Summary: This sermon looks at three aspects of Developing A Quiet Time with God. I. The IMPORTANCE of a q Quiet Time II. The ELEMENTS of a Quiet Time III. The PURPOSE of a Quiet Time (Sermon 4 in this series)

Building A Relationship With God – Developing A Quiet Time

This morning I am going to break one of the rules of good communication. When I was working on my degree in public communication one of the first things I was told was – never begin a speech (or a sermon) with an apology. This morning I want to apologize to you. Last week I preached a sermon titled: “The Bible – God’s Word For Discipleship”. I began that sermon by saying: “There is no Spiritual Discipline more important to the Christian, than the intake of God’s Word.” Folks as I have reflected this week on the importance of developing a quiet time with God – I realize that the top spiritual discipline – the one that we must work building above any other - is building a relationship with God – developing a quiet time. Why do I say this? I say this – because as I have reflected this week – all the other Spiritual Disciplines are dependent of your Quiet Time with God. During your quiet time with God – you can read your Bible – study your Bible – meditate on God’s word – memorize God’s word – pray – fast – sing – dance – laugh – cry – praise – lament – basically enjoy the presence of God in your life. Building a relationship with God is the most important aspect of your spiritual development. Without developing your relationship with God all other spiriutal disciples become academic and ritualistic. It is your relationship with God - that will bring life to your Bible study, meditation, prayers and fasting. Without a reltionship with God you will be powerless.

Around 1610 a child was born in France by the name man Nichols Herman. Later in life he would become known as Brother Lawrence. As a young man he fought in the Thirty Years War and sustained a near fatal His injury to his sciatic nerve. The injury left him quite crippled and in chronic pain for the rest of his life. Young Nichols was educated both at home and by his parish priest. He felt drawn to a life of faith and love for God.

Before entering the monastic life – he spent a period of time in the wilderness living like one of the early desert fathers. At mid-life he entered a newly established monastery in Paris where he became the cook for the community. In time the monastery grew to over one hundred members. After fifteen years, his duties were shifted to the sandal repair shop but, even then, he often returned to the busy kitchen to help out.

Brother Lawrence discovered and followed – a pure and uncomplicated way to walk continually in God’s presence - to maintain a quiet time with God throughout the day – no matter what his schedule had in store for him. For some forty years, he lived and walked with the understand that God was at his side. Yet, through his own words, we learn that Brother Lawrence’s first ten years were full of severe trials and challenges.

A gentle man of joyful spirit, Brother Lawrence shunned attention and the limelight, knowing that outside distractions "spoils all". It was not until after his death that a few of his letters were collected. Joseph de Beaufort, counsel to the Paris archbishop, first published the letters in a small pamphlet. The following year, in a second publication which he titled, ’The Practice of the Presence of God’, de Beaufort included, as introductory material, the content of four conversations he had with Brother Lawrence.

In this small book, through letters and conversations, Brother Lawrence simply and beautifully explains how to continually walk with God - not from the head but from the heart. Brother Lawrence left the gift of a way of life available to anyone who seeks to know God’s peace and presence - that anyone, regardless of age or circumstance, can practice – anywhere – anytime. Brother Lawrence also left the gift of a direct approach to living in God’s presence that is as practical today as it was three hundred years ago.

Brother Lawrence died in 1691, having practiced God’s presence for over forty years. His quiet death was much like his monastic life where each day and each hour was a new beginning and a fresh commitment to love God with all his heart.

Folks – Brother Lawrence demonstrated the importance of maintaining a relationship with God. I don’t expect all of us to go out and join a monastery – but I do ask you to spend some quality time – each day with God.

If there were one word to explain the American culture today I would use the word – “Busy”. We fill our calendars with all types of stuff – we are constantly doing something – activities that keep our lives running and rushing from one event to another – yet God calls us to spend some quality time each day with Him. No relationship is more important than your relationship with God. None! How much time in your busy daily routine do you put aside to spend quality time with your Heavenly Father?

If you will recall our focal verse for this series is found in First Timothy chapter four and verse seven. Let’s look at it together:

“Discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness.” 1 Timothy 4:7 (NASV)

Today I want us to look at three aspects of Building A Relationship With God – Developing A Quiet Time with God.

Today I would like us to look at:

I. The IMPORTANCE of a quiet time with God

II. The ELEMENTS of a quiet time with God

III. The PURPOSE of a quiet time with God

Let’s look first at:

I. The IMPORTANCE of a quiet time with God

If I were to define what a quiet time is – it is a time during the day that I set aside to be alone with God. It is a time to get to know God through the Bible and prayer. Why should I do this? Let me give you two reasons.

1. I was CREATED to have fellowship with God.

The Bible says in Genesis 1:27 "So God created man in his own image." There was no other part of creation that was given the privilege that human beings were given which is fellowship, dialogue, and communication with the creator. No other part of creation has that privilege. It is what we were created for. Revelation chapter three and verse twenty says:

“Look, I’m standing at the door and knocking. If anyone listens to my voice and opens the door, I’ll come in and we’ll eat together.” Revelation 3:20 (GW)

God’s desire is to have fellowship and communion with you and with me. He says, "I stand at the door and knock" – waiting at the door to have fellowship with you. That’s why we were created – to have fellowship with Him. The second reason a quiet time is so important is:

2. I can’t be a HEALTHY Christian unless I spend time with God.

It’s not just a good idea. It’s a necessity. There are are many verses that talk about how it’s a necessity for us spiritually. One is Matthew chapter four and verse four:

"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." Matthew 4:4 (MKJV)

Physical food is not enough for you to be healthy. You’ve got to have spiritual intake of the Word of God. Job says in chapter twenty three and verse twelve – "I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food." What happens if you go a long time physically without food? You get sick. You’ll die eventually. It’s a necessity. Same with spiritual food. Intake of the Word of God will keep you healthy and strong. Building a strong relationship with God is essential to be a healthy Christian. Jesus said this:

"Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.” John 15:4-5 (NASV)

If you don’t have a quiet time with God, you’re missing out on the privilege that you’re created for. You will lack spiritual power and strength. That is why your quiet time with God is so important. God desires to spend time with you – set aside some time to be alone with Him. Now let’s look at:

II. The ELEMENTS of a quiet time with God

Let me give you a four step process to help you develope a Quiet Time with God.

1. Select A Specific Time

When’s the best time to have a daily quiet time? The best time to have a quiet time is when you’re AT YOUR BEST. I ought to give the best part of my day to God. I shouldn’t try to serve God with my leftovers. Select a time when you’re most alert and give that time to God. For me it is early morning. I find it the best time for me – because it is when I have the most energy. It also is a time when I can be alone with the Father before I meet the challenges of the day.

Hudson Taylor said, "The best time to tune up your instrument is before you play the concert, not afterwards!" For some of you your best time may be later in the day. Whatever time you choose – make it your best time.

Whatever time you set, BE CONSISTENT. There are lots of distractions out there – come up with a plan and stick to it. Remember:

“Discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness.”

1 Timothy 4:7 (NASV)

2. Choose A Special Place

Luke chapter twenty two and verse thirty nine says:

"Jesus left the city and went, as he usually did, to the Mount of Olives to pray." Luke 22:39

Go ahead and circle the words – a "as he usually did". That means, it was his habit. He had a special place He went to - it was a habitual place. There’s really only one important factor that you need here. Solitude. You need to find a place where you can be alone with God. That may take some creativity given your lifestyle.

Find a place that’s special to you. It will become more special the more you spend time there. If you get a certain place like in your study at home or you’ve got a special table and chair and you read your Bible there every day, it’s going to become very special to you. Find a place where you can be alone with Him.

3. Gather The Resources You Need

Get a Bible with readable print. Some Bibles are nice to carry in your purse but I wouldn’t suggest that for a quiet time. Get one that you can see well - perhaps with large print. Perhaps you also want a note pad to keep a spiritual journal – or just want to write love letters to God. Or perhaps you want a song book to sing praised to Him – whatever resources you need that helps you get closer to God – bring them to your special place.

4. Follow A Simple Plan

Don’t complicate your quiet time. Here is a simple plan for 15 minutes with God:

A) RELAX. That takes about a minute. Be still. Be quiet. Show down. Prepare your heart. Take two or three deep breaths. Relax.

B) READ. Read a section of Scripture. Spend about four minutes just reading.

C) REFLECT. I’m talking about meditate on the scripture. Think about what the passage means to your life and then write down your thoughts. So you read for about four minutes and then you think about it for about four minutes.

D) RECORD. In the recording section, you’re going to write out personal insights into what you have just read. Some days there may be a little – some days there may be a lot. Just like the weather – some days are dry – some days are wet. But take time to reflect and record on what God is saying to you that day.

E) REQUEST. This is your prayer time. Make your requests. Conclude your quiet time by talking to God about what He has shown you and making your requests from your prayer list.

Those steps should help you get started developing a Quiet Time with God. Lets move on to:

III. The PURPOSE of a Quiet Time with God

Here are three purposes of having a Quiet Time with God:

1. It GETS your attention on God.

We worship what we place our attention on. Psalm chapter twenty nine and verse two says:

"Give to the Lord the glory due to his name. Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness." Psalm 29:2

The first purpose is for me to come and give my undivided attention to God. I should not be concerned about what God will give me – He will always give me His best – I should be concerned about what I can give to Him. Devotion to God is always concerned about what I can give Him – not about what I get from Him. It’s praying: "Lord Jesus, I love You. I want to give You my entire life. I belong to You and I want to thank You for all that You’ve ever done for me. I worship You. I adore You."

There is an interesting verse in Second Chronicles chapter thirty one – it says:

"(Hezekiah) was successful because everything he did, he did in a spirit of complete devotion to his God." 2 Chronicles 31:21

Jesus said it this way:

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33 (NASV)

When you come to the Lord, in the morning, in the afternoon, or whenever, give your devotion - your undivided attention to God. Tell Him that you love Him. God deserves your attention. God deserves your devotion. Revelation 4:11 says "He alone is worthy." There is no one else worthy of our complete devotion except for God. John 4:23 says God is not only worthy of it but He desires it. He seeks worshipers, He actively seeks them.

It’s like your husband or your wife who knows that you love them – you’ve been devoted to them all these years – but every once in a while it’s nice to hear it. The Lord knows that you love Him. He knows your heart. He knows your thoughts. But He likes to hear it for the same reason we like to hear it.

The second purpose of having a quiet time with God is to:

2. It helps GET your direction from God.

Psalm twenty five and verse four says:

“Show me the path where I should go, O Lord; point out the right road for me to walk. Lead me.” Psalms 25:4

When you come to the Lord in a quiet time, after you’ve told Him that you love Him, start asking God “What direction do I need to be headed? What goals do I need to be reaching toward?” Reflect upon your life.

Two things to do in a quiet time:

A) Consider your way. Proverbs 4:26 says “Ponder the path of your feet and let all your ways be established.” Take time to be quiet and assess your life. Remember: “In all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will direct your paths.”

B) Commit your day. The Bible says: “Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him to help you do it and he will.”

So after you’ve told the Lord you love Him and you’ve spent a little time looking over the goals you have for the day – commit your schedule to Him. You can pray: “Lord, I have this plan. I have this schedule. But really only You know what I’m supposed do today. May I never look at the people who come to see me as an interruption – but may I see them as a divine appointment. You know the people that You’ve intended for me to be with. May I treat them in a way that is pleasing to You – for You have sent them.” When you commit your schedule to the Lord like that, it helps you be more flexible and not get all bent out of shape when things don’t go the way you think they should.

We have a quiet time to – Give our attention to God – Get direction from God and:

3. It helps us GROW to be like Jesus.

Let’s look at First John chapter three and verse two together:

“My dear friends, we are already God’s children, though what we will be hasn’t yet been seen. But we do know that when Christ returns, we will be like him, because we will see him as he truly is.” 1 John 3:2 (CEV)

Go ahead and circle the phrase: “we will be like him”. God’s purpose for our life has always been to make us like His son - Jesus. That’s why all the things that come into our lives, He says He uses for our ultimate good and for His glory. So when you come and you spend a daily quiet time with the Lord, you’re going to grow more like Him as you spend time with Him and you’re going to be conformed into His image. Why? Because we become like those we spend time with. If you want to become like the people on the soap operas, just keep watching those soap operas! But if you want to become like the Lord, then you spend time with Him.

God wants you to spend time with Him. Will you commit yourself to taking a few minutes – everyday – to set aside from your busy schedules to send quality time with God. Will you commit to put aside your own agendas for a few minutes each day to be with the Lord? Will you discipline yourself to seek the Lord in a quiet place? He wants to hear from you. He wants to talk to you. He loves you - and He wants to spend time with you. Make it a special time - make it a Quiet Time alone with God.