Summary: In this saying of praise in Luke’s birth narrative the angels share with us great truths of the gospel. The Gospel is about the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. The Gospel and the birth story display God’s glory offer God’s peace and deliv

Intro: The more Christmas’ I experience the more I believe we are distracted by the details. The census of Caesar, the worship of the wise men, the marveling of Mary, no room in the inn, all are part of what we read in the gospel birth story.

What do the details direct us to? What did the writers of the gospels seek to declare, what was the birth story designed to do? The birth story is designed to display God’s glory, offer God’s peace, and deliver God’s pleasure.

It may not be found that the angels sing praises of God in the Bible, but it is clear that they can say His praises with great clarity and beauty. In this saying of praise in Luke’s birth narrative the angels share with us great truths of the gospel. The Gospel is about the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. The Gospel and the birth story display God’s glory offer God’s peace and deliver God’s pleasure.

I. God’s glory displayed

In the old testament we find two words used repeatedly to tell us of God’s Glory. The Hebrew word Kabod means weight and substance of His glory. Hadar means the splendor of God’s work. Another word that is translated glory is Shekina or the radiance of God’s glory. So the glory of God is demonstration of His character and power.

A) The heavens display

Psalm 19.1 “The heavens are telling of the glory of God.” The heavens display the character and power of God. I learned recently that the sun sings. There are constant harmonics or sound waves in the sun. Caused by magnetic fields the sun is actually singing to the glory of God. Why were the heavens fashioned by the hand of God? Colossians 1.16 says all things were created by Him and for Him. Creation was made for God’s praise and pleasure.

B) The angels declare

Here in this short sentence the angels declare God’s glory. In Isaiah we see angels speaking to each other of His holiness. Here we see God is something else. 900 times in the Bible we see the word Holy. The angels declare who God is and what He does, His glory.

C) The Savior discloses

Hebrews 1.3 tells us that Jesus is the radiance of His glory the exact representation of His nature. Jesus perfectly pictured the character and power of God. How did Jesus disclose God’s glory? He showed God’s wisdom, the plan of redemption, He showed God’s love, the price of redemption, He showed God’s faithfulness in bruising the serpents head with the foot of the seed of a woman, He showed God’s holiness, God’s righteous requirement demands death for anyone who sins, He gave a substitute. Jesus disclosed god’s glory.

D) The saints demonstrate

First realize the Bible says that Believers are the image and glory of God! (1 Corinthians 11.7) In Genesis man was made in the image of God. Adam and eve disobeyed God and distorted that glory. Jesus came to redeem and restore the image of God in man.

We have the great responsibility and privilege of representing God to the world.

The Bible says that we can glorify God by

1) Living lives worthy of the gospel 1 Thessalonians 2.12

2) Living lives of obedience 2 Corinthians 9.13

3) Living lives of purity 1 Corinthians 6.20

4) Living lives filled with good deeds 1 Peter 2.12

5) Living lives willing to suffer for Christ Romans 8.17-18, 1 Peter 4.13-16

Our lives can demonstrate the power and character of God.

You can make your day glorious by offering the day to God. Something like this Father in heaven I give you this day for you glory. I ask for help where I am week, wisdom for daily decisions, and when I fail your forgiveness. I surrender this day to your glory and purpose.

II. God’s peace offered

Peace seems to be a pipe dream today. There is conflict abroad. The Middle East is constantly involved in conflict. There is conflict at home, political, social. There is carjacking in the streets, road rage, pushy Christmas shoppers, family fights, and on and on we could go. The angels declared the Glory of God and peace offered in His Son. Where is this peace that was offered? First we must realize the type of peace offered.

A) The promise of peace

Isaiah 9.6 gives us one of the most wonderful titles of our Lord Jesus, the Prince of Peace. This word peace comes from the Hebrew word shalom. It was used as a greeting to wish others completeness spiritually, emotionally, socially, in every way. The first time that Jesus came he came as the Lamb of God. He came to end the spiritual war between God and man. The next time He comes He will come as the Lion of God. He will come to end the war between man and man and between the powers and principalities. The peace promised from His first coming is inner peace.

Romans 5.1 says because we are justified in Christ we have peace with God and 5.2 says we have access by Jesus through faith into grace which is our hope. But have you ever read 5.3 but we glory in our tribulations, knowing that tribulations produce perseverance, and perseverance character. In this world of conflict we can through the conflict allow God to craft His character in us and have the promise of peace in the middle of all conflict! A wonderful picture of this is Jesus asleep in the boat while His disciples were freaking out over the storm. When they woke him up He said what? Peace be still. That is what Philippians 4.5,6 says when the storm is strong and seems to overwhelm don’t be anxious about it take it to the feet of Jesus and he will say peace be still! Sometimes he says peace to the storm, and sometimes he says peace to you! What area of your life do you need Jesus to speak into today?

B) The permanence of peace

Isaiah 9.7 tells us that the peace offered by the glorious Son of God is not temporary. It is permanent peace.

What causes the conflict with God? Sin separates us and sets us at odds with God. There is coming a time when there will be no more sin. No conflict with God and no conflict with others.

All I can say about that is Oh happy day. Jesus removed my conflict with God when he saved me and set me free from the chains of sin and death. The kind of peace He offers now is permanent.

It is amazing to me that the angel host declare peace on earth. God is in the Old testament called the God of the angel armies, the Lord of Hosts. He sends his army of angels to declare to the shepherds and the world peace is available in His son.

This is God’s solution for separation. Peace, wholeness, complete. Life in Jesus’ day was not much different than today. Taxes were high, unemployment was high, morals were slipping. Neither Roman law nor Greek philosophy nor religion could meet the needs of people. So God sent His only son, the Prince of peace. This is more a character of peace than circumstances.

III. God’s pleasure delivered

What is the one thing that we as Christians individually and as a church corporately need to make our first priority? Before we plan programs, before we preach the gospel, before we provide for others. What does the passage say?

“among men whom He (God) is well pleased.” Our first priority is to please God. Husbands your first priority is to please God then you wife. Wives please God then you husbands. Children please God then your parents.

A) How do we please God? -- Faith

Hebrews 11.6 “For without faith it is impossible to please God.”

Faith is not acceptance without truth, it is trust without reservation. Warren Wiersbe said, faith is not some feeling we manufacture, it is instead our total response to what God has revealed!

Dr J Oswald Sanders said very well, “Faith enables the believing soul to treat the future as present and the invisible as seen.” Jesus said more blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe. The life of faith trusts in the glory and peace of the babe in the manger. Whatever road our faith takes us down we travel on it trusting that God will work all to our God and His glory.

B) How do we acquire faith? -- God gives it us

Romans 12.3 Paul tells us that God gives to each a measure of faith. The man with a paralletic boy said in Mark 9.24 I believe help my unbelief. The disciples even pray increase our faith. We are well pleasing to God when we respond in faith.

Jesus came into the world to display the Glory of God and offer peace with God. We Glorify God by responding in faith and giving him the honor, respect, glory He deserves.

God gives us the gift of faith, we give Him the glory in obedience.

Conclusion: Glory to God, I believe it echoes Ecclesiastes 12.1 Fear God and keep His commandments. Respond to the Christ child with faith and obedience.