Dream Your Dreams
Genesis 37
I. Have a Dream (37: 5a)
a. We must have a dream
b. People may not always like your dream (v. 5b)
II. Share your dream (37: 6)
a. Tell everyone you can
b. “Without Vision, the people Parish”
III. Expect Opposition and Obstacles (37: 5, 10)
a. For whatever reason, people may not want you to succeed
b. God may not provide the means to achieve our goal in the way we expect
IV. Rely on God against all odds (vs. 39:19-20)
a. God has an amazing plan for our life (39:21)
b. I believe our dreams are embedded in that plan
i. If God wants us to be happy, then He is going to align His will for our lives with our passions and abilities
ii. We must continually seek Him for guidance to make sure our dreams are aligned with His will
c. Trust God no matter what (41:39)
Jack Canfield tells about a young high school student whose father was a horse trainer. Because the family had to follow the horse-racing season, the young boy had to change schools throughout the year. During his senior year he was asked to write a paper about what his dreams for the future were. His paper described his dream of owning a 200-acre horse ranch with stable and tracks, and a 4,000-square-foot home. He even drew a diagram of the property and the design of his house. He turned the paper in…and two days later it came back with an “F” on the front and note to see the teacher. After class, the teacher explained to the boy that his dream was “unrealistic.” The teacher said that if the boy rewrote the paper with a much more realistic dream, he would reconsider the grade. The boy went home and asked his father what to do. “It’s your decision,” said the father. Dad knew this was a very important decision. The boy kept the paper for a week and then returned it to his teacher after class. “Here” the boy said, “you can keep the ‘F’ and I’ll keep my dream.”