Text: Titus 2:3-5
Scripture Reading: 2 Timothy 1:3-7
1. I do not want to give you another list of things you cannot do
a. The role of any employee in a company is not listed as you are not to do this or that
b. The role of anyone in any situation is listed by those things that are done and responsibilities that the person brings to the table
2. Now let me tell you all, if it were not for the women taking on the role of women well here at North End, we would be in trouble and I will illustrate that in a few minutes
3. Women are limited by the Lord in what they are permitted to do
a. They are not to usurp authority or teach over a man
b. Paul tells Timothy this in 1 Timothy 2:11ff
c. This does not mean that women have no value in the church or that it’s somehow a "man’s" place
d. In fact, many of the things that women do can be defined as leadership and are vitally important
4. Our ladies have the responsibility in three areas at least:
a. Passing on faith (Not just services)
b. Teaching (In classes and at home)
c. Worshipping (Consider the woman at the well)
5. Women are an asset in the worship and work of the church, men pay close attention because this is the value of your wife and it is your responsibility to help her accomplish these tasks
TRANSITION: First of all notice that through woman:
I. Faith is passed on (2 Timothy 1:5)
A. It was first in his grandmother Lois
1. Each of us has faith that began in or with someone else who shared it with us
2. Timothy’s faith began with his grandmother
a. I could say the same thing
b. My grandmother would not even date my grandfather until he became a Christian
c. Then he went on to become a preacher until he had a stroke and could not anymore
d. His children were all Christians and from that I have come
3. Lois passed her faith on to her daughter Eunice who passed her faith on to Timothy
B. Paul was persuaded that faith was in Timothy
1. Was persuaded is a verb in the perfect tense
2. That means that it is past completed action with continuing consequences
a. Long ago Paul knew that Timothy had faith in God
b. And it was evidenced until the present time that his faith was strong
c. That is a direct result of his grandmother and mother instilling in him in the home faith in and love for God
C. Paul says that he served in faith and clear conscience from his forefathers
1. Timothy served in faith from his mothers
2. One of the roles our ladies here at North End fulfill is passing on their faith
3. Timothy was a man of great value to Paul and service to God
4. That value and service were only possible because of the work of strong women in his life who passed faith from generation to generation
D. Christian ladies, one of your roles is to pass your faith on to the next generation
TRANSITION: Passing on of faith involves:
II. Teaching of faith
A. Titus 2:3-5, "the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things-- 4 that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, 5 to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed."
B. Women teach well in classes
1. We have 22 Bible classes between Sunday and Wednesday
2. 13 of these are taught by women, clearly more than half
3. There are 13 male teachers in our Bible school program and 25 women, nearly double
4. Women are a vital asset in the teaching of the Bible to our children
5. Our ladies fill a vital role in the passing on of faith through instruction and publicly teaching our kids and other ladies
C. Women teach well at home
1. Lois taught Eunice who taught Timothy in the home
2. Development of faith requires strong Bible teachers
3. A good Bible class program requires strong support and further instruction in the home
a. It adds emphasis to the teaching from class
b. It adds importance to the teaching in class
c. It adds support to the teaching of truth in class
4. A wonderful lesson on truth in Bible class can be undermined with one lie at home
5. Mothers often take the lead in this teaching at home, especially with the younger and more impressionable children
D. We have wonderful young people here at North End, and that is due in large part to the great job our mothers are doing at home in training our children to grow into Christian men and women
TRANSITION: Another role of women is:
III. Faithful women worship
A. So often the focus of this discussion is on what women cannot do
1. We understand 1 Timothy 2:11, "A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness. But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet."
a. This passage is defining the role of woman and men
b. Men are to exercise the authority in worship
c. Leading singing, leading prayers, serving on the Lord’s table, performing all the elements of worship, these are done by man according to God’s design
2. Our focus is not going to be weighed down by the things women cannot do
B. What often gets ignored is that women are to be active in worship
1. What did Jesus tell the woman at the well in John 2:21-24?
a. Did He say, "God is spirit and men must worship Him?"
b. He did not say, "God is spirit so women are not allowed to sing to Him
c. He used the word "those" to indicate true worshippers, not just men but all who will worship
2. Our ladies add a great deal to our worship
a. They lend their voices together with the rest of us as we are led in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, and their hearts make melody together with each of the hearts here to the Lord
b. Our ladies listen and are active as we are led in prayer, concentrating on the words in which we are led and praying from their hearts those things that are offered
c. They partake of the bread and fruit of the vine in commemoration of the death of our dear Lord Jesus Christ helping us remember the sacrifice He made on the cross
3. Women do not stand in the pulpit or at a microphone to be heard over the rest of us, but never let it be said that they are not active and vital to the work and worship of the Lord’s church
1. Women do not usurp authority over men in matters of faith and Biblical teaching, that is by God’s design
a. That does not mean they are not important
b. Just the opposite, they are vital to the success of the Lord’s church
2. Woman lead by passing on faith from generation to generation, teaching young boys and girls about our Lord and how to follow Him
3. They lead by teaching in the home and in the Bible class
4. Our ladies help lead as they worship God together with the rest of us
5. Woman have a vital role to fill in the work and worship of our Lord and we are thankful for the wonderful ladies God has placed in His church