Mk. 1:21-28 Theme: Jesus has authority over unclean spirits
Text: Deut. 18:15-20; 1 Cor. 8:1-13; Mark 1:21-28
The President, Prof John Evans Atta Mills, has declared today a national day of prayer and thanksgiving to God and an Interdenominational service will be held at the Independence Square this afternoon. We have every reason to be thankful to God. He has preserved us as a nation by granting us peaceful and successful elections. He has also revealed the tribal tendencies in our nation and thereby giving us the opportunity to deal with it as a nation and to emerge as a truly united and peaceful nation. The theme for the occasion is “Uniting Ghana through Christ” and this should be seen as our profession of faith in Christ who alone has the authority to unite us and raise this nation to become the envy of many nations. It is highly significant that this is being done at the instance of our President for God works through leaders to bless the people. Just as our President is the first citizen of the land so to the religious Jews of Jesus’ time, no one was greater than Moses. God gave them the Law through Moses and he was the one God used to transmit their whole religious system. But they were also aware that God had said that He would send another prophet like Moses. This was the reason why the Pharisees inquired from John the Baptist whether he was ‘the Prophet’. As Moses gave the Old Covenant so Jesus came to bring the New Covenant. Jesus, as the Prophet, came to fulfil the requirements of the Old Covenant so that a New Covenant could be established between God and man. “For the Law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ who made all things and without Him nothing was made that was made.” As the Creator Jesus has all authority and He demonstrated this at all times. He demonstrated it in word and action. He demonstrated it when Satan confronted Him in the wilderness and He demonstrated it in the face of evil, sickness and disease and by His authority over unclean spirits.
The world needs to know the truth and this made teaching a priority for Jesus Christ who is the Truth. It is the only way to expose the enemy as the light of the truth reveals what is hidden in darkness. Jesus was the greatest teacher the world had ever known and those who heard Him were amazed at His teachings. He taught with authority and this impressed the people. The way He taught was different from the regular teachers in the Synagogues. Whereas they quoted from well-known rabbis to support their teachings, Jesus as God had no need to do so. He spoke as One having authority. He knew exactly what the Scriptures said and meant. His words had divine power and His teachings exposed all forms of evil with demons crying out while that of the other teachers posed no treat to them at all. The man with the ‘unclean spirit’ must have been a member of the Synagogue. The symptoms of his disease were probably not always obvious since those with ‘unclean spirits’ were not allowed in the Synagogue. However, on being confronted by Jesus, the demon was immediately exposed.
In today’s world many people deny the existence of evil spirits. Psychologists dismiss accounts of demon possession as a primitive way to describe mental illness. But this is neither the view of Scripture nor the reality of those who have experienced torment at the hands of demonic spirits. By describing them by other names does not really change the situation and today evil spirits are tormenting more and more people, even Christians. However, we are assured that a Christian cannot be possesed by the devil because he or she is a redeemed child of God. The price paid for our redemption is Jesus’ own blood. Although we cannot be possessed by demons they can still have an effect on us. Just imagine the situation whereby another person trespasses on your property. You can simply evict that person off your property because he has no legal right to it. An evil spirit has no rights of ownership over a Christian and therefore can be commanded to go by the owner or his delegated authority. Jesus Christ has “given us authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt us” Luke 10:19. The devil does not want us to know that evil spirits have no legal right over us and that we have authority over them. He has, in a way succeeded, as many believers although they appear victorious outwardly, are desperate inwardly for answers to personal problems. Some suppress and endure their problems rather than face them forgetting the authority that they have in Christ.
Christ demonstrates His authority by exposing and dealing with all aspects of evil including the demonic dimensions of sickness and disease. Evil spirits recognise Christ’s authority and anointed preaching and teaching of the word. Out of fear they come out of hiding and manifest their presence. The demon in today’s reading knew Jesus. He knew His identity as the Son of God at a time when very few men recognised Him as the Messiah. The evil spirits did not only know the identity of Jesus but also knew that they were destined for destruction and this really frightened them. When Christ commanded the evil spirits to leave, they immediately left showing Christ’s authority and superiority over them. Evil spirits have nothing in common with Jesus and want nothing to do with Him. They know they have been defeated and try to avoid any open confrontation with Him and with His disciples.
Evil spirits always work against Christ and therefore can never be a valid witness to the person of Christ. We should never accept their testimony as a basis for validating any truth. Even when what they say is true, their testimony is unacceptable. God will certainly not use the witness of demons to herald His gospel. The work of the devil and his demons is to deceive and they are all liars and deceivers. Those who listen to their lies stand in danger of believing what they say. We should never forget that the devil is a liar and the father of lies. It was through the liars of the devil that Adam and Eve lost their access to the presence of God. He lied about the goodness of God by saying to the woman “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?’” They were not to eat of only one tree of the garden and by changing the truth Satan got them to doubt the goodness of God. He also got them to doubt the goodness of God by saying that by eating the fruit they would become like God. He was implying that God had kept some things from them when in fact God had made them in His image and likeness. Satan also got them to doubt the righteousness of God by saying, “You will not surely die.” If we need to know anything about the activity of the enemy wouldn’t the right thing be to go to God instead of the enemy? Why do we rather want to rely on the enemy? Those who listen to their lies stand in danger of believing what they say. To listen to evil spirits and teach what they say as truth is to fall into deception and the Bible warns us of such deceptions that will occur in the latter days. “The Spirit clearly says that in latter times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons” 1 Tim. 4:1. Let us rely on the authority of the Word of God and not allow demons to control or influence us. When information given by demons is used to guide a ministry, then demons have taken the place that only God should take.
Jesus distinguished Himself from all others by His authority and He has conferred this authority on His disciples by giving them His name. The name of Jesus is our authority and in His name all the spiritual weapons we need are made available to us. Our faith in the authority of Christ is the source of our victorious life. This is more than enough to inspire us to successful service as it makes all God’s promises manifest in our lives. We cannot use the name of Jesus Christ if we do not know Him and we cannot know Him if we do not know His word. Just as Jesus lived and ministered in the power and authority of the Words of His Father to Him so we can also minister in the power and authority of Jesus’ words to us. Christ has delegated all power and authority to His disciples but this can only be exercised when we stop doubting the word of God and asking “hath God said?” The moment we unreservedly accept the authority of Christ and His word, we will experience His power. We need to see and accept ourselves as the people the word of God says we are.
Many Christians do not know who they are in Christ. There is a story of a mature elephant that perished in a fire. This illustration is not politically motivated. The amazing thing was that the elephant was only tied to a small wooden pole and could have just walked away from the fire. But it did not. It did not even make an effort to move away. It made no effort because it believed all effort would be in vain. The reason for this was that the elephant since its childhood was trained to stay in one place by tying it to concrete walls. After some time the elephant just gave up trying to free itself. It had come to believe that it was impossible for it to free itself once it was tied. This explained why at the time of the fire it did not even make an effort to free itself although it was only tied to a wooden pole. In the same way we have been so conditioned by the world that we no longer realise our true potentials. Instead of being conquerors we are giving up positions we once held. We have fallen into the habit of seeing ourselves as a minority that has to yield to the claims of other groups. We have ceased to hold morning prayers at the start of the school day and the time used for Christian instruction has given way to the teaching of comparative religions and cultural studies. Today we see nothing wrong with same sex marriages and the ordination of homosexual ministers. It is time to take our rightful place in the society. We can never be defeated unless we give up. We should never forget that the enemy is always worse off than we are because he has already been defeated. All he can do is try to deceive us. We might not believe this in the midst of the pressures, difficulties, persecutions, sicknesses and other things that are happening to us but it is still true. He is a defeated enemy and we must learn to persevere and rely on God’s Word. The Scriptures declare that out of the heart are the issues of life and as we speak God’s Word from our hearts it becomes life to us and meets our needs. It will fill, change, transform and empower us and give us victory.
In the practice of occultism, spiritism and witchcraft, demons are courted and their manifestations welcomed. These manifestations are to serve Satan’s main purpose and desire that is to prevent God from being glorified. This is because whenever God is not glorified in a person’s life, in a Church, in a city or in the world as a whole, Satan has in that degree accomplished his objective. The devil came to steal, to kill and to destroy. He enjoys making human beings and human society as miserable as possible. He uses wars, poverty, oppression, sickness, racism, tribalism, greed and similar evils that do not bring glory to God. This is why Jesus came to seek and save the lost and wherever He went He destroyed the works of the devil. Christ has been destroying the works of the devil in many people but there still remains a great number to be saved. He has given us power and authority to extend His activity into the lives of the many people who have not heard the good news. Let the authority and power of Christ and His word be manifested in our lives. Let us be effective as we drive out the enemy and release God’s glorious power into the lives of those who are being kept bound by the enemy to the praise and glory of the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen!