Summary: The shouts of ’Hosanna!’ at the triumphal entry were shallow in contrast to the devotion Mary showed to Jesus in anointing him at Bethany the day before.



From the beginning of this year we have swept through the Scriptures as though we were watching a drama unfold. A few weeks ago we reached the climax in the drama with the arrival of the King.

We have looked at some of the teaching of Jesus about the Kingdom of God – and we are now at the point at which we can link together the Drama of Scripture with the lead up to Easter.

Next Sunday is Palm Sunday. But we are going to look at the events over two Sundays – this week and next.


This morning in the service we have sung: Hosanna in the highest – Lord we lift up you name – King of Kings, majesty – I live to serve your majesty.

But how deep is our worship? Do we worship with mind and will as well as the affections and the body?

Songs of praise to God are only deep expressions of worship when we sing with understanding as well as with feeling.


I want to suggest this morning that the person who worshiped with the greatest of sincerity, understanding and in spirit and in truth was not found among the crowds who cried out ‘hosanna’, but in a home where Jesus was honoured the day before.

READING John 12:1-19


Here is a remarkable story of a very unusual incident which led to biting criticism from Judas and the rest of the disciples present, and yet in contrast to this the approval of Jesus.


Jesus had come to Bethany (a place with special memories for him.) It was here that he had raised Lazarus from the dead.

A feast was being held in his honour, and amongst the guests were Martha (serving as usual), Mary and Lazarus.


Mary chose her opportunity and took the most valuable asset she had, a jar of very expensive perfume, and broke the neck of the jar in order to pour its entire contents on Jesus.

We can imagine the response of the people and the reaction of the guests. The smell of the perfume would have gradually drifted through the room until one by one the attention of the people was drawn to what was now taking place. Conversations would have gradually died. Everyone would have been motionless watching Mary who had poured out a whole bottle of this expensive perfume on Jesus and was wiping his feet with her hair.

Not long after the hum of conversation ceased the judgments began to be verbalized.

Judas was first to bring his criticisms – not because he was concerned for the poor, but because he was a thief.

Matthew’s account shows us that the other disciples joined in:

Matthew 26:8-9

When the disciples saw this, they were indignant. "Why this waste?" they asked. [9] "This perfume could have been sold at a high price and the money given to the poor."

“Why this waste”. That was a stinging criticism. But Jesus spoke kindly and gave an entirely different perspective.


Mary understood what the others did not appear to understand = Jesus was going to his death.

Mary had intended saving this perfume for the day of his burial. But she reasoned that now would be a better time to use it.


Funerals always seem to have been expensive, and it seems that in these times funerals could also be costly = digging of tombs + embalming + spices + perfume.

*** Why not anoint Jesus BEFORE his death?


The word ‘WORSHIP’ comes from the combination of the two words WORTH SHIP. And to Mary, Jesus was worth more than every drop in the bottle.

Normally just a couple of drops of the expensive ointment were used for honoured guests. But Mary gave Jesus all the honour she could.

Here Mary took the opportunity to make a statement. She wanted Jesus to know just how much he meant to her before his death. Why wait for the funeral?

The criticisms against Mary were wholly inappropriate.

Jesus defended her: ’the poor you will always have with you --- but you will not always have me’

Jesus, whilst acknowledging the needs of the poor, did not make light of the fact that he was about to give his own life for the sins of the world.


It seems likely that Mary gained her insight from sitting at the feet of Jesus rather than busying herself at the cost of her devotional life (like her sister Martha).

And if we are never still before the Lord – taking in his word and listening to what God has to say to us in prayer, our worship is in danger of becoming shallow and our judgment of spiritual matters impaired.



We can imagine the scene the following day and how crowded Jerusalem had become as the people gathered to celebrate the Passover.

Jerusalem was much smaller than the Jerusalem of modern times, and yet an estimated two million people descended on the place, no doubt putting an enormous strain on the resources of the people of the area.

Matthew describes the scene of the gathered people literally as ‘seismic’. The place was heaving with people. And Jesus chose this time to make a powerful statement.

Jesus, in a very high profile way, fulfilled the prophecy of Zechariah 9:9 "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout, daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey..."


This action was in effect a claim to the throne of King David.

Yet Jesus was claiming to be a different kind of king – not one who arrives on a warriors horse, but a humble king .


The word had travelled quickly. Jesus, who had become famous among the people as the preacher and miracle worker – the one who had raised Lazarus to life - had now appeared in public and was on his way to claim the throne of David.

A large crowd travelled with him from Bethany to Jerusalem, and an even larger crowd greeted him as he arrived into the city. The result was that the place heaving with people.

The statement that he was coming to them as their king was not lost on them. But the manner of his kingdom, and the salvation that he had come to bring, few if any understood.


There was probably a bit of a hollow ring to the shouts of ‘Hosanna’ from the crowd. The word means ‘Save’ or ‘Salvation’. But the crowds did not have the same spiritual insight that Mary appears to have had.

Their expectation was of a Saviour King who would overthrow the Romans who ruled them.

As has often been pointed out, Jesus’ popularity among the crowd was soon to change.


I liken the attitude of the people to a crowd of football team supporters when a new manager is appointed.

Many in the crowd were only interested in having their national pride restored and in seeing vengeance on their oppressors. But when Jesus did not deliver what they expected they turned on him, just like football supporters quickly turn on a team manager who disappoints.

Their understanding and their worship was shallow.


I have a great concern over Christians who do not spend time getting to know God through reading the Bible and in prayer. In failing to do so our insight can be poor and our worship of God less than it ought to be.

Our worship is likely to be deep and insightful when we make time on a regular basis to be in the presence of God and read his Word with the intention of discovering God’s will in order to do it and his command in order to obey it.



I imagine that Mary would never forget her gratitude to Jesus for the miracle of Jesus raising to life her brother Lazarus.

Mary expressed her devotion to Jesus not only thoughtfully but also sacrificially.

• What she did was appropriate in keeping with the sacrifice that Jesus was about to make of his own life

• And like the burnt offerings made to God with incense mixed into them, so her worship of Jesus was fragrant

• It was also very costly

Mark tells us that:

’Wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her’.


In 1996 Reverend Christopher Gray a vicar was knifed to death in the grounds of his vicarage by a man he had been helping who had recently been released from prison.

Reverend Gray was apparently a great academic with a heart for the poor and disadvantaged. He turned down a good job in the diplomatic service in order to do the Lord’s work at personal risk. He had chosen to do this in an area of social need in a district of Liverpool. It cost him his life.


I wonder if there were any at his ordination and induction into the ministry in Liverpool who thought it was a waste of his life and talents to go into ministry!

There may also have been those at his funeral who said the same. After all his tragic death in such circumstances may seem to us an enormous waste. But how does the Lord see it?


‘If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for him’


We are exhorted in Romans 12:1-2

’present your bodies to God as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God which is your spiritual worship.

The description ‘spiritual worship’ is defined in terms of being a ‘living sacrifice’.

Our worship to God, however sacrificial it may be, is never a waste of a life because our life is NOT measured primarily in terms of our talents, wealth, opportunities or productivity, but by the lengths we are prepared to go in order to express our love and devotion to our Lord.

If like Christopher Gray it costs us our lives to follow our passion and show our devotion for the Lord by serving as he did, then it is never a waste.

That’s worship! We love because he first loved us.