TITLE: Finishing Well through Consistency
TEXT: Joshua 14:6-12
INTRODUCTION: One of the hardest and most difficult challenges in life is to stay consistent. It seems like all of life is designed to force us onto a rollercoaster. On that roller coaster, we are always challenged with decisions and struggles which are perfectly and intentionally focused on “derailing” us. How many people do we know who have failed to finish well?
Even scripture is filled with folks who were unable to do what Paul said and “run the race and finish the course.” For example, Moses, King David, Judas, and many others. There is a great example of consistency however who can teach us how to finish by maintaining a consistent walk with Christ. His name is Caleb.
I.Challenges to building Consistency
In Caleb’s journey, we see the same challenges to consistency that we face in our daily lives.
Frustrations(v.10) – 45 years
Fears –(v.8) “will it ever happen?” “will I make it?”
Failures – (v.10) While Israel wandered in the wilderness. How many times did they fail and how discouraging was that to a man of faith such as Caleb?
Friends – “my brethren… made the heart of the people melt”
Foes – (verses 12-14)
II.Character for building consistency
Love for the Lord
Faith in God’s Promises – In verse 9, Caleb reminds Moses of the promise of God that he has been clinging to since they entered Canaan and then God rewarded them for their faith. How many times did Caleb go into battle with fearlessness that was borne of his grip on God’s promise of his inheritance.
Passion “I am as strong this day for battle as on the day that Moses sent me…GIVE ME MY MOUNTAIN.” (see also verse 14, “… because he wholly followed the Lord God of Israel.”)
III.Crowns for building consistency
Caleb reaped all his promised rewards. (verse 14)
Caleb was successful where others were not. He conquered all of his lands while other tribes did not.
Caleb’s blessings extended to his family. (see chapter 15)
IV.Call to consistency
Here is a call to apply these character traits to your personal life. Also include a transition to the invitation based upon crowns, resting upon the truth that God keeps His promises.