Summary: The Good News is that Jesus Christ came to pay our sin penalty.

What is “good news”? We could say that “good news” speaks of desirable or favorable happenings. For example:

1. The birth of our grandson or granddaughter is “good news”

2. The graduation of our grandson from college is “good news”

3. Notification of my promotion is “good news”

4. The medical report we received is “good news”

5. The approval of our construction loan is “good news”

6. Our automobile only needed minor repairs which is “good news”

“Good news” puts a smile on our face and a pleasant feeling within our heart. “Good news” is something we like to share, something we are proud of, something acceptable, something that causes us to bubble over with excitement and something positive.

“Good News” is also God’s written word to us. This news happened hundreds of years ago, but is relevant this very day. This news tells us we are sinners, but God’s love is so strong for us that He sent his Son into the world, to live among mankind, to teach the real meaning of life, and to pay the penalty for our sins.

The Good News of the Gospel is needed by everyone regardless of who they are, where they live, their nationality, their language or the color of their skin.

Story: “The Same Gospel for the Same Needs”

Some months after our arrival in China, an old experienced missionary came to my husband with the following advice: “Do not attempt to speak of Jesus the first time on preaching to a heathen audience. The Chinese have a prejudice against the name of Jesus. Confine your efforts to demolishing the false gods, and if you have a second opportunity you may bring in Jesus.”

Later, when telling me of the advice that had been given him, my husband exclaimed with hot emphasis, “NEVER, NEVER, NEVER: The gospel which saved the down-and-outs in the slums of Toronto and every other like area is the same Gospel that must save Chinese sinners.”

Years later more than one missionary came to my husband asking, “What is the secret of your power to get men out of such depths of sins?”

The reply was, “I simply believe and teach God’s Word.” Some have replied, “But you cannot preach to a proud Confucian scholar the same as to the common crowd.”

Then Dr. Goforth would answer: “There is no royal road to God. Rich or poor, Chinese, Canadian, educated or ignorant, all are sinners and must come to the same Savior by the same road.”

----Mrs. Goforth Tells How a New Book Was Written

Our Scripture reading tells us “It came to pass in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee…” (Mark 1:9).

The “Good News” of hope came from Nazareth. Jesus grew up in Nazareth because this is where he was taken at a very early age. As you recall, Joseph was warned by God in a dream to go to the region of Galilee. “And he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, ‘He shall be called a Nazarene’” (Matthew 2:23).

Jesus lived in Nazareth for thirty years and beginning at the age of twelve, he made the trip to Jerusalem each year with his parents to celebrate the feast of the Passover. On one occasion, Jesus did not join his parents on the return trip to Nazareth, but stayed behind and stayed in the temple discussing issues with the teachers (Luke 2:45).

“Now after three days they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions” (Luke 2:45).

When Jesus’ parents told Jesus how they had looked for him and how they were anxious to find him, his response was: “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” (Luke 2:49).

These words revealed the fact Jesus knew His birth was supernatural, His relationship with the Father was different, and His mission was one-of-a-kind.

This was “good news” for all mankind.

Jesus, “the good news” came to John who was baptizing in the river Jordan. He came to John to be baptized so that He could identify with mankind whom He came to save. Jesus was not being baptized for His own sin because He was without sin. He was the second Adam.

The first Adam who was made sinless committed sin and thus all mankind had a sinful nature. Jesus, the second Adam, was sinless and came to pay the penalty for all those who would accept Him, claim Him as their personal Lord and Savior and spend eternity with Him in His kingdom.

The “good news” was that man had an opportunity to be redeemed and thus be saved from eternal punishment.

As Jesus came up out of the water, “He saw the heavens parting and the Spirit descending upon Him like a dove” (Mark 1:10). If Jesus was to carry on His mission on earth, He needed power and this power came in the person of the Holy Spirit. The Scripture mentions the Spirit descending like a dove. A dove is very gentle, white and very pure. Remember that the dove was also one of the animals used in a sacrificial offering.

Jesus was like the dove in certain ways. He was a very gently person who always extended a helping hand. His love for mankind was so strong that He did not want to see anyone suffer. His miracle ministry brought health to many who were sick and hurting. He even brought back to life some who had died.

Jesus was also like the dove in that He was very pure and without blemish. As the dove was sacrificed upon the altar, Jesus was sacrificed upon the Cross.

The “good news” for all of us is that we do not have to endure the pain and agony of the Cross.

As the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus another event took place that was very significant. “Then a voice came from heaven, ‘You are My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased’” (Mark 1:11). When God the Father spoke, He was sending notice to the world that this was indeed His divine Son.

God’s Son would be the Servant of the Father and would carry on His redemptive ministry under the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit. In these couple verses, we have the opportunity to see the Trinity present. We have God the Father speaking from the heavens, God the Son undergoing baptism and receiving God the Holy Spirit.

The “good news” is that “God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him” (John 3:17). Man cannot save himself, but through love and mercy, God has given man another opportunity.

Each one of has been tempted from the day we were born. In order for Jesus to know temptation, He was driven by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan. Although Jesus was God, He was also fully human just like us. Jesus gave us instructions on how to overcome temptation because He knew we would be tempted.

The “good news” is we do not have to fall for the temptations placed before us by Satan. We can rebuke Satan with the Word of God the same way Jesus rebuked Him. God’s Word was powerful when spoken by Jesus and it is just as powerful coming from your mouth or my mouth.

Lastly, the “good news” Jesus came preaching is “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel” (Mark 1:15). Jesus was offering salvation to the poor, those with low moral, those whose spirit was broken, and those who thought there was no hope.

Jesus offers us the same salvation today. He said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30).

Jesus is the “good news” who can free us from our cares, burdens and hurts. He can heal our body, mind, and soul. He can give us peace in our heart and meaning to our life. He is the “good news” that gives mankind the opportunity to be redeemed, to be saved and to spend eternity in His kingdom.


It is “good news” for us that the Carpenter left His shop in Nazareth to carry on His Father’s will.

It is “good news” for us that Jesus came as the Second Adam.

It is “good news” for one to know that he can come into a right relationship with the Father.

It is “good news” to know we do not have to endure the pain and agony of the Cross.

It is “good news” to know that we do not have to fall for Satan’s temptations.

It is “good news” to know that “God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

It is “good news” to know that we will spend eternity with Him in His kingdom.
