Summary: Exposition of Mark 12:1-12 about the parable of the vineyard and the tenets who would not give up the fruit of the vineyard and killed the son of the owner

Text: Mark 12:1-12, Title: Renters from Hell, Date/Place: NRBC, 10/5/08, PM

A. Opening illustration: the hummingbirds at the feeder becoming defensive and possession of what is theirs, when in reality it is mine, I bought it, I hung it, cooked the food, filled it up, and maintain it.

B. Background to passage: Remember that Jesus has just had a confrontation with these leaders about his authority, and stumped them with his response. And now he begins to teach in a parable to the people and the leaders. It is an innocent story at first dealing with a common problem that everyone would have been familiar with, but then he completes the story with a biting ending and a surprise. However the roots go back into the OT from Isa 5:2-6, and Jer 7:25-26. Define the allegory: Owner = God, tenets = religious leaders, son = Jesus, and others = gentiles.

C. Main thought: This parable teaches four seemingly foolish, spiritual realities for us tonight

A. The Folly of Lawlessness (v. 5)

1. There are several things that seem a bit foolish. The first of which is renters that think that they can just renege on the agreement. And not only not pay, but beat up the collection people. Then to top it all off well, they agree to kill the heir to the property and take it for themselves. What were they thinking? We must remember that law enforcement wasn’t the best in these days, the court systems where corrupt and not really worth the time unless you were a Roman citizen. But still it seems foolish. These people had complete disregard for law, for property, for integrity, for business, and they were fine with that.

2. Judges 21:25, Pro 12:15, Micah 2:1-2,

3. Illustration: From Giuliani’s book called “Leadership” this is how he describes “Broken Windows.” The theory holds that a seemingly minor matter like broken windows in abandoned buildings leads directly to more serious deterioration of neighborhoods. Someone who wouldn’t normally throw a rock at an intact building is less reluctant to break a second window in a building that already has one broken. “Mine is the power, and the kingdom and the glory forever,” “If humanity could kill or dispense with God, then humanity can become God,”

4. This sounds much like our day and age. People who really go out of their way to excise God from life. There are many who believe that if God does exist, He is powerless and easily pushed over. Do not mistake God’s patience for His powerlessness or His approval. We are bent to pursue our own sovereignty, and the best way to that end is to get rid of God. Atheists, communists, and Darwinists have all tried, and to some degree failed. But the more severe problem is not with the unbelievers, but with those who are called believers, and live with no fear of retribution for usurping Christ’s authority in their own little kingdoms. Church members who never come, those who do and attempt to run the church as their own, Christians who mock and make fun of scripture and those who follow it (article in the Gazette about SBC and women and Sarah Palin.) Those who make promises that break them, marriage, contracts, service, etc. They claim to be bought with the blood, but live under their own authority

B. The Patience of the Owner (v. 6)

1. The second thing that seems a little odd is that the owner continues to send servants. Why not just call the police? Why not just roll out the army first. Why would you send another servant after the first two were beaten; let alone your only son? Can’t answer them all, but his son would command much more authority than slaves. He is technically the owner. But whatever the reason, great patience was being exhibited.

2. Rom 2:4, 2 Pet 3:9, Hos 2:2-5, 19-20, Ex 34:6-7, Ps 86:15

3. Illustration: “If God had been a man, He would have taken His hand and wiped out this world long ago; but God has that patience which bears with all our sinning and which will not cast us off. In our lives, in our attitude to and dealings with our fellow men, we must reproduce this loving, forbearing, forgiving, patient attitude of God toward ourselves.” –William Barclay, Piper speaks of “the supremacy of his patience to endure our dullness for decade after decade and to hold back his final judgment on this land and on the world that many might repent.”

4. We should thank God everyday for his mercy and patience with us. He (the first and best of all beings) endures the worst of all treatment as we ignore, scorn, mock, disregard, overlook, belittle, forsake, disrespect, forget, and ridicule Him daily. And one of the main reasons is that we might repent. And it all flows from His unchanging character and being. Be reminded what every sin deserves. Know that God would be perfectly justified at pouring out wrath upon you and me right now, except that He has decreed that those who believe in Jesus will be spared. But there was/is always a plan and purpose to God.

C. The Role of the Son (v. 8)

1. Again, if you were the son, why would you go right into the den of murderers? Maybe out of obedience, or maybe your packing your 9mm or your AK-47, but really! There is good evidence in the Dead Sea Scrolls that language like this son story would have been viewed as messianic. And of course, this is the point in the parable where everyone starts to realize things. And this is the purpose of the Owner: to have the son sacrificed and killed by the tenets! In the story that doesn’t make much sense, but in the story of history of God’s relationship and redemption of Israel it makes perfect sense, especially on this side of the NT. This is also another proof that Jesus had a good understanding of his role as the son. The OT prophecy was fulfilled even down to the desecration of the body and defilement of the land as Jesus suffered outside the gate.

2. Isa 53:3-6, 10, Ps 22:14-15, Heb 13:13, Rom 3:24-26, 11:33-36,

3. Illustration: Like one of those old MacGyver shows where he made all things from little throw away things…“Frankly, I stand amazed at the unfathomable complexity of God’s wisdom and God’s knowledge. How could man ever understand his reasons for action, or explain his methods of working?”

4. The question is sometimes asked, “who killed Jesus?” and the answer is God. It was God’s purpose and plan from before the foundations of the world to have his only begotten son slain as a lamb for the sins of the world. This is confirmed with the quotation of Ps 118 at the end of the text. As well as Mark’s inclusion of verse 23 (v. 11). This was God’s plan and work, and it is marvelous! The chief cornerstone would be rejected of the builders. We must marvel at the complexity and the simplicity of God’s plan to glorify Himself, call out a bride, and save men’s souls! We must be amazed at His providential hand that through all these groups and circumstances brought it all to pass.

D. The Transfer of the Vineyard (v. 9)

1. Finally the first thing that makes sense to us from a human perspective is that the Owner was not dead (as the tenets probably suspected), but that he was alive and angry! And he came and destroyed all the tenants. Wooohooo! But then before quoting the Ps 118 verse about the Messiah, Jesus says that he goes and finds others to let the vineyard out to. This would have been interpreted in their context as the gentiles. Again, we on this side of the NT understand this perfectly, but this would have been the last straw for the religious leaders. And the only reason they didn’t stone him right there was because they feared the crowds, and love the praise of men more than their agendas.

2. John 10:16, 11:51-52, Rom 10:21, 11:12, Acts 28:26-28, Isa 65:15,

3. Illustration: in the 1500s the Roman Catholic Church was stripped of its stewardship by the Reformation, so many churches in our area are in danger of having their vineyard taken away and given to another who will reach the unchurched, minister to the gospel, plant churches, and advance the kingdom among the nations,

4. There is great responsibility and eventually accountability when entrusted with God’s resources. Don’t think that we are beyond judgment or chastisement. And when it comes, it is swift and absolute. One day his patience will run its course, not run out, for God is infinite. All accounts will be settled. Not one sin will go unpunished. But lest we become too individually focused, it is really not about our stewardship ultimately. It is about the kingdom. And God will give the vineyard to another for the furtherance of his grand design. You and I were included in the grand scheme of things. The Pharisees would lose the stewardship of the kingdom, and it would be given to you and I. But don’t think for a minute that God needs us to complete His work and plan. He can remove us and give it to another. The way to avoid that is to make sure the Jesus is your Cornerstone. The stone, the plumb line, the standard, the authority, the guiding light that governs every aspect of your life, so that it becomes kingdom centered and useful to the Master.

A. Closing illustration:

B. Recap

C. Questions and Answers