Summary: God is not trying to keep things from us rather He wants to reveal Himself and His ways to us.


Can you imagine what it was to be one of the disciples and be around Jesus in the flesh? They got to see so many incredible things. Every day was an adventure. You know it’s the same for us. I am amazed at how exciting it is to be a Christian. But even for them they probably had days that seemed like just work. There were times when they got tired and had to do things they didn’t want to do. I’m sure they went places they didn’t want to go. This day may have been one on those routine days, sounds like they had been traveling. And then Jesus brings forth one of the most incredible and important teachings, seemingly out of now where. He starts it with what seems like a normal question: “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?” But Jesus’ goal was not to see if the people knew about Him it was to set correct doctrine and spiritual principles in the hearts of His disciples and to show them what His plans were for them. Here in this passage Jesus tells them who He is, the foundational doctrine of the Church, and reveals the power we have in His name. Knowledge is the key to everything. Jesus said, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” At one time it was thought by most that people could never fly. Now we can get in an air plane and go across the world. Men have walked on the moon. How? Someone had a dream and began working out the principals that let it happen. It is the same with electronics, sound, music and everything else. To everything there are principals that God has set in order that when we know them following them causes us to be successful in that area. Here God has shows us some spiritual principals that He has set in order so that as we understand them and put them into practice, will cause us to succeed in our relationship with God.

1. God wants to reveal Himself and His truths to us. We need to understand that God wants to reveal spiritual truths to us. It was God that revealed who Jesus was to Peter. God wants us to know Him. Some have said, “Oh we can’t know what God knows.” But the truth is that God loves us and wants us to know Him and His ways. PRO.2:6&7. From His mouth come knowledge and understanding. He stores up sound wisdom for the upright. God wants to share Himself with us. He loves for us to ask Him for His advice. All of us in here who have children, especially adult children, know that they usually don’t want our advice. We could save them a lot of trouble, but they just won’t ask. God is looking for someone that will listen to His wisdom. God is no respecter of persons. 1COR.2:6-16. If you are a Christian this morning, the Lord has already equipped us to be able to receive the revelation that He wants us to have. I like that this says that the Holy Spirit searches the deep things of God. God wants to reveal the things that we need for this life and the one to come. “That we might know the things feely given to us by God.” The more wisdom we have from God the better lives we can live. Verse 13. 2TIM.3:15-17. I love that God has kept and brought the Bible down to us. It truly is a miracle. It is the Holy Spirit that helps us to understand the Bible and how it applies to our lives.

Ill: A young woman who was soundly converted immediately began to read her Bible. One, who disbelieved the Scriptures and took delight in ridiculing them, asked her, “Why do you spend so much time reading a book like that?” “Because it’s the Word of God,” replied the girl. “Nonsense! Who told you that?” scornfully asked the unbeliever. After a moment’s silence the girl asked. Who told you there’s a sun in the sky?” “Nobody,” replied the scoffer, “I don’t need anybody to tell me. The sun tells me.” “Yes,” said the girl in triumph, “and that’s the way God tells me about His Word. I feel His warmth and sense His presence as I read His wonderful word!” We have many proofs that God’s Word is God’s Word but what I want to talk about is that when we read the Word the precious Holy Spirit talks to us and shows us what God wants us to know. I know that many of you have experienced God’s leading as you read His Word. It is through His Word that He reveals His nature and character to us. JOHN 16:12. God sent His Holy Spirit so we could know about Him. Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would reveal all truth to us.

2. The revealed truth of who Jesus is, is the basis and foundation of Christianity and the Church. What is a Christian? It’s not someone who does good or lives in America. It is someone who understands and knows that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. Understanding Jesus’ identity is a growth process but it is essential to discipleship.

Ill. A Sunday School teacher was attempting to teach her young students the true meaning of Easter. "Why do we celebrate Easter?" she asked. When the children replied, “because of the Easter bunny, Easter eggs, candy, spring, etc.”, she said, "No, those are Easter traditions and symbols, but what is the REASON why we celebrate Easter? What happened at the very first Easter?" A little girl raised her hand and said, "Easter celebrates Jesus coming out of the tomb." "Yes!" said the teacher, excited and relieved that finally the correct answer had surfaced. Encouraged, she prompted, "Jesus arose from the tomb, and what does He do for us?" The youngster replied, "He looks to see if he can see his shadow, and if He can, he goes back in for another six weeks." We must know that Jesus is the messiah, the anointed of God. That He is Immanuel, God with us. ISA.9:6. JOHN 1:1-4. Jesus wanted His disciples to know that all of eternity rests on this question. What it comes down to is who do we say that Jesus is? ROM.10:9-13. JOHN 11:25. JOHN 14:6. I remember when I got saved. It was at the moment that I believed that Jesus was sent to be my Savior and asked Him to be, that He became my personal Savior. It was then that I had the revelation knowledge of who Jesus is. That had to be the way Peter felt when he made the declaration that Jesus was the Christ the Son of the living God.

Ill: A Chinese Christian woman was preaching Christ to the scholar of a market town. He heard her courteously and after a little while said, “Madam, you speak well, but why do you dwell on Jesus Christ? Let Him alone, Instead of Jesus Christ, tell us about God.” Whereupon she replied, “What sir, should we know about God if it were not for Jesus Christ?” JOHN1:18, 1JOHN5:11&12.

3. The Church is called to bring about God’s will on the earth. Jesus said, “Upon this rock, meaning the rock of the revelation that Jesus is the Christ, I will build My Church.” Is the Church important? It sure is to Jesus. There has been a lot of dismissing of the Church in people’s minds now a days but that is not the case with Jesus. Until He comes again the Church is His representative on earth. People say I’m a Christian but I am not part of a Church. However to be a Christian you are a part of the Church. 1TIM.3:15. As the Church we have purpose. When we accept Jesus as our Savior that is not the end it is the beginning. LUKE 12:32, 2COR.5:17-21, EPH.4:11-16, ACTS 17:6, JOHN 14:12.

4. We are to walk in His power and authority. EPH.1:17-23. I have heard it said, “If all things are under His feet and we are His body, then we too must be over all things.” ROM.5:17, MATT.28:18-20. We need to remember who we are and why we are sent. EPH.2:4-6. We are to accomplish His will on earth. It we will receive the knowledge of who we are and what we are to do we will accomplish the great things He has called us to do.

I encourage you this morning to receive the knowledge of who Jesus is. If you have never accepted Him as your Savior, do it now. If you have felt overcome by the world recognize you, if you have asked Jesus to be your Savior, are a part of the Church. God wants to work through you. Please allow Him to do so by committing yourself completely to Him.