Where in the world are you?
John 10:10
In the movie “Schindler’s List”, the main character, Oskar Schindler was burdened with saving as many of the Polish Jews as he possibly could. Though he managed to save over 1100, At the end he is still burdened. He begins to run countless “What If” scenarios through his mind. “ What If I would have sold my ring, I could have gotten 50 more out”. He becomes very distraught over the fact that he did not do more. Sadly, we can’t sell anything nor do we have to, to “Save” those in the world around us from an eternity spent in Hell. And yet there seems to be little emphasis on the necessity of salvation in the world today, even among many churches. I read an article in yesterday’s paper about a nationally renowned pastor. In his opinon, he has basically been called and gifted to encourage people. While I agree that encouragement is a gift that needs to be shared, I believe that the most important thing we do is share our faith. As the scripture says, “What profit it a man if he should gain the whole world and lose in own soul. In God’s eyes, as far as eternity is concerned, there are only two kinds of people. Those who are lost and those who are saved.
We lack the ability to see into the heart of man. Only God can do that. We can only see the outward appearance. Only you and God know whether you are saved or not. In the world we live in today, I believe we have at least four groups of people as it relates to their salvation. This morning I want to share them with you.
I. Those who know they are saved-1 John 5:13
a. Obviously this is the group you want to be in.
b. Our opening text tells us that Jesus came that we might have the fullness of life.
c. John’s letter tells us that we can know we are saved.
d. Those who are saved enjoy the abundant life.
e. Does not mean an abundance of possessions, but the ability to enjoy life.
f. We are able to enjoy because we have the peace that passes all understanding.
g. Our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus and His Righteousness.
h. Or to quote Paul, “I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.
i. It is a joyful thing to know you are saved.
j. Every part of your life is viewed against the backdrop of eternity.
k. You are joint Heirs with Jesus.
l. You have the promise of something amazingly superlative to what you now enjoy.
m. Regardless of your current circumstances.
n. It is truly a Joy to Know you are saved.
o. And the word of God tells us we can “Know” we are saved.
p. And when we know we are saved, we have the opportunity to share all the benefits made available to us through the Lord Jesus Christ.
q. We can enjoy “Life at it’s fullest”
II. Those who think they are saved-Matthew 7:21-23
a. This is probably the most dangerous of all conditions.
b. The word tells us that their will be those who think because they have done some “Godly” things, they are saved.
c. Bro. Charles made an excellent point in our Sunday School lesson last Sunday.
d. God’s math shows us that it is good possibility that at least half of the folks in the world when Jesus returns will be lost. (Matthew 24:41-43)
e. It says two men will be in the field and one will be raptured and one left behind.
f. Two women will be grinding at the mill, one will be raptured and one left behind.
g. These groups of people being at least acquaintances of some sort leads me to believe that they would at least have been exposed to the Gospel by the one who is raptured away.
h. There are a great number of people in the world today who think they are saved for any number of reasons.
i. But the word tells us that they will be known by the fruit that they bear.
j. Were you changed from the inside out when you were saved.
k. Are you a new creation.
l. Or did you just say a few words in a prayer and continue on with your life as before.
m. The reason this is the most dangerous condition is because it keeps millions from ever really entering into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
n. They think they have some “Fire Insurance”.
o. But they have no “fruit”, no proof of their salvation.
p. James says “Faith without works is dead”
q. And a faith that is Dead is a Faith that is not alive.
r. Don’t think you are saved, know that you are.
s. Don’t risk hearing the words, “Depart from me, I never knew you”.
III. Those who know they are lost-Matthew 19:16-21
a. There are many who are lost and know they are.
b. The young man in this passage left sad, because He knew he was lost.
c. If He would have intended to go away and sell his possessions, and join the Lord Jesus, he would have been like everyone else in the scriptures we find doing that. Rejoicing and telling others.
d. But it says he went away sad, because he was a man of great wealth.
e. I am convinced there are many in the world like this young man.
f. They know what they need to do, they just cannot bring themselves to do it.
g. They may have great wealth, or power, or fame. And reality in the world today is that they would quite possibly lose it by proclaiming Christ as Lord of their life. So they just don’t do it. How Sad.
h. Many “Plan” to get saved one day.
i. Their plan is to play the odds.
j. Live like they want to and hope they have the opportunity to make a “Death Bed” profession.
k. And then there are those who know they are lost, but are more afraid of walking down the aisle of a church, than they are of falling into the pits of hell.
l. Irony of Ironies.
m. Brave enough to risk an eternity in hell, but to timid to live for Christ.
n. We all know someone in this condition.
o. Perhaps it is you.
p. Think about what you are doing.
q. Many preachers have taken a lot of heat, for preaching the uncertainty of life.
r. They are accused of trying to “Scare People” to get them to come to Christ.
s. Well let me tell you something.
t. Hell is something you should be scared of.
u. My goal is not gain another member on the rolls of Summerfield Baptist Church.
v. My responsibility is to preach the gospel and keep as many souls as I can from going to Hell.
w. Sadly, it is probably safe to say that some Pastor’s motivation is to “Grow their church”.
x. That is not mine.
y. I would love to see our church grow. But my 1st priority is Kingdom Growth, not church Growth.
z. I had the odd situation in prison ministry to pastor a mission church where our Professions of Faith outnumbered our Membership every year.
aa. Talk about driving the statisticians at the Baptist Building crazy.
bb. We would baptize about 75 men a year, and usually only had an active membership of about 50 or so.
cc. On paper it looked we were winning the lost only to have them leave the church.
dd. And we did, and I am happy to report that most never came back.
ee. There are many in the world today who know they are lost.
ff. God has spoken to their heart time and time again.
gg. The warning I would give that person is this- God will not deal with you forever.
hh. Isaiah 55:6 has some great advice-“Seek the Lord while he may be found, call on Him while He is near”.
ii. If you know you are lost, you need to come to Jesus today, while you can.
IV. Those who don’t care. Psalms 10:4-“In his pride, the wicked does not seek Him. In all his thoughts, there is no room for God.
a. The fool has said in his heart, there is no God. Psalms 14:1
b. This is the fastest growing group in the world today.
c. We have become so “Intelligent” and I say that with tongue in cheek, that God seems like an impossibility to millions, perhaps billions.
d. I read of a little child who was in Biology Class. They were studying how a seed germinates and turns into a plant and bears fruit. One of the students asked, “ What makes the seed grow” How does it know what to do and when to do it. The Biology teacher answered, “The answer to that question lies behind a door we have yet to be able to open”. A little girl in the class raised her hand and responded, “That must be door that God lives behind”.
e. Man with all of his intelligence cannot replicate a seed that will grow. He cannot produce life, without having a living substance to begin with.
f. Though man cannot replicate a living organism, or explain the process with any proof or validity, millions scoff at the idea of the God of Creation.
g. Now one day, they may pull it off. They may succeed in creating life and in doing so think they have proved there is no God. All they will have proved is how much smarter God is than man. What God speaks into existence takes man years and billions of dollars to do.
h. Sadly, many do not care if God exists or do not believe He exists.
i. This will not make Hell any less real for that individual.
j. Just as ignorance if the law is not a valid defense.
k. Neither will ignorance of God.
l. Those who don’t care or don’t believe will believe one day and in fact they will confess their belief, though it will be too late.
m. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
n. It is not a matter of if, but when.
Every single person in the world today falls into one of these categories. Either they believe and are saved. Or they think they or saved, but or not. Or they know they are lost and are waiting and hoping to pull it off at the last minute. Or they just don’t care or don’t believe at all. But God says, either you are or you aren’t. Your lost or saved. You are a believer or an unbeliever. You are a sheep or a goat.
One the great sad ironies is that many are putting it off thinking they will lose too much in this world if they publicly place their faith in God. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Everyday you wait, is one less day of the Abundant Life you get to enjoy that Jesus Promised. One day less of the peace that passes of all understanding that you will get you through the difficult days. One day less of living a life filled with the Joy of His Salvation. You may have thought about it long time. Today is the day to do something about it. Oskar Schindler was burdened for the rest of his Life over the many Jewish people he was not able to save. On the poster for the movie, it says: “The story of the darkest days in Human History”. But the darkest day In Human History is yet to come. That day will come when millions, perhaps billions realize they waited too long and that the opportunity to come to Jesus has passed them by. Jesus is burdened today over your refusal to accept Him. The day is fast approaching when it will be too late. Come to Jesus today.