Summary: The calling of Peter, what does it take to become a follower of Jesus?

I’m not sure that’s exactly how it shook down, but it can’t be too far off!

Jesus had ascended to heaven and the disciples were left there to make sense of it all, to carry on the proclamation of the good news of Jesus Christ. They had no idea their efforts would turn into this (look around) some 2,000 years later! -CHURCH

All the things the church has become, for better or for worse…originated with the disciples, and one key leader…Peter.


The early church was founded by Jesus and then built up by His close friends. The disciples. The people He chose to do life with. Ordinary people.

Carpenters, tax collectors, traders, physicians, soldiers, fisherman. Nothing spectacular. Just a group of people who wanted nothing more than to tell everyone they could about their friend who would save the world, Jesus of Nazareth.

If any church has since strayed from that central mission, they are no longer aligned with the cause for which our Savior gave His life.

The disciples knew this, they died for that cause. They suffered to bring the news of Jesus, and one disciple in particular was relentless in his passion to expose the world to Gods only Son.

Simeon of Jonah, often called by another name, Simon Peter was raised in bilingual Galilee. He grew up in Bethsaida with his brother Andrew. Since he was Jewish, he received a normal elementary education and a trade. He probably spoke in Greek and Aramaic ( with a heavy northern accent ).

Both Peter and Andrew were involved with their father in the fishing profession. Since they lived in Capernaum I’m sure the business did fairly well. They were fishing partners with James and John…

Peter Andrew James and John would soon learn more about fishing than they could have possibly imagined.

Matthew 4:18-22 (The calling of the first disciples)

Come, follow Me, Jesus said. IMMEDIATELY they left everything behind. Now I don’t know if by immediately the Bible means that they took a few minutes, put their nets away, hugged their dad, said goodbye to their family and friends, packed some robes and sandals…

I don’t really picture them just dropping their nets, walking over the edge of the boat, into the water, up the shore like robots towards Jesus, ..

The original text doesn’t imply exactly how quick they moved, but it does say something about their mindset.

In the original language the word for “they left immediately” is used other places in scripture, it’s often been used with the meaning “To leave behind as at death”!!!! It was a mindset. They loved their families and held them close.

Peter and Andrew would return from time to time to fish back home…Peter was, after all married, so he was a family man, always keeping in touch back home. Jesus didn’t want them to forget everyone in their past.

Jesus wanted their hearts, and He got them.

As a common blue collar worker, educational opportunities were limited for Peter. The Sanhedrin according to Acts 4:12 perceived that Peter and John were uneducated, ignorant men. Peter in fact writes some of the toughest Greek in the NT to translate, so he wasn’t stupid, he just wasn’t educated like Paul.

What was it that Jesus was looking for? Really. The most powerful being to walk the face of this planet. The ultimate superhero, creation bowing in adoration and worship of this man. Every resource in the universe available at His fingertips.

He stands on a beach, watching four uneducated men cast their nets into the sea, desperately hoping for a catch, this is how they survived. Wouldn’t this look infitesimal to an almighty being? After all, He could produce a fish out of thin air. Jesus knew there was something more to fish for. Looking past fins, scales and gills, He was interested in the hearts of man. He simply said you, you, you and you…let’s roll.

They understood there was something special about this man. Why else would they leave everything???

Peter was an experienced fisherman, he knew the habits of fish. Jesus asks him to leave and do something that seems irrational. It’s not according to conventional wisdom. It goes against reason. If everything Jesus asked us to do was sensible or rational, we would not need faith to obey him.

Peter says, Jesus – because you say so, I will do it. And the rest is history of the most important kind. Jesus started by teaching Peter how to catch men and women. Souls. The rest of Peter’s life would be spent telling others about Jesus Christ. This is what Jesus taught.. Where are you at in your life with this??

After all, Peter gets plenty of recognition in the Bible and church history, yet it was Andrew that introduced him to Jesus. How could Andrew have known his obedience would forever impact the church in such a way?

How could you ever know the impact of inviting someone to church, telling someone about the way Jesus has changed your life? You simply have no idea where that changed soul might end up. It’s not your job to know that or even understand it, it’s our job as Christians to take step one.

Invite to next series…Religiously Transmitted Diseases and BIG PUSH

Are you willing to not only seek God and His wisdom and will for your life, but are you willing to share that with the world? Are you willing to take that step of faith out of the boat? One foot in the water. One foot in the unknown. Unknown and often uncomfortable territory that smacks you in the face and brings those you don’t even know into eternity with the Creator?

This is the experience of Peter. MATTHEW 14:22-36 READ

Peter found his faith being stretched in a miraculous way one night on a boat in the middle of the ocean. The disciples were rowing against the waves, trying in vein to steer straight. Jesus was silently waiting on the shore watching their every move. That’s when Jesus made a move that would forever impact his faithful but scared friends. Jesus walks out on the water and approaches the boat. The disciples strain to see Him and they can’t believe their eyes. They are freaking out, so would you! No Chris Angel, no David Blane, they had seen nothing like this, even in a trick.

In fact, the Bible says they didn’t recognize Him, they thought He was a ghost! Matthew wants us to know that sometimes it takes eyes of faith to recognize when Jesus is around.

Jesus says don’t be afraid. Peter, never being one to think things through, jumps up and yells to Jesus. He says, “Lord if it’s You, tell me to come out”. Jesus says COME!

Jesus’ first words to Peter were the same. Peter jumps out of the boat and starts walking on the surface of the water!!! He starts out focused on Jesus but the waves get distracting, he began to sink and yells out to Jesus to save him. Jesus grabs his arm and pulls him in. Jesus turns to Peter and says, “oh ye of little faith, why did you doubt”?

Peter was fine when he was focused on Christ. That’s how it works with us. Peter at least got out of the boat, the other disciples were afraid. –They felt safer in a tiny boat in the middle of a storm than they did in the arms of the one that could silence it in an instant.

You may say, “ I would hve gotten out of the boat”! Really?? Your boat may be your house, your car, your job, your money, your tradition of worship, your friends, your family or anything that makes you feel safe and comfortable. How often do we get distracted by all that is happening around us? It wasn’t so much that Peter got distracted by the waves that made Jesus say the things He did, but it was Peters response to the waves that made doubt surface in his mind. We start sinking when doubt surfaces.

It’s interesting that Jesus commands them to get in the boat. Jesus knew the storm was approaching. OBEDIENCE IS NO GUARENTEE OF BEING SPARED ADVERSITY. It takes focus and confidence in Christ to be obedient.

How confident are you in Christ? 50%? 70%? He is calling you right now to step out in faith, at home, at work, inside of yourself…here at CedarCreek. Do you have doubt? Are you afraid to drop everything, including reason and follow a King to victory? We get one shot. It’s called life, it only lasts a short time. It’s decision time.

Peter had a habit of listening intently to Jesus. After all, his original name (Simon) meant “hearing”.

Are we listening to God? Do we have a habit of obeying no matter what?

We’re quick to laugh at Peter for a lack of faith to stay afloat. We snicker form the safety of our boats. We wish to fight a war against Satan from the comfort of our living rooms. Peter knew better. He knew what had to be done, he was far from perfect but he was perfectly willing.

It’s quite evident Peter had a battle with doubt going on inside him.

Peter would later do the unthinkable, deny Christ. Not once, but three times as predicted by Christ Himself.

Soldiers came to apprehend Jesus a short itme before the crucifixion. Under the cover of darkness the disciples scattered into the forest in fear for their lives. Peter denied Jesus because he was afraid for his life. Imagine the hurt in Christ’s eyes as his beloved friend sold out. Jesus had poured so much attention into Peter. He had washed his feet, confided in him. Here was Peter selling out to save himself, just when Jesus needed him the most.

We say to ourselves, we would never do that! What happens when we are challenged by someone outside the faith? What happens when it’s time to take a stand in your life? Amongst your peers?

We often deny Christ with our silence. With our lack of action. This wasn’t Peters problem, it’s ours. I would much rather be Peter and make mistakes while being in the game!!!!

Peter swore in Matthew 26:33 that he would never fall away, yet it happened. Why didn’t Jesus turn from Peter? He actually prayed for him! (John 17)

Jesus interceded for Peter and reinstated him. It was a turning point for Peter. Grace has a way of doing that.

Have you ever been forgiven? You know how that feels. You know you did somebody wrong. Yet they gave you another chance. You feel indebted. Maybe you should have been fired but you weren’t, maybe your husband or your wife should have given up on you, but they didn’t…

Though we don’t get the chance to deny Christ to His actual face, we chose to do it in other ways. We often lack obedience and discipline, we sometimes put ourselves first…Yet through it all…

Jesus pursues us. Forgives us. Sustains us. Protects us. We are not worthy. We are professional doubters. We’re scared. We’re selfish, we’re impulsive, we’re cheaters and beggars scavenging for crumbs on the doorstep of a benevolent King. We are Peter in the worst of ways. Passionate at times, faithful at times, constantly battling irresolution. We’re often ungrateful and unaware of the power of Jesus of Nazareth. And still He says, “Come, follow me”.

How He can impact our lives if we’ll only let Him!

Peter often spoke without thinking. He was often comically over zealous. Yet Peter was eager to ask Jesus doctrinal and ministry related questions. He never hesitated to ask about rewards for discipleship!

At the sight of Jesus walking on water, Peter asked to do the same, At the transfiguration it was Peter who recognized Moses and Elijah. Peter stayed close to Jesus every step of the way, even during the denial…at least Peter was close, all the other disciples had fled.

Peters characteristics make him very popular and with his human weaknesses all can identify. One moment he was praised by Jesus and the next moment he was being rebuked by his Lord! He was adventurous and inconsistent.

His enthusiasm and even his weaknesses have made him the supreme example of the developing disciple, one who, through he power of the risen Lord, rose above his faults to become a towering figure in the early church.

He was persecuted for the sake of the call. He was crucified upside down somewhere around AD 60-69

He refused to be crucified in the same manner as his Lord. What’s interesting is that Jesus told him he would be killed for his faith, he was willing to pursue Jesus even unto death! Jesus said, “You’re going to die for Me”…you’re going to die for Me. Peter threw his life down as fast as he let go of those nets back in Capernaum. IMMEDIATLEY he left his own plan, as if leaving the dead.

It was a mindset.

Acts 12:1-18 ( not on outline) Herod had James killed and Peter was next in line, amazingly enough the Bible records Peter sleeping at this time! He had such a resounding confidence and faith in God that he had peace even at the moment of sure death!!

Jesus’ first words to Peter were “come, follow Me”. Jesus never changed His thinking. With all of Peters changes in life, Jesus kept saying, “follow Me”. Even the last words of Jesus to Peter followed the same.

That’s what Jesus wanted out of Peter. The “Rock”. The “listener”.

That’s what Jesus wants out of us. Follow Him no matter what. Are you ready to do this? Are you ready to take a stand, to deny yourself and take up Jesus Christ? Regardless of circumstance, regardless of your own plan and ambition? Will you live with one foot in the water? Are you distracted by the waves of emotion and relentless tossing of your world around you?

Will you keep your eyes focused on Him? May this be our prayer.