Summary: The more we are like Christ, the more we are living in Him.

I Peter 4:1-11

September 24, 2008

Pastor John L. Harper

“Being Like Christ”


I. (vs. 1-2) Think Like Christ

A. Christ suffered in the flesh

1. Let us arm ourselves with the same mind

2. Let us allow the Lord to work out suffering in our lives

B. Christ suffered in the flesh for us

1. To bring an end to the practicing of sin in our lives

2. To enable us to live to the will of God

II. (vs. 3-6) Live Like Christ

A. Let us forsake our past way of life

1. When we walked in lasciviousness

2. When we walked in lusts

3. When we walked in excess of wine

4. When we walked in revellings

5. When we walked in banquetings

6. When we walked in abominable idolatries

B. Let us remember that we will give an account to the Lord

1. Others will speak evil of you

2. Others will mock you for not living like they do

3. Others will mock you for living in excess

C. Let us remember the priority of our message

1. The gospel is preached to those who are “dead” (The gospel is not just to make a bad man good, but a dead man to live again!)

2. We preach so that they will live according to God in the Spirit

III. (vs. 7-11) Love Like Christ

A. Beware the end is near

1. Let us be sober

2. Let us watch unto prayer

B. Have fervent love among yourselves

1. This love will cover a multitude of sins

2. This love is to be given without grudging

C. Let love be the rule

1. Minister with love as your motivation

2. Speak as though you know the Father who loves us

3. Act as though God is working through you

4. Let God be glorified through your actions

CONCLUSION: The more we are like Christ, the more we are living in Him.