Summary: Study of Revelation, using "the Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible" as a guide. Includes work sheet for participants. boxes & underlined blanks may be missing


Revelation 1: 4-8

Verses 4-8 are what is called the great announcement to the churches.

1. Notice that there were 7 churches in Asia that received this great announcement. We will look more closely at and name these churches later. When we look at them we see that they are representative of all Bible believing Churches throughout the world.

How many churches did John mention? 7

Where were these churches located? ASIA

There are four parts to this announcement, let’s look at each one.

2. The first announcement: vv4, 5 and it is one of Grace and Peace.

The church today must know that it can experience grace and peace.

Grace means favor that is not deserved; it’s what we call God’s unmerited favor. It means that God takes an active role in our lives; that He looks after and cares for us. It means that He provides the good and beneficial things of life for us. We don’t deserve these things but because God loves us He gives His grace to us.

Peace Means that we can have peace with God. No longer do we have to look at God as if He were some far away figure that is unconcerned and unloving. God is not hovering over us with some evil grin on His face just waiting for a chance to zap us. The one thing that God wants to do is give us peace.

*Peace also means that we can have peace among ourselves, with people. We don’t have to be divided; people don’t have to be discriminated against. We don’t have to be fighting, killing or stealing from each other.

3. Let’s look at where this grace & peace come from. According to verse 4 it comes from God but John describes God “Him which is, and which was, and which is to come”

From this we can clearly see that grace and peace will not come from anything we find in this world. We can’t find peace in big houses, in lots of money, in becoming well known. Grace and peace can only come from

God (Emphasize the big G). Not just any god but from the God of creation who is unchangeable and eternal. He was the same yesterday as He is today and will be tomorrow!!!

Grace & peace are found in: a. Great big houses b. Lots of $$$$ c. being famous

d. Having lots of friends e. GOD

Verse 4 describes God as the one who: IS WAS IS TO COME

This means that Grace & peace are found in God who is Unchangeable & Eternal

4.Grace and peace come from the Holy Spirit. Notice that it says in verse 4 “and from the Seven Spirits which are before His throne.”

The number 7 in scripture means completeness, fullness, and perfection and so the reference here is to the Holy Spirit in all His fullness who is before the throne of God.

In order to better understand this let’s look at Isaiah 11: 2-5 and list the Holy Spirit’s sevenfold character.

So we can see that if in fact the Spirit of God lives in us and He brings with Him all that He is, grace and peace from God belongs to us.

4a.We have seen that grace and peace is described as coming from God, which is, which was, and which is to come make reference to God. The seven spirits are not referring to some angels or any other spiritual forces; this is a reference to the Spirit of God. We also see, in verse 5 that grace and peace come from Jesus Christ, completing the fullness of the God head.

Grace and peace comes from: lucky rabbits foot finding a four leaf clover winning the lottery the Holy Spirit.

The SEVEN Spirits in verse four are a reference to: seven special angels seven evil spirits The Holy Spirit.

Seven in scripture means: completeness fullness perfection

The seven characteristics that describe the Holy Spirit in Isaiah are: The Spirit of the Lord The Spirit of Wisdom The Spirit of Understanding the Spirit of Counsel the Spirit of Might The Spirit of Knowledge the Spirit of the fear of the Lord.

Grace and peace is something you work at to accomplish comes freely when the Spirit of God comes to live in you.

According to verse 4 & 5a, grace and peace come from: God ** the Holy Spirit ** and Jesus Christ

5. The second Announcement: vv 5, 6. These verses tell us that Jesus is our savior and our redeemer. There are five things declared about Jesus in these two verses.

1. Jesus Christ is the “faithful witness.”

He is the one person we can trust. Jesus came form God, right out of Heaven, in order that He himself would reveal the truth to us. He revealed the truth about God and man. He revealed the truth about man’s world and the condition of it. He can be trusted because He is the “Faithful Witness.”

Scripture backup: John 18: 37

2. Jesus Christ is “the first to rise from the dead.”

When you say this someone might remind you that Lazarus was the first person recorded in scripture, Jesus was really the second. That would make this a lie thus making the whole Bible and Jesus a lie.

It’s true that Lazarus was raised from the dead before Jesus and that Jesus called others to rise up BUT there is one very important piece of information to consider. WHAT HAPPENED TO LAZARUS THE OTHERS, LATER?

Jesus was the first to rise from the dead, never to die again. The words “first begotten” or “first born” mean to be first in rank or to be supreme.

The wonderful thing is that because He rose from the dead, death can not hold us down. He rose from the dead and conquered death and the grave. I love the song “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, Because he live all fear is gone. Because I know he holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.”

3. Jesus Christ is the first of all “Prince of the kings of the earth.”

Jesus Christ has been raised from the dead and exalted to the right hand of God’s throne. This alone puts Him above every Prince or king in the world. No one else has or will be given the seat of Sovereign ruler of all the earth.

The world around us is seemingly out of control and some would ask why God doesn’t just come and fix this mess.

ALWAYS LOOK TO scripture for your answer: 2Peter 3: 9

The more God waits the more opportunity people have to receive Jesus as savior. BUT UNDERSTAND; God will not wait forever. There is coming a day and by all the evidence, that day is soon coming, when God will put an end to all evil and call His children home. This world is God’s problem and He will fix it. WHER’S MY PROOF?

Scripture evidence: Ps. 24: 1 ** Ps. 24: 7 ** 1Timothy 1: 17 ** 1Timothy 6: 15 ** Rev. 11: 15 ** Rev. 17: 14 ** Rev. 19: 16

4. Jesus Christ is our redeemer: He “loves us and has washed us from our sins in His own blood.”

The word “loves” is in the present tense in the Greek. This means that Jesus always loves us, that He loves us right now.

TRY THIS statement on for size: JESUS DOESN’T LOVE YOU ANY MORE TODAY THAN HE DID YESTERDAY. (wait for comments)

He can’t love you any more or less, because He loves you already as much as He can.

His love for YOU Brought Him out of Heaven, to this earth to be spit on beaten and betrayed. To be killed by those He loved, for those He loved.

Can love get any deeper than that?

The word “Washed” means to be “loosed” or “set free” its idea of being released from sin.

Question is how does blood release us from sin? Explain the transfer of His (Jesus) account to ours.

Scripture proof: Galatians 1: 4 ** Ephesians 1: 7 ** Colossians 1: 14 ** 1Peter 1: 18, 19 ** Rev. 5:9

What happens to my sin, when I receive Christ? Does God keep it so He can remind me of what I’ve been?

What would that do for our relation ship with God?

Does God deposit my sin in a separate account in case I want some of back? What does that say about Christ death?

God throws our sin as far as He can. How far can you throw a ball/rock?

God throws your sin as far as the east is from the west. How far is that? Let’s say that we could get on top of the planet and two rockets took off, one going east and the other going west. Now we have to use our imagination to get past the earth’s gravity and orbit, so we can go straight into orbit. How far could we go?

No one has ever gone that far and probably never will… Scripture Proof: Psalm 103: 12

5. Jesus Christ has exalted us. He has actually made us kings and priest.

By making us kings Jesus is giving us responsibility to manage or to govern something. We as believers will one reign and rule WITH Christ, as we oversee and manage the affairs of the universe throughout eternity.

Scripture proof: Romans 8: 16-17 ** 1Corinthians 6: 12 **Ephesians 2: 6-7 **Rev. 2: 26-27 ** Rev 20: 4

By making us priest, we have open access to God at any time. In the Old Testament days the priest stood in place of the people. He would go in to the “Holy of Holies” or literally in the presence of God on behalf of the people. Today as believers we are able to offer our own prayer, before God because of Christ has done.

Scripture proof: Romans 12: 1 ** Hebrews 13: 15 ** 1Peter 2: 5

According to verse 5 Jesus is what kind of witness? Faithful witness

Verse 5 also tells us that Jesus was the first to rise from the dead. How do we explain the fact that Jesus, Himself, raised Lazarus and others from the dead even before He died. This was a misprint John was old and suffering from memory loss. All the others died again and for good. Jesus rose, never to die again.

Verse 5 places Jesus above all worldly authority. Looking at the shape of the world today, with all the evil and turmoil, do you REALLY believe that He has all authority? Yes No. Maybe

Why does God not stop the evil, why does He not call it quits right now and settle for what He can get as far as those who believe? God doesn‘t care anymore God is too far away to see what‘s happening

This world is our problem and God is waiting on us to fix it.

God is patiently waiting for others to come to Him. Scripture Proof: 2Peter 3: 9

In verse 5 Jesus is described as our redeemer in that He loves us and washed us from our sin. The word “LOVES” as it is used here is in the Past  Present Future Tense

How does it make you feel to know that right now, presently, at this very moment, Jesus IS loving you?

If Jesus is loving me so much right now, will He stop loving or love me less tomorrow? Yes No Maybe

Try this statement and see how it fits. “Jesus doesn’t love you any more today than He did yesterday.”(Discussion)

Can He love you any less than He has? Yes No Maybe

The word “Washed” Means “Loosed” or “Set free” Because of Christ has already done, we are set free from our sins the moment we accept Him as our Lord and Savoir.

If this is true, what does God do with our sin? Hangs on to it just in case we need to be reminded of what we were before He came along. He deposits it in a different account in case we feel we need some of it back. He throws it as far as the east is from the west. Scripture proof: Psalm 103: 12

Verse 6 tells us that Jesus has made us “kings and Priest” Kings have a responsibility to rule or to manage.

Do you believe that you are capable of managing something as big as the universe? Yes No Maybe

Why not? I‘m not smart enough I can‘t find my way around town much less the universe I don’t want to Other

What if I told you that, regardless of who you are or what you may think of your ability, you will be managing something in the Kingdom? HOW DO I KNOW? Cause the BIBLE tells me so. Scripture proof:

We are also made to be priest. This gives us direct access to The White House The Queens‘ House The very presence of the King of kings, that is God Almighty Himself. Scripture proof

The third announcement: Jesus is coming. v.7

The basic theme of Revelation is the return of Christ and the justice and judgment that He will bring to the earth and her people.

*Two things will happen upon His return.

1. Every eye WILL see Him. The glory of God is so bright and full of light that it shines brighter than the sun. When Jesus returns, His glory will be so bright that the light of His glory will surround the earth.

*Some say that when Jesus returns with His angels and those believers who have died, there will be so many that they will latterly surround the earth.

*Others say that because of the technology of the time and things like CNN and other world news organizations, that the return will be broadcast around the world within seconds of the first sighting.

Whatever the case the truth is that we will all see Him in His Glory coming down.

2. Those who rejected and crucified Him will mourn because of Him.

This is a reference to all those enemies of Christ. This statement is not just for those who crucified Him but to those who rebelled against Him as well.

They will cry out in anguish because they have: Cursed Him ** rejected Him ** ignored Him ** neglected Him ** rebelled against Him ** Disregarded Him ** opposed Him.

More and more, today we see people turning from God and challenging the fact of His existence. There is coming a day when those who deny Him will suddenly acknowledge Him, but that day will be too little too late.

Scripture proof: Matthew 24: 30 ** Matthew 25: 31-32 ** Mark 8: 38 discuss this one

** 2Thessalonians 1: 7-8 ** Jude 14-15 ** Rev. 1: 7 ** Rev. 11: 15-18 ** Rev 19: 11-16 ** Rev 22: 20

Verse 7 tells us that every eye will see Jesus when He returns. Is this possible? YES NO MAYBE

Discuss the possibilities of how this could happen.

The return of Christ will be a joyous occasion for those who know Him, so why does verse 7 tell us that all the people will mourn?

Multiple choice Because we get to participate in His funeral (After all we missed the original one) Many will see the truth and will realize that it’s now too late. Those who pierced Him will see what they have done and cry out.

Who are the ones who “pierced Him” The soldiers who drove the nails in His hands and feet.

The soldier who pierced His side with the spear. All those who have rejected Him.

Scripture Proof: Discuss Mark 8: 38 in detail

The fourth announcement: Jesus is the Almighty God. v8

Jesus describes Himself here as the “Alpha and omega. Alpha is the first letter in the Greek alphabet and Omega is the last, so Jesus is saying that He is the beginning and the end. He started everything and He will end everything

Jesus is also described as the one, “Which is, Which was and which is to come.” He is unchangeable. He is the same today as He was “In the beginning” and He will be the same when all this is gone and we live with Him in eternity, which is our tomorrow.

Scripture Proof: Hebrews 1: 10-12 ** Hebrews 13: 8 ** James 1: 17 ** Psalm 135: 13 ** Psalm 145: 13

The final description in verse 8 is of Jesus being the “Almighty” The word here means the All-controller. In other words He is the one who controls all things, He rules over the universe and the things in it. This says that He has all power or we would use the word “Omnipotent”

This good news to us because it says that no matter what we go through Jesus will work it out for His good and ours in the end. It says that there is nothing that can snatch us from the hand of God if we are, in fact in His hand.

Scripture Proof: Romans 8: 28 ** Romans 8: 38-39 ** Colossians 1: 15-17 ** Hebrews 1: 1-3

The words “Alpha” & “Omega” come from the Swiss alphabet and they mean “The first are last ands the last are first. •True •False

Jesus is described in what three ways in verse 8. “The Lord which is, which was and which is to come.

This means that Jesus is unchangeable. Scripture Proof:

The final description of Jesus in verse 8 is “The Almighty” This says that He is the ALL- controller

Knowing that Jesus has everything under control gives me a sense of (Personal answer)

How can I be sure of my security in Christ? Scripture Proof:

A Study in Revelation part 3

Rev. 1: 4-8

How many churches did John mention? _

Where were these churches located? _ _ _ _

The first announcement: Grace and peace are yours 1: 4-5

Grace & peace are found in: Great big houses Lots of $$$$ being famous

Having lots of friends GOD

Verse 4 describes God as the one who: _ _ _ _ _ & _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

This means that Grace & peace are found in God who is Unchangeable & Eternal

Grace and peace comes from: lucky rabbits foot finding a four leaf clover winning the lottery the Holy Spirit.

The SEVEN Spirits in verse four are a reference to: seven special angels seven evil spirits The Holy Spirit.

Seven in scripture means: completeness fullness perfection

The seven characteristics that describe the Holy Spirit in Isaiah are: The Spirit of the Lord The

Spirit of Wisdom The Spirit of Understanding the Spirit of Counsel the Spirit of Might The

Spirit of Knowledge the Spirit of the fear of the Lord.

Grace and peace is something you work at to accomplish comes freely when the Spirit of God comes to live in you.

According to verse 4 & 5a, grace and peace come from: God ** the Holy Spirit ** and Jesus Christ

The second Announcement: Jesus is the Savior and Redeemer 1: 5-6

According to verse 5 Jesus is what kind of witness? _ _ _ _ _ful w _ _ _ _ _ _

Scripture Proof: John 18: 37

Verse 5 also tells us that Jesus was the first to rise from the dead. How do we explain the fact that Jesus, Himself, raised Lazarus and others from the dead even before He died.

This was a misprint John was old and suffering from memory loss. All the others died again and for good. Jesus rose, never to die again.

Verse 5 places Jesus above all worldly authority. Looking at the shape of the world today, with all the evil and turmoil, do you REALLY believe that He has all authority? Yes No. Maybe

Why does God not stop the evil, why does He not call it quits right now and settle for what He can get as far as those who believe? God doesn‘t care anymore God is too far away to see what‘s happening

This world is our problem and God is waiting on us to fix it.

God is patiently waiting for others to come to Him. Scripture Proof: 2Peter 3: 9

This world is God’s problem and HE will fix it. Scripture Proof: Ps. 24: 1 ** Ps. 24: 7 ** 1Timothy 1: 17 ** 1Timothy 6: 15 ** Rev. 11: 15 ** Rev. 17: 14 ** Rev. 19: 16

In verse 5 Jesus is described as our redeemer in that He _ _ _ es us and _ _ _ _ed us from our

_ _ _.

The word “LOVES“ as it is used here is in the Past  Present Future Tense

How does it make you feel to know that right now, presently, at this very moment, Jesus IS loving you?

If Jesus is loving me so much right now, will He stop loving or love me less tomorrow? Yes No Maybe

Try this statement and see how it fits.

“Jesus doesn’t love you any more today than He did yesterday.”(Discussion)

Can He love you any less than He has? Yes No Maybe

The word “Washed” Means “Loosed” or “Set free” Because of what Christ has already done, we are

_ _ _ f _ _ _ from our _ _ _ _ the moment we accept Him as our Lord and Savoir.

Scripture proof: Galatians 1: 4 ** Ephesians 1: 7 ** Colossians 1: 14 ** 1Peter 1: 18, 19 ** Rev. 5:9

If this is true, what does God do with our sin? Hangs on to it just in case we need to be reminded of what we were before He came along. He deposits it in a different account in case we feel we need some of it back. He throws it as far as the east is from the west. Scripture proof: Psalm 103: 12

Verse 6 tells us that Jesus has made us “_ _ _ _s and _ _ _ _ _ ts” Kings have a responsibility to rule or to _ _ _age.

Do you believe that you are capable of managing something as big as the universe? Yes No Maybe

Why not? I‘m not smart enough I can‘t find my way around town much less the universe I don’t want to Other

What if I told you that, regardless of who you are or what you may think of your ability, you will be managing something in the Kingdom? HOW DO I KNOW? Cause the _ _ _LE tells me so.

Scripture proof: Romans 8: 16-17 ** 1Corinthians 6: 12 **Ephesians 2: 6-7 **Rev. 2: 26-27 ** Rev 20: 4

We are also made to be priest. This gives us direct access to The White House The Queens‘ House The very presence of the King of kings, that is God Almighty Himself.

Scripture proof: Romans 12: 1 ** Hebrews 13: 15 ** 1Peter 2: 5

The third announcement: _ _ _ _ _ is coming 1: 7

Verse 7 tells us that every eye will see Jesus when He returns. Is this possible ? YES NO MAYBE

Discuss the possibilities of how this could happen.

The return of Christ will be a joyous occasion for those who know Him, so why does verse 7 tell us that all the people will mourn?

Multiple choice Because we get to participate in His funeral (After all we missed the original one) Many will see the truth and will realize that it’s now too late. Those who pierced Him will see what they have done and cry out.

Who are the ones who “pierced Him” The soldiers who drove the nails in His hands and feet.

The soldier who pierced His side with the spear. All those who have ejected Him.

Scripture proof: Matthew 24: 30 ** Matthew 25: 31-32 ** Mark 8: 38 discuss this one

** 2Thessalonians 1: 7-8 ** Jude 14-15 ** Rev. 1: 7 ** Rev. 11: 15-18 ** Rev 19: 11-16 ** Rev 22: 20

The fourth announcement: Christ is the Almighty 1: 8

The words “Alpha” & “Omega” come from the Swiss alphabet and they mean “The first are last ands the last are first. •True •False

Jesus is described in what three ways in verse 8. “The Lord which _ _ , which _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ _ is to _ _ _ _.

This means that Jesus is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Scripture Proof: Hebrews 1: 10-12 ** Hebrews 13: 8 ** James 1: 17 ** Psalm 135: 13 ** Psalm 145: 13

The final description of Jesus in verse 8 is “The Almighty” This says that He is the _ _ _- controller

Knowing that Jesus has everything under control gives me a sense of (Personal answer)

How can I be sure of my security in Christ?

Scripture Proof: Romans 8: 28 ** Romans 8: 38-39 ** Colossians 1: 15-17 ** Hebrews 1: 1-3

:Personal notes: