Not growing cold
Lots of verses - 2 reasons - 1) scripture interpret scripture, 2) for you to learn them. Take notes on what impacts you.
1. What a year!
a. Our theme verse -
i. James 4:8 - “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”
1. I hope you’ve grown a ton this year.
2. I hope that continues through the summer.
2. As I think about the end of the semester, Eph.6:24 comes to mind. It says - “Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love.”
a. We’ve discussed what it means to love God this year:
i. Mk.12:30 - “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.”
1. Heart - emotions, desires, affections, etc.
2. Soul - self image, character, personality, etc.
3. Mind - thoughts, intellect, ideas, etc.
4. Strength - abilities, talents, energy, physical abilities, etc.
b. Eph.6:24 clarifies this some, describing this love as undying.
i. GK: Aphtharsia - “incorruptible, immortal, imperishable, not liable to decay, perpetual and continual, pure and sincere.”
1. Basically, it is telling me to love God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength and with a love that is incorruptible, immortal, imperishable, not liable to decay, perpetual and continual, pure and sincere.
2. I wish I could say that was always true of me.
a. Oftentimes, I don’t love Him wholeheartedly and my love often grows luke warm or even cold.
b. Mt.24:12 - describes this saying the love of many will grow cold.
c. Rev.2:4 - Jesus challenged us on this very issue warning us about forgetting our 1st love.
3. Rev.3:16 - “So, because you are lukewarm - neither hot nor cold - I am about to spit you out of my mouth.”
a. Laodicea - Water from hot springs in Hieropolis, 6 miles south piped in. Their drinking water was luke warm and full of minerals - disgusting.
i. Neither cold and refreshing or hot and relaxing.
b. Why is luke-warm so bad?
i. Consequences for you:
1. No happy disobedient Christians.
2. Miss purpose/life of futility.
ii. Consequences for others:
1. They have to put up with you.
a. Wife, kids, friends, etc.
iii. Consequences in eternity.
c. Jer.30:21 - I want to be devoted to being close to Him.
i. Jn.15:1-8 - I want to abide in Him (describe) experiencing what He’s made me for.
1. Abide - much fruit, fruit that will last (v. 5,16)
4. How do I keep from growing cold?
a. Rom.12:11 - Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.
b. So I preserve that zeal by serving Him.
i. Summer application ideas.
c. I serve Him out of a heart for Him.
i. Pr.19:2, Rom.10:2 - Zeal without knowledge is not good.
1. Phil.1:9 - Love must grow in knowledge and depth of insight.
a. Marriage example.
2. 1 Cor.8:1 - That knowledge must be based in love.
a. Relational knowledge vs. intellectual knowledge.
i. A-posteriori vs. A-priori.
b. Live to know Him better this year; not to know more theology.
ii. So, know and love God more than ever (time with Him, communicating with Him, fellowship with other believers) then, apply that, serving Him.
1. Your love will not grow cold.
5. It’s been a great year.
c. You’ve probably grown a ton.
i. Phil.3:16 - Only let us live up to what we have already attained.
1. Don’t regress from where you’ve grown this year.
ii. 2 Cor. 5:7 - We walk by faith, not by sight.
1. Continue taking the next step God has for you throughout the summer.
6. Remember, only one thing matters, guys.
a. Mk.6:31 - Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest."
b. Lk.10:38-42 - Only one thing matters!!! Martha picked that one thing.
c. All that matters is drawing near to Him:
i. James 4:8 - Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
ii. Rev.2:5 - If you have forgotten your 1st love, repent (define), and draw near to Him again.
iii. And if you haven’t yet started that relationship, he’s still knocking on the door:
1. Rev.3:20 - “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.”
7. I want you to leave here tonight, where you need to be with God.
a. If you know Him, take a minute to tell Him what he means to you.
b. If you need to get right with Him take a minute to confess that.
c. If you’ve never accepted His free gift, consider doing that now.
8. It’s been a great year.
a. We have grown very close to each of you, we love you and will miss you.
b. Keep your eyes on Him this summer.
9. Take a few moments to think through what God’s done in your life this year.
a. Fliers and pencils on tables.
We love you!!!