Summary: God doesn’t just create His kingdom/His church, He is constantly restoring them. This sermon explores how God restores His church.

Isn’t God wonderful?

Doesn’t God do some amazing things?

One of the amazing things is that he forgives us,

not once but constantly.

Think about how many times God has forgiven you.

Boy he must really love us.

And another amazing thing he does is that despite our flaws and our tendency to mess up

he includes every believer to be part of His team of sharing his love and forgiveness.

He calls each one of us to not just receive His forgiveness

but to also actively share His forgiveness and love.

Listen to this from 1 Peter 2 verse 9

9 But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.

This text forms the basis of what many Christians refer to as the Priesthood of all believers.

A teaching that states that every Christian is involved in sharing God’s love and forgiveness

in every situation God has placed them.

So no matter who you are or

what you do

every situation you encounter is an opportunity for you to share with others how good God is.

And this is something important to remember as we contemplate today’s Gospel reading.

We all are responsible for bringing God’s perspective of life into this world.

This is every Christians number one responsibility as they live.

This is why God gives us money, time, intelligence, skills and anything else we have.

So keep this in mind as we contemplate today’s Gospel reading.

The Gospel reading today is a parable that follows some events in the life of Jesus where he interacted with some religious leaders.

Jesus had entered Jerusalem on a donkey,

where people acknowledge him as king and from God.

Now if you were to arrange for the mayor to parade into Burnie/Devonport/Launceston would you organise a donkey?

A large horse, maybe an elephant or what about one of those new Hummers they sound more appropriate.

Jesus however came into Jerusalem on a donkey to fulfil one of the prophecies of the Old Testament.

Then he went to the temple where he saw something that resembled a market, rather than what it was supposed to be a house of prayer.

The problem wasn’t the market, but rather that people had become lazy.

Instead of bringing their sacrifices, their first fruits from the market.

This had become an inconvenience, so they bought it at the temple door.

And so he gets angry and turns over the money changing tables stating that God’s house has been changed from what it is meant to be.

Shortly later his authority is questioned by religious leaders.

And in response Jesus tells three parables to some Pharisees,

Some religious leaders.

To get some points across.

In today’s parables the first thing Jesus reminds the Pharisees of is that this kingdom is God’s kingdom.

It is not their kingdom but God’s.

They are servants in the kingdom.

And the same also applies to us.

This is God’s church, God’s kingdom.

Think about what it means for you and me.

It is not my church or my kingdom

It is not our church or our kingdom

But God’s kingdom

God’s church.

Now what does that mean for you?

The first thing that comes to mind is a passage in Matthew 16:18, And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it

God’s church will always exist.

The second thing that comes to mind is that God is constantly caring for the church.

Remember that famous passage Psalm 23.

And thirdly if it is God’s church

Then we need to constantly listen to him,

Not just to understand what to do,

But also to understand what is happening and why?

Now is there anything that comes to mind,

when you hear this is God’s church?

The second thing Jesus highlights in today’s parable is that even though it is God’s church

God chooses not to act alone,

Instead every Christian invited to actively be part of it.

He calls every Christian to be workers in His church, His kingdom.

Now this is not an option.

You can either be a good worker or a bad worker.

Be a worker for God is a privilege, a gift to each one of us.

What we specifically do will vary.

And where we work for God will vary.

However something important to remember is that

everything you have is for sharing God’s Good News.

Everything you have is for sharing God’s Good News.

Whatever you have,

whether it be a job, an education

money, home, family, friends,

time, skills, a particular gift, even enemies

or anything else

the main reason God has given you these things is to share His love and forgiveness.

To be his light in the world.

Something for you to think about?

How can I use whatever God has given me

to help others know about his love and forgiveness?

How can I use whatever God has given me

to help others know about his love and forgiveness?

There is also something we need to think about.

In being part of God’s kingdom, God’s church.

Often we talk about what we want in a congregation or from my pastor or from my church?

I have even heard people say we will make the best decision for our congregation.

Now if its God’s church isn’t it more appropriate to ask “What does God want us to be doing in this congregation/parish?”

What does God want us to be doing in our situation here?

We need to consider not just ourselves at Burnie/Devonport or Launceston

but also what does God want us to be doing as a parish?

What does God want us to be doing as part of the Lutheran Church of Australia, the wider Christian community?

Not so much want I want, but what does God want.

And to answer this question we can’t just draw upon our own resources our own thoughts.

We need to listen to God.

We need to spend time in prayer,

To spend time reading His scriptures

To worship not just when it suits us but weekly.

And to engage with each other in discussing scripture.

When we do these things,

it shows our commitment to receiving God’s guidance for ourselves as individuals, as a congregation and as a parish.

And remember what God has in store for us is far better than what we can devise or think of.

When we try to do things without doing the above things we are acting like the wicked tenants, thinking we know best.

Recognising and listening to God constantly is essential for every Christian.

God takes a big risk though in allowing people to be responsible for sharing his Good News.

People stuff up from time to time.

People often want to use the church for their own advantage.

Or are unwilling to listen to God.

And this can occur in many ways.

Some use it to make excessive amounts of money.

Others use it to be comforted, but not listen to God.

Others use it for a profile or power trip.

Now some of the potential problems that occur when people are involved in God’s kingdom include:

That the Gospel and forgiveness is not taken seriously or given the highest priority in the church and our lives.

Instead people hold are more concerned about morals, checklists, legalities, and principles as the way to eternal life.

A second problem occurs when we are more interested in themselves than others in the church and the wider community.

A third is that we don’t see what God has given us as God’s, but rather we think we are doing God a favour when we give a little of our time or money or share some of our skills rather than everything. The call of a disciple is to share 100% for sharing his love.(not necessarily to the church)

And the fourth occurs when we don’t think its that important to listen to God regularly or what he has to say is not relevant.

Because the fruits God calls us to be displaying as a church are:

Receiving and sharing His forgiveness

Loving God and loving others.

Using what we have to be His disciples.

Regularly engaging God.

So what happens when things go wrong in God’s church, God’s kingdom.

The first thing to be assured of is that

God doesn’t neglect his kingdom, His church.

God is constantly restoring His kingdom and the people who make us His kingdom.

God is constantly fixing up the problems with his kingdom.

The problems we have caused.

Now in restoring His church it is easy to assume that God simply got rid of the tenants as soon as he discovered a problem.

But look at the parable closely.

First the landholder sent his servants.

For the Jews these servants were the many prophets God sent, like Jeremiah, Jonah, Ezekiel.

Often they were rejected.

Because they didn’t always say things that were popular.

For us he has sent us not only these prophets, but also other Christians, Pastors and other leaders.

Think about this every Christian, pastor and church leader who has come into your presence is a messenger from God.

Now how many of them have been perfect?

If you know of one can you let me know so I can find out how they did it?

None of them are perfect but they are sent here by God.

It is important that we listen to them.

Can you think of a time when another Christian, a pastor or Christian leader has given you guidance, God’s good news or pointed you to God?

That is God at work restoring us.

Secondly God restores us by giving us Jesus.

Jesus is necessary for life.

And Jesus highlights through his actions that the most important thing in life is forgiveness.

Jesus didn’t come to earth to make you wealthy or to give you a more comfortable life.

He came to give you forgiveness.

Without Jesus we would be flawed,

However Jesus takes away our sin.

And so are you listening to Jesus?

Do you see that the Christian life is about forgiveness?

Receiving God’s forgiveness and sharing His forgiveness?

And it involves serving others?

Or are you like the early religious leaders seeking something else?

And thirdly God restores the church, his kingdom by removing what is not loyal to him.

There is no easy or pleasant way to say this.

What is not consistent with His ways will be eventually destroyed.

In the parable he eventually removed the tenants,

after he sent His servants

and then His son.

This parable highlights why the Jews alone are not the chosen one.

Because they rejected Jesus.

It also points to something for the future.

For those who reject Jesus and His ways

they will be rejected by God.

For those who reject God’s forgiveness they will be rejected.

And so remember God is not like many of us..

When something breaks down we often throw it away because it is too costly or difficult to repair.

However God dearly loves His kingdom

and the people who make up His kingdom

That includes you.

He will look at restoring both His kingdom and the people in His kingdom.

So each day this week ask yourself?

Where does God need to restore me?

Maybe it is in the area of forgiveness

Either receiving His forgiveness or forgiving others

Maybe it is loving God and loving others.

Maybe it is in being willing to use what God has given you for primarily sharing His goodness.

Maybe it is regularly engaging God.

Take time this week to ask God to restore you and His church.

Because God does do some amazing things

Not only does he give us His kingdom and eternal life

But he is constantly restoring it

And remember God’s kingdom will always be present
