Summary: The apostle Peter gives us encouragement to help us when we suffer.


Text: 1 Peter 1:13 – 16


• 64 AD Rome burns under Nero; Nero blames Christians

• Christians around world still suffer

• US suffering: verbal, emotional, or physical abuse; inciting to lose temper or to sin; hindering your service for God

• Targeted by Freedom from Religion Foundation, gays, abortion rights groups

• Peter gives advice to those who are suffering


A. Be Prepared for Action (v. 13)

• Think about your response

• Pray for strength, wisdom, and insight

• Don’t take it personally

o Not attacking you; attacking Christ

o Saul, why persecutest thou me?

B. Exhibit Self-Control (v. 13)

• Respond like a Christian

• Don’t take it out on others

• Pray for those that hurt you

C. Don’t Lose Sight of the Future (v. 13)

• Suffering can help us grow and learn to trust God

o 1 Peter 1:6, 7

• Suffering helps us focus on what’s really important

o Philippians 1:21

• It won’t last forever

D. Stay Obedient to God (v. 14)

• Three Hebrew Children

• Obedience during suffering is a great testimony and witness

• Daniel 3:28, 29

E. Practice Holiness (vv. 15, 16)

• Holiness = totally devoted to God; set aside for His special use; separated from sin and its influence

• Pattern yourself after God, reject the influence of the world

• Daniel


• 2 Timothy 3:12

• Peter and Paul both executed under Nero

• Don’t give up; they didn’t

• Hebrews 13:5, 6