Great Faith Hopes in God!
Job 13
FCF: Why should I put my hope in God?
PROPOSITION: Because Christ is your Savior, you must hope in Him.
I. God’s wisdom will not fail you! 13:1-12
Job’s disappointment in his friends’ wisdom.
A. Obtain wisdom through silence (1-6).
1. Your knowledge is not superior (1-2).
2. Your counsel is not helpful (3-6).
B. Proclaim folly through speaking (7-12).
1. You are misrepresenting God (7-8).
2. God will judge your partiality (9-11).
II. God’s justice will vindicate you! 13:13-17
Job’s declaration of his course of action by faith.
A. Job claims his own innocence (v.13-15).
1. Job speaks with resolve (13).
2. Job accepts the danger in challenging God (14-15).
B. Job takes his case to the divine Judge (v.16-17).
1. Job believes (knows) deliverance (salvation) is found in God (16).
2. Job exhorts them to listen attentively to his words (17).
III. God’s mercy will prevail for you! 13:18-28
Job’s desire to meet with God.
A. Job’s request for pre-trial conditions (18-22).
1. Job realizes he is in a life-and-death struggle (18-19).
2. Job makes his petitions (20-22).
B. Job’s request to be examined (23-28).
1. Job’s desire for the evidence against him (23).