Summary: A breathtaking pictorial tour of the universe that will convince atheists and encourage believers. From the first heaven [our atmosphere] to the second heaven [the cosmos] to the third heaven of God! Link inc. to cool PowerPoint slideshow, audio, text.

Consider the Heavens

A breathtaking pictorial tour of the universe that will

convince atheists and encourage believers.

[this is a special PowerPoint message available for free on our website, below. The visuals are an absolute necessity for presenting and understanding this sermon.]

See it here:


Psalm 8:3 When I consider thy heavens, the works of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou has ordained, what is man that thou art mindful of him...?

Many people see the vastness of space and wonder if there is a God, and, if He is there, why He should care about us.

If we just heed this advice and ’consider the heavens’ we’ll get our answer!

1. The first heaven

Our atmosphere: including many facts about earth which point us to God, and data about the sun and moon and the other planets in our solar system which show us God is the designer.

2. The second heaven

The cosmos: including our galaxy and the rest of the universe which further make proofs of God’s existence and care for man.

Many scientists are seeing for the first time that Somebody must be behind it all and because many scientists are seeing design everywhere they look... some are seeing a Designer!

...and are being drawn into the Third Heaven - the presence of God

3. The third heaven

Glory: if this whole universe is flooded with design, then maybe the Bible is correct, they say

if the Bible is correct, so are His promises to take care of us and fill us with abundant life

if He has so meticulously taken care of this Whole Place, how much more will He take care of you, for whom He sacrificed Himself?

What’s better than Him taking care of us now?

Some day all the saved will be caught up into the other dimensions of the Third Heaven, into a New Creation, a place He’s prepared for us, to spend eternity with Him.

[this is a special PowerPoint message available for free on our website, below. The visuals are an absolute necessity for presenting and understanding this sermon.]

See it here: