Summary: A short series on how people can serve God

Through Our Works of Service - Abilities & Personality?

Gladstone Baptist Church - 12/6/05

In 1658 a young Italian boy lived in the town of Cremona. Legend has it, that like his townsfolk, Antonio loved music. Cremona was a town where musical ability was highly valued. But poor Antonio was not a very accomplished musician. When he tried singing his friends nicknamed him "squeaky voice". When he tried to learn the violin he was all thumbs. About the only thing Antonio could do was to whittle on a block of wood with his knife, carving little objects.

One day Antonio sat whittling by the roadside as three of his very musical friends were busking. The air filled with their beautiful playing and singing. One gentlemen stopped longer than any of the others and even asked the friends to sing a song again. After they finished he dropped a gold coin into the hand of the singer. Then he moved on down the street.

A gold coin was a princely sum for a street singer. "Who was he?" asked Antonio. "It was Amati," his friends proudly replied. "Nicolo Amati, the greatest violin maker in all of Italy!"

That planted a thought in young Antonio’s mind. The next morning he went to Nicolo Amati’s house and waited for he great master to come out. When Amati opened the door, Antonio bounded up and told him that he wanted to become a violin maker. "I cannot sing and I cannot play, but I can carve." Would Amati take him on as an apprentice?

Amati agreed and the eleven year old went to work for him. Years later Nicolo died and Antonio took over the business. Antonio’s full name? Antonio Stradiviari, the greatest violin maker of all time.

Antonio couldn’t sing, Antonio couldn’t play, but he could carve. We may not all be able to sing, we may not all be able to play violin, but like Antonio Stradivari, we all have things we can do and all have a lasting impact to make on the people around us and even on the world we live in.

Last week, we started to review the fourth purpose that God made us for - We were shaped for service. Roger started to talk about that last Sunday morning, explaining that God has given us all a unique shape which enables us to serve him. Last Sunday night, I began to unpack what this means for us individually.

We started off by acknowledging that God designed us for ministry in 3 directions ...

1. First we minister to GOD - That’s upwards. We do it through worship. When we worship, we are actually ministering to God.

2. Then we minister to OTHER BELIEVERS - That’s inwards. Many of the things we do here at our church are mainly for the benefit of other believers. The musicians for example, morning tea servers, welcomers, children’s church - they are all focussed on believers.

3. Then we also minister to UNBELIEVERS - That’s outwards. Some of the things we do in this church reach out to people outside of this church. Brigades, KOGs, BYG House, Craft Group, the missionaries we support are examples.

SHAPE is an acronym which stands for aspects of our ministry profile. S is for Spiritual Gifts, H is for Heart, A is for Ability, P stands for our Personality and E is our experience.

Last Sunday night, I began to speak about our Spiritual Gifts and our Heart. We learnt that these are two factors which help us to figure out what we should be doing in ministry and where we should be ministering. And this morning I want to continue our mini series and explain how our Abilities and Personality contribute to our ministry profile.


Many people when we start talking about abilities really get depressed because they can’t recognise all of the abilities they possess. We all have literally THOUSANDS of abilities. Some of them are NATURAL - i.e. you were born with them. But most of them are LEARNED skills and most of them are so basic to our lives that we take them for granted and don’t even think about them. Speech is an ability you all have. Most of you can tie a shoe lace. Most of you can drive a car. Most of you can tell a $20 note from a $5 note. A bit silly isn’t it, but the point is, that you have literally thousands of skills ranging from the basic and mundane, to complex and unique skills which may have taken you years to master.

Exod 35:30-36:1 30 Then Moses said to the Israelites, “See, the LORD has chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, 31 and he has filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability and knowledge in all kinds of crafts- 32 to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze, 33 to cut and set stones, to work in wood and to engage in all kinds of artistic craftsmanship. 34 And he has given both him and Oholiab son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan, the ability to teach others. 35 He has filled them with skill to do all kinds of work as craftsmen, designers, embroiderers in blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen, and weavers-all of them master craftsmen and designers. 1 So Bezalel, Oholiab and every skilled person to whom the LORD has given skill and ability to know how to carry out all the work of constructing the sanctuary are to do the work just as the LORD has commanded.”

When the Israelites were building the temple, people used their skills and abilities to contribute to it. They were skills that they picked up during the years spent in slavery in Egypt. God had helped them develop those skills so they could use them to serve him, other believers and those outside their nation.

Moses - their leader had many skills himself. He is probably known as one of the greatest leaders of all time. He acted for God to lead over 2 Million people out of Egypt. How many leaders are there around that personally care for the immediate needs of 2 Million people stuck in a desert. Not even the modern day leaders of our nations had such a daunting task. But where did he get these leadership skills? I know that God’s spirit was within him and gave him the power he needed to do these tasks, but the practical skills of Moses were learnt. He spent his first 40 years in the Pharaoh’s palace learning how to run a country - He learnt how to handle people, how to lead, how to represent Himself before Pharaoh in court. He spent the next 40 years as a shepherd learning how to care for a stupid and dependant group of followers - how to herd them, how to protect them, how to have patience with them. God put Moses in situations where he would learn skills and abilities. And he then used these skills and abilities which Moses had learnt to minister to the people of Israel.

God can use our abilities in his service no matter what they are. What skills or abilities have you got. You may have learnt them at school or college. You may have learnt them from your Mum or Dad. You may have learnt them at work. You may have even taught yourself some of them. God wants to use them because he gave you the ability and the chance to learn them. God wants to use your spiritual gifts. God wants to use your heart. And God wants to use your abilities. Because GOD GAVE them to you.

Many people confuse Spiritual Gifts and Abilities or talents. Let me show you how they are similar and how they are different ...

Abilities ...

„X Are Natural or learnt skills

„X You have thousands of them

„X Are given by God

„X Can be used by God for his service Spiritual Gifts ...

„X Can’t be learnt - they are gifts

„X You will have at least one

„X Are given by God at our conversion

„X Can be used by God for his service

They are different, but God gives both of them and uses them in the same way. God wants to use your abilities and your spiritual Gifts in his service. Because they are used by God in similar ways, Abilities, like Spiritual Gifts both tell us WHAT we are to do? But are you willing to use them????

Some people don’t consider that their abilities are spiritual enough to use in God’s service. They say - I’m a teacher, but that is what I do for a job, it’s not something I had ever thought of using for God. In actual fact, I believe that we shouldn’t try to distinguish between Spiritual Gifts and Abilities. If it is true that God has given us both abilities and spiritual gifts, then he has a purpose in giving them to us and wants us to use them both.

I’ve met many people who refuse to lend a hand in a particular ministry because they don’t think that it is compatible with their spiritual gift. I believe that as members of a body we are called to have both Primary and Secondary ministries in this church body ...

1) PRIMARY Ministry commitments are where we FIT. Where our gifts, passions, abilities, personality and experiences line up with the needs. This will be pure pleasure when you are serving in this way. You will feel so fulfilled by it. They are what God has made you to do.

2) SECONDARY Ministry commitments are where we are NEEDED. Sometimes our body is missing some components or they are hurt and wounded and need a rest. It doesn’t mean those ministries are no longer needed. It just means the rest of the body needs to step in and compensate for a time. It’s like a broken foot. The whole of the body needs to compensate until the foot is able to take up its duties again. Do we have any needs in this church - sure we do. Do we need people to work to fill these gaps even though they are not SHAPED like that - yes we do. Secondary Ministries are ministries where you can use your skills to help out. I have been amazed that for much of this year we have been struggling to fill our welcoming roster, particularly at night. I mean, what skills does it take to say hello to people. Every single person sitting here today have the necessary skills to smile, shake someone’s hand and say hello. Such an important ministry, yet there are a lot of people saying - No it is not my SHAPE. Who cares - there is a job that needs to be done, so lets get in and do it.

I want to challenge you to look at what you are doing for God, other believers and unbelievers. Some of you here are not in ministry because you are not sure where you fit ... Well if you can’t figure out what is your perfect fit, start doing something that is needed. Use your abilities to serve God at every opportunity. If we were really honest, we would have to admit, that we could minister well in many many ministry areas.

Parents - you are all skilled in dealing with children. Yet many of you are very reluctant to use those skills. For fear of stealing Pastor Roger’s thunder tonight, I want to tell you that I believe in GENERATIONAL ministry. What I mean by that is I believe that each generation should be ministering to the next generation. Why? Because you have experience and have got the skills that the next generation are yet to develop. Who should be ministering to children? Those who have gone before - the youth of our church, the young adults, parents, etc. Who should be ministering to our youth? Our Young Adults and also young parents. Who should be ministering to our young adults? Parents of families and older more mature people - people who have already been through that stage. Who should be ministering to young parents - Older parents - parents of teenagers, etc. How about parents of teenagers? Well those with grown up children have a unique ministry to them. That is generation ministry. As you grow and mature, you develop skills and it is your job to minister to others in this body by using those skills.

Paul had a generational model. He urged Titus in Titus 2:3-8 to

3 Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. 4 Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, 5 to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.

6 Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled. 7 In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness 8 and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us.

I believe that everyone here needs to look at the generations that follow them and consider how they may be able to serve them in ministry. It may not be your Primary ministry, but people, please, please think about this as one of your Secondary ministries. We have a desperate need for mentoring and ministry between generations. Does anyone agree with me? And if you think that, I can guarantee those in the generation below you are thinking it as well and just wishing you would minister to them - while all the while you are waiting for someone to minister to you. Sad isn’t it that we wait for our own needs to be met before considering the needs of others.

Okay lets spend the rest of the time looking at where our personality fits in this equation.

4) PERSONALITY The P in SHAPE stands for Personality

Did you know that God created you with a personality. He did.

God made you just the way you are. Some of you are extroverts, others are introverts. Some are people orientated people and others are program orientated. Some like routine, some like variation. Some make decisions based on reason, others make decisions based on emotions. We are all different, but again - your personality is GOD GIVEN and is therefore neither right or wrong. But it will affect the way you minister. Here’s an example. Just say we have 2 people who both have the spiritual gift of evangelism - telling others about Jesus - and who both have a heart to see people come to know God. What if one were an introvert (felt nervous around people they didn’t know) and the other an extrovert (loved big crowds or meeting new people). Well the introvert would probably be good at one to one evangelism - just talking with friends about their faith. The extrovert may be good at going out and meeting people in the streets or door knocking or even speaking to a crowd of people in the lunch room. Personality tells us HOW we should serve.

Some psychologists describe four basic styles of personality. Some people are “dominant” personalities who like to be in control. Nobody has to ask dominant people what they think because they have already told you what they think. They are blunt, direct -- fast to make judgements and ready to take action.

Then there are those for whom life is a party. These are “people” people. They like to talk. They are very animated. They like meeting new friends. Their nature is optimistic. They are fun to be around.

Then there are folks who are marked by their “steadiness”. They like situations that are dependable, predictable. They’re not the rah-rah type. They will never be the life of the party, but they’re good listeners. They make others feel comfortable.

Finally, there are the “detail” people. They like to do things right. They take care of the little things and are highly conscientious. Some people call them perfectionists. Some of them are. But most of them simply take pride in a job well-done.

Four personality types -- all valued, all necessary. There is a clever story that helps illustrate these four types.

Four of King Arthur’s knights were guilty of betraying him. They were sentenced to die on the guillotine. Somehow, though, as the blade was ready to drop, it jammed. King Arthur took this as a sign that he should show mercy and give the knights their freedom. The reaction of the four knights to this good news tells us a lot about their personalities.

The knight high in dominance growled, "I told you I was innocent. This execution should never have been planned in the first place!"

The knight who was primarily a people person shouted, "We’re free! We’re free! Let’s go party!"

The steady knight was consoling the executioner, "I want you to know," he said, "that I don’t blame you. You were just doing your job."

Meanwhile, the detail oriented knight had been staring thoughtfully at the jammed blade on guillotine. "Hmmm," he said aloud, "I think I see how this thing can be fixed!"

Four distinct styles of personality. I’ll let you choose your own category.

Think about Moses again for a second ... Moses wasn’t the bold, brash leader that some movies portray him as. He was completely unsure of himself and his abilities. Do you remember when God called him at the burning bush and Moses came up with every excuse under the sun why he couldn’t possibly do this job. God had to continually reassure Moses that He would be with him and that it was God’s power which would accomplish these things. And do you know that this made him the perfect leader.

In Numbers 12:3, Moses was described in this way ... Now the man Moses was very humble, more so than anyone else on the face of the earth. Moses knew he wasn’t able to pull this off without God’s help. His humility made him dependent on God. Moses was constantly seeking the face of the Lord for wisdom. That was exactly the kind of leader God needed.

Your personality factors into your life mission in a similar way. If you get bent out of shape by high pitched squeals and constant interruptions, then children’s ministry may not be a part of you call. If on the other hand, you love being active and bouncing around, then you will probably fit right into KOGs or Brigades. Your personality helps to tell you How to minister.

So that is the Next 2 parts of your shape profile. Abilities and Personality. Remember, God has shaped you for ministries he has prepared for you. Antonio Straviari could never have imagined that the abilities God gave him would lead him into making violins. He once took one whole year to make one violin, but made it to perfection as an offering to God. Anthonio declared that he was making perfect violins only to please God. You will probably never be able to imagine how God could use your abilities and your personality for his glory, but you have to be willing to give them to him for his use.

Peter writes 1 Pet 4:7 7 The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray. 8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 9 Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. 10 Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. 11 If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.

Let’s serve God for his glory and honor.