- Authorities helpful in our lives: parents, teachers, leaders
- you better not always do what they tell you, try responsible listening instead
- try responsible listening instead
- Priesthood of Believers: We are all teachers.
- phylacteries and fringes = tefilin and bangs
- practice what we preach
- Self-satisfied church
- full of themselves: building, history, tradition
- where do you sit in church / fellowship?
- seeking attention - dress up for church
- seeking special treatment - do you remember what my church has done for you and your family?
- Turnaround events
- Reformation turnaround event for the self-satisfied church
- All Hallows’ Eve reminds us of our belonging to the communion of saints
- Election helps us turn our country around, be it through hope or maverick
- Jesus turned authorities of faith into partners in service
- How can you be a partner in service?
- First: Study, learn, find yourself teachers that sit on Moses’ seat
- Second: Humble yourself, because God humbled himself
- What does humble mean? Don’t take yourself too serious and spread God’s love even against your feelings
- How does taking my church-self not too serious work? - Sit somewhere else, now!
- How does spreading the love work? - "Preach the gospel at all times -- If necessary, use words." (Francis of Assisi)
- Be compassionate
- love your neighbor as yourself
- Last week’s exercise
- There is a catch: "All who exalt themselves will be humbled, and all who humble themselves will be exalted."
- Don’t be a smart ass
- true or fake?
- presidential candidates use Joe the Plumber, Joe Six Pack and Average Joe to appear average
- older ladies, moms and grandmas are great at seeming submissive
- Listening to the right teacher makes you a wonderful partner in service
- a loving neighbor
- a helpful grandma
- a good teacher or adviser
- you have one instructor, the Messiah