Are you in Him. Col.2:6-10Colossians 2:6-10 (MaceNT)
6 continue therefore to follow the doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ, as you have receiv’d it:
7 being firmly attach’d to, and founded upon him: establishing yourselves in the faith you have been taught, and being thankful for the improvement you make therein.
8 beware lest any one seduce you by the vain illusions of philosophy, founded upon human traditions, and meer shadows, and not upon Christ:
9 for in him all divine plenitude does substantially reside.
10 and ye are filled by him, who is the chief of all principality and power:
1.Are you Walking in Him Co. 2:6
A. The believer is to walk established in the faith just as he has been taught. The word "established" means to be firm, stable, holding fast and not letting go. This shows the utter necessity for strong teachers in the church. When believers have strong teachers, they are to learn all they can about the faith and hold fast to it. They are not to let it go. Barclay points out,
"There are certain beliefs which remain the foundation of all belief, and they do not change...the unchanging and unchangeable truth that Jesus Christ is Lord"
B. Walk overflowing with thanksgiving
C. Walking with Him and enjoying Him – Luke 24 – Disciples who goes to Emmaus.
2. Are you Rooted in Him. Co. 2:7
The picture of being rooted is that of a tree Ps. 1
3. Are you Build Up in Him. Co. 2:7
The picture of being built or constructed is that of a building
Two people build- one on the Rock and one on the sand.
4. Are you Complete In Him Co. 2:10
Head of all principality and power. He is over and ruler of those ranks of angels that some are trying to lead you to worship.
If asked what of Jesus I think,
Though still my best thoughts are but poor,
I say, He’s my meat and my drink,
My life, and my strength, and my store;
My Shepherd, my trust, and my Friend,
My Savior from sin and from thrall;
My Hope from beginning to end,
My Portion, my Lord and my All.