of his brethren name Hanani from the land of Palestine. He says that the land there is in ruin. The walls of his home city had been leveled. The Temple walls lay in waist and the gates have all been burned. So Nehemiah asked permission of the king that he be allowed to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls and re-erect the gates. The king gave him leave to do so. Nehemiah came to the city of Jerusalem and there he viewed the walls and he was crushed.

• He wept as he saw the walls of his beloved city leveled and his heart was crushed

• He wept as he saw the walls of his beloved city leveled and the gates of that city burned with fire

• Nehemiah began to gather a group of people, God’s people, and started the rebuilding of these walls.

Let’s focus this morning on the initial portion of this passage and hear what God is saying to us this morning. Let’s focus on Nehemiah’s situation while rebuilding this important wall. Nehemiah’s colleague by the name of Ezra just accomplished the spiritual establishment of this returning new community from their years of being in exile, whereas Nehemiah’s Assignment was to provide a physical structure. Also he rebuilt it in record time 52 DAYS! Nehemiah was a great PULPITEER, and we recall his simple message I’M DOING A GREAT WORK – NOT FOR MYSELF – BUT FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF GOD’S KINGDOM.

• Nehemiah had received a leave of asence from his occupation as a cupbearer to the King

• Received tragic news from Jerusalem

• Walls and Gates had been destroyed

• Israel was in great distress

• Ezra had previously returned to Jerusalem in an attempt to repair the walls and gates

• He had been hindered by the enemies of Israel

• Ezra’s assignment transitioned to heal the people spiritually, calling them to repentance that God may bless and restore them

• Physical state of the city was in ruins

Ezra had returned for some time and had the responsibility of restoring the Spirituality of God’s people. Nehemiah now enters the scene in Israel with a Vision and he is joined by a company of workers, that had a Mind to Work. They were focused and determined to accomplish the task of rebuilding their homeland. This is a key as to why many Churches are not growing today. God’s men, God’s leaders must be visionaries – must have a vision received from God as to how to move the Church forward.

• We place too much focus and emphasis on the wrong thing

• We want to grow a large ministry

• Try to emulate other churches and their ministries

• Church stagnates trying to be like everybody else

• God has a plan for this Church

• Need to understand what God is saying to us

First Step is always develop what is already in place. So we must start at the foundation and move up. Can’t add an addition to our homes if the foundation is Cracked or Weak. We must first spend time and money strengthening the Foundation, if not, the Addition, although new will be as unstable as the rest of the house. When you purchase a home one of the first things that we must do is hire a home inspector. The inspector checks for foundation issues. These are ordinarily issues with the home that the Eye Can Not Detect. Prior to closing on the new home, it must first pass the inspection and ensure the foundation is good.

• There are some things that are obvious to the eye that need to be fixed

• There are other issues that are not quite as obvious, yet require attention

• If we begin to build without fixing, it will eventually Collapse in the Long Run

We find Nehemiah and the Israelites prepared to rebuild the wall and reestablish Jerusalem. They had encountered much adversity by accepting this challenge. Kingdom building is not easy. The challenge appeared to be much larger than these men.

• Have you ever had a day or days when it seemed like nothing went right?

• Have you ever been given a task where you were forced to face adversity head on?

• Have you ever faced a situation and you knew that it was greater than your capabilities?

This is the type of task that Nehemiah stood face to face with. Nehemiah’s Faith – not his strength would be tested. Oftentimes we have the wrong understanding of what faith is. If we can handle the situation on our own, then we don’t need faith. But if the situation appears too hard for us, then it is just right for God. Sometimes we think that placing money in the Building Fund for 3-years – have enough to rebuild – that’s not faith,. Don’t know where the money is coming from but we will rebuild on faith.

Let me remind you again that Nehemiah was not prepared for such a task. He was not equipped or trained to lead and accomplish this work. Nehemiah was neither Prophet nor Priest. You don’t have to be the Pastor - Deacon for God to use you in a leadership role – don’t need to be Seminary trained – Faith the size of a grain mustard seed. So here was Nehemiah in Jerusalem with this special call on his heart. What qualified him was the fact that he was a great prayer warrior in the Army of the Lord. According to God’s book that is the only qualification that we need. The first qualification of a Leader is to know how to pray, to know the importance of spending quality time down on bended knees. It is through this time in prayer that God equips us for the task at hand.

Second Step - While in Jerusalem he meet great opposition. The temple had been rebuilt by Ezra - now it required the fortress; this was Nehemiah’s charge. Rallied God’s people, began to organize. CHAPTER 2, VS. 19 “WHEN SANBALLAT AND TOBIAH HEARD OF OUR REBUILDING, THEY LAUGHED US TO SCORN AND DESPISED US.” As we move our Church forward, in a holistic fashion, there will be those that will laugh and ridicule the Church. Enemy will try any method to divert your attention – throw ridicules things at you.

• Tell you the Preachers ain’t no good

• Tell you the Deacons need to sit down

• Tell you the Leaders are not trained

• Tell you the Church does not have any hope

• Community will laugh at Antioch Baptist Church – I don’t believe you go down there to that Church

• But that’s alright

• Laughed at NEHEMIAH

• Laughed at NOAH

• Laughed at JOB

• Laughed at JEREMIAH

• Even Laughed at JESUS

In spite of the ridicule and being laughed at they still had a mind to work. For God has a way of turning OPPOSITION -- OPPORTUNITY - PROBLEMS -- POSSIBILITY - SORROW -- SUCCESS. The Bible says the wall around the Holy City was finally complete – doors were not yet in place. Sanballat and Tobia grew Jealous and heard sent word for Nehemiah to meet them. I imagine at the local steakhouse, not want to congratulate him, but wanted to do him harm – this is why the Bible says we must be WISE AS A SERPANT AND HARMLESS AS A DOVE. Sanballat – Tobia made an attempt to stop the work, do Nehemiah in VS. 2 “MEET US IN THE PLAIN OR THE LAND OF ONO” – A city in tribe of Benjamin.

Look at what Nehemiah did and how he responded to this distraction. He didn’t go in to a firefighting mode. With this diversion, he ignored it. He ignored it. Sometimes you’ve got to stand up and fight and sometimes you just have to ignore as a way of growing spiritually. Look, at a crucial moment he sent messengers. He didn’t go himself. He realized that he was in a critical moment, so he sent messengers. He perceived the request wasn’t harmless at all. The plain or land of Ono is a whole day’s journey from Jerusalem and it is bordered by hostile territory and so Nehemiah suspected something. Something didn’t smell right to him. He knew it was a trap. He simply responded that he was too busy and would not stop the work at hand.

Nehemiah had invested so much of himself into this vision of reconstruction. The finish line was in sight and so Nehemiah refuses to be distracted. In my mind, Nehemiah gives a marvelous reply. His response reveals a mixture of courage and wisdom. When we are confident that the thing we are doing is exactly what God wants us to do, we must refuse all distractions. Four times word had been sent to this great Leader – Meet us in the LAND OF ONO. Nehemiah simply responded I am doing a great work and I can not come down. Stopped by to tell you today Church, we too must be careful that we don’t come down from building and visit the LAND OF ONO. We are trying to move the Church forward and like Nehemiah we too have letters from the King in our hand – KING OF KINGS. Although we have been commissioned to move forward, yet we get stuck in the LAND OF ONO.

Well what do you mean Bishop that we are visiting the LAND OF ONO? Well….let’s visit the LAND OF ONO for a few minutes:

 Let’s move the Church forward – OH NO, THINGS ARE FINE LIKE THEY ARE

 Need to work together as a Church family – OH NO I CAN’T WORK WITH THEM FOLKS

 Need to make changes to the Program – OH NO BEEN DOING IT LIKE THIS FOR 50 YEARS

 Need to be more involved in Programs – OH NO, I DON’T NEED TRAINING TO TEACH IN MY CHURCH

 Need to visit other Church as a church family - OH NO, I DON’T HAVE TIME FOR ALL OF THAT

 Need to come together to Pray before any Church meetings - OH NO, ALL THAT IS NOT NECESSARY

 Need to spend more time on Ministry – OH, NO, YOUR NOT THE LEADER HERE

Let us stand like Nehemiah and refuse to visit the LAND OF ONO – why because with Christ all things are possible

I stand here this morning like Nehemiah to encourage you:

 I am talking to Sunday school teachers – DON’T STOP BUILDING

 I am talking to van drivers DON’T STOP BUILDING

 I am talking to musicians - DON’T STOP BUILDING

 I am talking to Deacons - DON’T STOP BUILDING

 I am talking to Officers - DON’T STOP BUILDING

 I am talking to preachers - DON’T STOP BUILDING

 I am talking to soul - winners - DON’T STOP BUILDING

 I am talking to singers - DON’T STOP BUILDING

 I am talking to the Ushers - DON’T STOP BUILDING

 I am talking to the Youth Leaders - DON’T STOP BUILDING

 I am talking to the Church Mothers - DON’T STOP BUILDING

We need to understand just like Nehemiah, take his same attitude – I AM DOING A GREAT WORK AND I CAN NOT COME DOWN – I will not visit the LAND OF ONO