Summary: The presidential election is now over. As Christians, how do we respond to the election of a new president.


A president met w/president elect- gave him 3 numbered envelopes w/instructions to open when great difficulties arise. After- new president- in office for a short time- economic crisis arose- He opened envelope #1. The note said, “Blame me.” Which he did. Some time later- domestic crisis arose- he opened envelope #2. The note said- “Blame my party.” In a great show of partisan politics, he blamed- former presidents party. A year later- serious foreign policy issue arose- president opened- third envelope. It said, “Prepare three envelopes.” Contributed by Robert Leroe

That is a picture of the cycle of our politics today.

Look at this newspaper clipping …

Gambling, robbery, sexual immorality, and violence is prevalent. Half of all children are born out of wedlock; purity and fidelity to the marriage vow are sneered out of fashion. Corruption in politics is rampant. The world is broken. Contributed by Douglas Vincent

What is the Dateline of the newspaper clipping- 1694.

Election Debrief

Two years of campaigning-for president-finally ended

For most of us, the fact that it is over is a great relief.

For some there is …

rejoicing at the outcome/hope of change,

sadness- great concern for that change/future

Campaign- stirred up- passions of- American people.

An unprecedented number of registered voters voted.

This elections has been historic in a number of ways.

1st time in our history-elected-black man as president.

Perhaps a sign that as a nation we are moving beyond some of the racial divisions of the past.

We need not underestimate the importance of this …

Only 143 years ago- slavery abolished in US

In addition Amendment 2 passed- clearly defining marriage between one man and one woman.

Hopefully this will send a clear message of righteousness to our nation.

How do we respond to the Presidential Elections?

As John Quincy Adams, our sixth president, said …

Duty is ours, results are Gods.

I hope each of us as Christians did our duty …

now the results are in the hands of God.

Our economy is in trouble, we are in great moral decline, we hear of wars/rumors of wars daily.

Yet two men- both promised- fix all our problems and meet all our needs- both at home/around world.

In many ways, they promised to do only what God can do for a people who turn to Him- repent of sin.

The future of our nation is not determined by an election, but by the faith of the elect.

Francis Frangipane

Regardless of who you voted for, we can be assured-

The Bible still contains all the answers to life

Prayer still works- God hears- cry of His people

The Holy Spirit is still at work in the world

Those who call on- name of God will be saved

God still sits on His throne-rules all of Creation

It is good- remind ourselves of who is really in charge

Now that the election is over, our responsibility is clearly to pray faithfully/consistently for our

President, his wife, his family, and his advisors.

Pray for their safety, their wisdom, their discernment.

1 Tim 2:1-4

You may not like Obama/agree with his policies, but we must honor the office he holds and pray for him

1 Pet 2:17 Honor all people, love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the king.

This is both a Good Day and a Bad Day.

The election may be behind us, but the affects are still ahead of us and somewhat unknown.

Good Day- we have elected the first black president- points to the greatness of the American Republic.

Bad Day- we have elected-most liberal president ever- this points to- great moral decay in our nation.

We raise up men into office who reflect- own hearts.

The eternal difference between right and wrong does not fluctuate, it is immutable. P Henry

Truth does not change with a new President or with the polices or laws that Congress might pass.

As Christians- have a responsibility- be light/salt, and stand for truth, regardless of popular opinion.

David Vaughan- historian- talking about P Henry …

(Patrick) Henry rightly understood that the moral condition of the American people was a direct product of their religious faith, and that politics and morality were inevitably intertwined. Thus, the political structure ultimately rested on a religious foundation. The "great pillars of all government and of social life … are virtue, morality, and religion.

The church has a responsibility to make God’s wisdom known to the world/powers of darkness.

This will not be accomplished by rebuking the enemy, but by living godly, righteous lives.

How we live opens/closes doors for Satan to afflict and rule over us over us through ungodly leaders.

As we move further from God as a nation, God lifts His protecting hand from us.

This makes room for the enemy to attack us.

If we continue- could result in the judgment of God.

Jer 18:7-12

JP Jackson- article- August- four things- church must do to respond to the days in which we live …

1. Church must return to knowing God

Knowing God/ways, not just knowing about Him.

Church- not a sterile institution- place where- power of God/revelation of God is to be encountered.

2. Church must learn how to contend for the faith

We have lost our witness to the world that God is a personal God who walks w/us through life’s issues

Does the way we live our lives prove that God exists?

Jude 3 … I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints. NASU

3. Church must return to the love of God’s Word

We must again return to that place where we know that the Word of God is inerrant/infallible.

Inerrant- the Bible is free from any kind of error.

Infallible- the Bible is unfailingly certain in all matters of life/doctrine/salvation.

If we put our opinion above what the Bible says to be true, then we exalt ourselves as god.

4. Church must rend its heart before God

It is time for the church to practice a lifestyle of humility/prayer/worship/fasting.

Joel 2:12-17

The Office of the President versus his policies

Honoring the office of the President of the US does not mean we must accept/approve of his policies.

We must not be given to slander, but-cannot minimize the immoral polices our new president supports.

During the campaign he said- one of his top priorities will be passing the Freedom of Choice Act.

This would remove all limitations on killing babies at any time during a woman’s pregnancy-

3rd Trimester abortions, partial birth abortions.

His support of Hate crime legislation could take away right to speak against immorality in-public arena.


National crisis is the fruit of following the wrong god. John Paul Jackson

God will allow us to reap the fruit that we sow, in order to draw us back to Him.

Walking in God’s ways brings the blessing of God.

Walking in the ways of the gods of this world brings decay, destruction, and death.

The choice is ours to make.

Pro 21: 1 The king’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He wishes. NASU

In this country we have- privilege of petitioning- local congressman/senators- to affect what the support.

We also have an even higher privilege of petitioning the King of all Kings, on behalf of those

that God has put in place to rule over us.

What can we do …

1. Seek God with everything we have- make Him first

2. Live our lives in such away as to prove God exists

Live godly lives/contend for the principles of our faith

3. Pray that God will direct the hearts of our leaders