Persevering through Trials
James 1:2-4
PROPOSITION: Because Christ conquered sin, you must joyfully persevere during periods of trials.
I. You must assess your trials properly. v. 2-3
A. Consider trials a blessing from God (2).
1. God has a purpose for temptations (trials).
2. Trials are evidence of God’s working.
B. Know your testing will produce eternal benefits (3).
1. Your trials are a test of your faith.
2. Your trials are specific to your needs.
3. Your testing of faith produces endurance.
II. You must allow the process to complete its work. v. 4
A. Submit to God’s perfection process – the refining fire.
1. Don’t cut short what God is doing.
2. Let God work in your life through trials.
B. Submit to God’s planned purpose – spiritual maturity.
1. Be willing to “live out” God’s will
2. God’s unhurried purpose is to enlarge you through pressure.