In Jesus Holy Name December 14, 2008
Redeemer Text John 1:6-8
“Christmas Is Coming! Are You Ready?”
“It’s the largest celebration around the world each year. Other holidays get a single day, but Christmas gets an entire month. During the Christmas season, billions of people set aside their normal routine to decorate their homes, send out greeting cards, buy gifts, go to Christmas parties, attend candle light services, sing Christmas songs, watch Christmas specials and travel long distances to be with their families. Christmas lights, Christmas sounds fill the air everywhere. When Christmas comes you can not miss it!” Or can you? (The Purpose of Christmas Rick Warren)
Once in a while I walk across the street to buy lunch at Flower City, a small Chinese carry out. Tracy is a vivacious and friendly wife and mother. In typical immigrant Chinese fashion they work long hours. This week I asked if she was ready for Christmas. “No not yet.” “Last year we did not put up a tree.” What about this year? “No.” Is your husband going to give you a gift? He just hands me the money from the restaurant.
I said. “You know you really should put up decorations at Christmas and a tree. Don’t you want your daughter to have good memories of Christmas?” “Yes, that’s a good point.”
My question to you is really her in audible question to me. “Why should she put up a Christmas tree. Would it mean anything? She doesn’t know that Jesus is the reason for the season. Who will tell her about the true light that gives hope to all? Will she ever take the message of the angels personally? “I bring you good news of great joy that shall be to all people”….even Tracy at Flower City restaurant. “A Savior has been born he is Christ the Lord.”
You may have never realized that every time you check your calendar, or refer to a date or write one down, you are using Jesus Christ as your reference point. Because of Jesus, history is divided into B.C. (before Christ) or A.D. (anno Domini in the year of our Lord) Every event in history is dated by how many days and years it has been since Jesus Christ appeared on earth.
We, who are here this morning, know that Jesus is the reason for the season. We also know that Jesus is often overlooked or merely mentioned along with Rudolph, Frosty the Snowman, Santa Claus, the Grinch and a long list of celebrated fictional characters. Getting ready for Christmas can be a lot of work. There’s the pressure of putting up lights, cooking, attending parties and cleaning up afterwards.
Is it possible that the Grinch who steals our Christmas joy could be our own busyness, letting the trappings of a cultural event snuff out the true light?
Now there were Jews from Jerusalem, a group of priests and religious officials who asked John several questions. Are you the Messiah? Are you the 2nd coming of Elijah? “No” They pressed him. “Are you the Prophet? “No”
Exasperated, they said, “Who then? We need an answer for those who sent us.” “I’m doing what the prophet Isaiah preached. “I’m the one calling in the desert…make the road straight for God!” He is coming.
There are those around us who do not know the real reason for Christmas. John stood on the banks of the Jordan River. He was not the light. He pointed to the true light, Jesus. “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” Many who listened to John were baptized. Their lives were transformed when they attached themselves to Jesus.
On the night when Jesus was born in Bethlehem, a small group of shepherds were quietly tending their flocks of sheep in the nearby fields. They were looking up at the stars, like we all tend to do on a clear night. Nothing seemed different.
But what was about to happen would transform not only the lives of these shepherds but the lives of many others as well. The world would never be the same. (The Purpose of Christmas)
Suddenly a bright light frilled the skies, an angel from God appeared and said: “Don’t be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy for all people. Today in the town of David a Savior is born.” The light, the message of the angel pointed to the infant born in Bethlehem. He who created the world was now in the world.
God can use the unusual or the well known to point those who do not know Jesus to Jesus. The angels; John the Baptizer, you and me, Rick Warren. Rick Warren like John the Baptizer is not the light, but they both point to the Light.
Last week Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church, and author was on Hannity and Colmes being interviewed about his brand new book. “The Purpose of Christmas” Rick Warren is seated between Sean Hannity, a Roman Catholic and Alan Colmes, a Jewish believer.
The opening words of Sean Hannity.
“Here we are, just a few weeks away from Christmas as thousands prepare to celebrate it, well, it seems that few know the true meaning of the holiday. In his brand new book, “The Purpose of Christmas” (Rick Warren) explains how Christmas is a time for celebration, salvation and reconciliation.”
Hannity: We forget. We are all out shopping. New York goes crazy with turkey and ham. And do we stop and think about what Christmas is about?
Warren: You know it’s kind of like thanksgiving, on thanksgiving we do just everything except give thanks. We eat, we watch football; we have a good time with family. Almost no body gives thanks to God at Thanksgiving, unless there’s a short prayer before we eat. …. But we need to remember Jesus Christ… for our benefit. Once of the things… “Unto you is born this day a savior….
Colmes: Let me ask you… Ok so you think everybody needs a savior?
Warren: I do.
Colmes: Well, what about those people who don’t … (know Jesus) …you know I happen to be Jewish. And by the way I have a lot in common… the same religion.
Warren: Absolutely
Colmes: so not everybody necessarily goes that route.
Warren: The thing is, Alan, I believe Jesus Christ came for everybody. I don’t think he came for Christians. The bible says take the good news to the whole world…. I don’t care if you’re Baptist, Buddhist, Mormon, Methodist, Jewish, Muslim or no religion at all. Jesus Christ still loves you. You… matter to God.
Colmes: True, and I think that’s a wonderful message. But if you don’t accept Jesus, if you’re not some (one) who goes that route religiously…. Can you find your way to heaven?
Can you still be…. Go to the same place when it’s all said and done?
(A great question… it is a statement that reflects the secular cultural belief of many people. I love Rick Warren’s answer.)
Warren: I’m not the authority on that, but I believe Jesus is. And everybody’s betting their life on something. Jesus said. “I am the way.” I’m betting that he’s not a liar. I’m betting that he told the truth.
Colmes: ….what does that say for all those people who do not accept Christ as their personal savior?
Warren: I’m saying that this is the perfect time to open their life, to give it a chance. I’d say give him a 60 day trial. Give him a trial. Seek if he’ll change your life. I dare you to try trusting Jesus for 60 days. Or your money back guaranteed back.
The angels on the hills outside Bethlehem. John or Rick Warren were definitely pointing to Jesus, the Light, Jesus. God is always at work in history…. “To bring people news of great joy… today in the town of David a Savior is born.”
In 2006 the distinguished American conductor, John Nelson, the Director of Music of the Ensemble of Paris directed Handel’s Messiah in 2006 in Shanghai, China. Most of the audience loved it. Although neither the English words nor a translation had been in their programs…..during the Hallelujah Chorus….”the audience rose to its feet and stomped and clapped and even screamed.”
“The government officials that were sitting with the Shanghai opera music director did not stand up.” While driving to the airport, the music director told John Nelson of an even more surprising response to the performance. “My wife was sitting next to me”, and said, “I think I saw God when I listen to this music.”
Amid post-Olympic shifts in China’s attitude toward the West, the government decided that sacred music should disappear. Quietly, without publicity Chinese authorities have let it be known that Western religious music should no longer be performed in concert halls. (Christianity Today Dec 2008) Why?....because the words and music of the Messiah point to the real reason for Christmas.
Christmas is coming! God used John the Baptizer. God sent angels. God used Rick Warren, and God wants to use you and me to point to Jesus the true light, the reason for Christmas.
I always know the holy day is near when I see the Salvation Army bell ringers, wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.
A friend of mine was observing one of those bell ringers do his thing. Without missing a beat on his bell, he was able to say something special to everyone. When someone looked worn down, he turned up the temperature on his smile and gave them a special, a sincerely warm holiday wish. If an elderly woman walked by, he would say something like, “Merry Christmas, young lady.” And the way he said it didn’t seem sarcastic.
After exchanging a few pleasantries my friend asked: “Can you tell when someone is going to put something in the kettle? He said, “About 90 percent of the time. It all depends on whether they look you in the eye or not.” Next my friend asked, “Aren’t you afraid of some negative fall out when you wish people a Merry Christmas? Aren’t you afraid of offending someone?” He laughed at that question. “You’re asking if I should keep Christ in Christmas. Sir, Christ is Christmas; I couldn’t take Jesus out of Christmas if I wanted.”
“What I see standing here is a lot of folks with a lot of hopes and fears. Their hopes and fears are always going to keep Jesus in Christmas.” That’s why the angel said, “Fear not, for behold I bring you good news of great joy. Unto you is born… a Savior!”
The word holiday is just a modern term for holi day. While educators, lawyers, and legislators may manage to officially remove the Christ from being mentioned during the upcoming holy days, they will never be able to remove the sins, the fears, and the need of people for a Savior.
Imagine what the world would look like if God’s son had not been born in Bethlehem to conquer sin, death and Satan. Understand, I’m not talking about the obvious differences we would see; differences like the need to change our western calendar which currently separates all of history into events before and events after the Savior’s birth in Bethlehem. I’m not even talking about the lack of church spires and Christian schools which dot our cities and our countryside.
Nor am I referring to the universities, hospitals, and charitable institutions which would never have been funded or founded. I am not even thinking about Christmas cards left unsent, Christmas carols unwritten and unsung or Christmas presents never purchased or given.
If Jesus had not been born we would never know a God of grace, only God’s law. As human beings we know “the wages of sin is death.” If Jesus had not come, no sinner would ever hear the rest of the story. The Apostle Paul wrote: “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:23)
If Jesus had not been born in Bethlehem then we would be nothing more than human animals whose in born desire is to be spent on selfish pursuits of self satisfaction, self pleasure. If we are only human animals, why shouldn’t parents feel free to abort or abandon their children who are an inconvenience; why shouldn’t society put down the elderly, the infirm, the physically and mentally challenged, who no longer are able to contribute or have a quality of life which meets some random standard.
If Jesus had not been born in Bethlehem, those who are blind will never be able to look forward to a heaven where they will be able to see their Savior face; the deaf will never be able to hear the anthems of the angels and saints around the throne of God.
If Jesus had not been born in Bethlehem there is no future reunion for the widow or widower who stand silently in tears before the grave of a spouse of 50 years; there is no comfort for the aching heart and empty arms of mothers and fathers whose child has died. If Jesus had not been born, there would be no Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world; there would be no resurrection.
“There was a man sent from God; his name was John.” He came as a witness to tell others about the Light so that through Him all men might believe. He himself was not the light; he came to point people to the true light, Jesus.
Angels were sent from God to shepherds. They were told: “Go to Bethlehem …In the town of David a Savior has been born.”
God placed a star in the heavens. The Wise men followed the light of the star to the child, whom Mary and Joseph were told “you shall give him the name Jesus because he will save God’s people from their sins.”
God sent a man, his name was William Wilberforce. He was sent to England and slavery came to an end. God sent a man Martin Luther and message of God’s grace was restored to Christianity. God is still sending countless men and women, names we will never know, men and women who tell the Christmas story to their children, their neighbor. Men and women who ring bells, sing in choirs with words that proclaim the message of God’s love at Christmas.
Will they hear? Will they accept the Purpose of Christmas? Will Alan Colmes, will Tracy, what about Stan Ryan’s Jewish friend? What about __________ you know their name…. Will they accept the Christ child as their savior?
I don’t know. Billy Graham, Franklin Graham, Rick Warren, You and Me…. Handel’s Messiah. We are no different than John. We have the responsibility to simply be a witness and point people to the “Light” in spoken word or with acts of kindness. It is God’s responsibility to convict their heart not ours.
Remember the definition to the third article of the Apostle’s Creed? “I can not by my own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ my Lord, or come to him, but the Holy Spirit has called me by the gospel….enlightens me with his gifts and keeps me in the one true faith…” (Luther)