Summary: This can be a dangerous sermon to preach. It calls sin, sin and challenges Christians to examine their relationship with Jesus. Does Jesus know you?!?

False - Christians


The year was 2003

“When officials announced the vote tally on June 8, thunderous applause showered the crowd at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Concord, N.H

The occasion: Episcopalians in the diocese of New Hampshire had just elected the first openly homosexual bishop

As joyous clergy and delegates leapt to their feet, the new bishop, Gene Robinson, ambled forward, stood before the altar, and embraced his grown children and his male lover.

On May 23 in Nashville, officials of Glendale Baptist Church met with officials of the Tennessee Baptist Convention

The issue: Glendale had in 2002 hired as its associate

pastor April Baker

A practicing lesbian, a fact the Tenn. Baptist Convention did not learn until January 2003

TBC officials felt Ms. Baler’s sexuality violated Scripture

Glendale Baptist Church officials believed otherwise, and asked the TBC to quietly vote them out

In October, 2002, about 300 Presbyterian Church (USA)

members from Northeastern churches gathered at South

Presbyterian Church in Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.

There they nailed to a church door dissents and demands that included calls for the reversal of PCUSA laws against ordaining non-celibate homosexuals and marrying same-sex couples

During an ensuing two-hour worship service

Church members hoisted the door atop sawhorses and converted it into a communion table

Where gay ministers and elders blessed bread and wine, then served it to worshippers

A growing number of churches in some denominations are stepping beyond the acceptance of repenting homosexuals as members

And instead loving both sinner and sin

Denominations that for decades have ordained pastors who reject such essential doctrines of Christianity as

Christ’s deity and His resurrection are now also on the verge of affirming homosexuality as biblical

Conservative Christians who remain in those bodies are fighting for the scriptural view of sexual morality that has stood for millennia.”

Some of the conservative members of the 2.3 million-member denomination known as the ’Anglicans’


Will be meeting to decide whether or not to walk

out of the denomination over this issue

One has to ask oneself

Why it took them so long to recognize their own apostasy?

Jude is an amazing little book

Perhaps the least appreciated and most overlooked of all N.T. books

Jude is the only N.T. book devoted exclusively to confronting “apostasy”

Meaning defecting from the true Biblical faith

An apostate is a person who has turned away from God’s truth and embraced a false-teaching

Jude wrote to condemn the apostates

And to urge believers to contend for the faith

He called for discernment on the part of the church

And a rigorous defense of Biblical truth

We are still under the same orders today

We are to contend for the faith, for Biblical truth

The word contend is descriptive of the strain to which a contestant is put

It might be compared to an athletic event when the contestants strain or rise to the challenge of the event

Jude wrote this urgent imperative for Christians to wage war against error in all forms

And fight strenuously for the truth

Like a soldier who has been entrusted with the sacred task of guarding a Holy treasure

We are living in a world full of false-teachers

Preaching and living a counterfeit Gospel

Misleading thousands of people who need to hear the true Gospel

This world is full of false-Christians as well

That claim to know Jesus because they prayed a prayer one time

But are living like the devil

In a sense, these false-converts are really false-teachers

With their horrible testimony

Living like the world

But claiming to be a Christian

We are to be in the world, but not of the world

Are you a false-teacher?

Are you living a life that glorifies God, or glorifies Satan?

Jesus says in Matthew 12:30 He that is not with me is against me

There are only two teams to choose from

Jude 4 says the phrase “ungodly men”

Godless men have slipped into your group, secretly

They are among us

Denying the only Lord God

Maybe not denying him with your mouth

But with your lifestyle

Jude hits hard, calls it like it is

And we are in a time of many false-teachers

Many false-Christians

Jude quickly goes into a history lesson to remind us of how God dealt with false-teachers in the past

First he mentions the rebellion of the Nation of Israel

Although they were delivered from Egypt

They refused to trust God and enter the promise land

Remember out of the estimated 2 million Hebrews that left Egypt only Caleb and Joshua enters the promise land

All the other adults died in the desert

Israel struggled with idol worship in the desert

They struggled with lack of faith in the desert

Sound familiar?

This nation struggles with idol worship

That includes us here, that includes you

We are more worried about what our friends, coworkers, family thinks than what God thinks

That is idol worship

We are more worried about our wardrobe being in style then we are about our witness

We are more worried about our homes, cars, 4 wheelers, tractors, boats, whatever material possessions

Then we are about telling others about Christ

That is idol worship

And we are portraying a false-witness

Our #1 priority should be God

We struggle with faith as well

Our economy is going in the tank

These buy outs and bail outs are moving us one step closer to socialism

We worry about the election

Obama is a Marxist Socialist, and McCain is to liberal for some

Vote for the lesser of two evils some say

I say PRAY and then vote

This election won’t surprise my God

Have faith

God is the only one who has the power to appoint out leaders

He could cause Bill Cosby to be president is He wanted

We as Christians need to have faith that God is indeed in control

He is in control of this world’s economy

He is in control of Iran and their desire to destroy Israel

He is in control of this election

So pray, and have faith that God will handle it

The next example of rebellion from Jude is about the fallen angels

Although they were once pure, Holy and living in God’s presence

Some gave in to pride and joined Satan to rebel against God

False teacher’s and false Christian’s pride is at the forefront

They are full of pride in the fact that they have an experience they can look back on and say that is when I was saved

We are not saved by those words spoken during a prayer

We are saved by grace

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God

Not of works, lest any man should boast

Pride has no place in Christianity

We are simply saved by putting our faith in Him

And by His grace He redeems us

False teachers long for attention

They want to be at the head of the class

They want all eyes on them

But the things that are seen are the same things that affected those fallen angels

Proverbs 16:18 Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.

A prideful Christian

Is destined for a fall

God will bring you back to earth

The third example Jude uses is Sodom and Gomorrah

The inhabitants were so full of sin that God wiped them off the face of the earth

The destruction of these cities is used over 20 times in scriptures

As an illustration of God’s judgment

This destruction was in view of their apostasy

Since it occurred about 450 years after the flood

When at least one of Noah’s sons, Shem, was still living

Since this was only 100 years after Noah’s death

People would have known about the message of righteousness and judgment from God

Which Noah preached and they in turn rejected

Jude speaks of fornication and strange flesh

This refers to both heterosexual and homosexual lusts

Our world has become a cesspool of lust

Just this week I have heard of two more famous people “coming out of the closet”

One of them is a Christian music artist

With a long list of songs you have probably heard

It sickens me

This display of lust is smeared all over our TV sets

Magazines, books, billboards, everywhere

And we watch it, look at it, and laugh at it

Laughing at things God hates

Psalm 97:10 “those who love the Lord hate evil”

Do you hate evil?

All forms of evil?

Or do you laugh at it

Do you knowingly bring it into you home?

Do you hate evil?

If you cannot answer that question with an honest yes

Then according to the Bible

You do not love the Lord

So do you hate evil? YOU NEED TO

Sure we sin

We slide into a sinful pattern sometimes even

But the Lord will correct you, perhaps punish you, convict you and pick you up

Placing you back on the narrow road

If He doesn’t do those things

He doesn’t know you

This country is falling into an abyss

And is taking Christians, or so called Christians with it

If you fall off the narrow road, and God doesn’t pick you up and put you back on it

Through conviction and correction

Then you were never on it to begin with

You are not saved

1 John 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

Do you love the world?

If yes, the love of the Father is not in you

You need to take a serious look at your life

Are you truly saved?

Do you really know the Lord?

What is more important than that is

Does the Lord know you?

Matthew 7:23 says “I will declare unto them, I never knew you, depart from me, you who practice lawlessness” or sin

Does Jesus know you?

One way to know you are a child of God is to follow what Psalm 97:10 says

Those who love the Lord hate evil

Christians today do not hate evil

We allow it into our homes on a daily basis

We listen to evil music

We watch evil movies

We laugh at evil TV shows and commercials

We should hate evil

For what was the outcome of these three rebellions?

Israel - “afterward destroyed them that believed not”

Angels - “reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment”

Sodom and Gomorrah - “suffering the vengeance of eternal fire”

Then Jude used the word likewise in verse 8

Which means in the same way these filthy dreamers defile the flesh

I fear we have a world full of false-teachers represented by false-Christians

Claiming to be a child of God

But living like a child of the devil

They defile the flesh

Similar to the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah

These false-Christians have few, if any, moral restraints

And thus are frequently characterized by immoral lifestyles

Are you guilty of this same lifestyle?

Are you guilty of supporting this lifestyle?

But we will get to that later

We read from jude how we can defend ourselves against these false teachers in v. 17-23

We are warned that they will come

Jude 1:18-19 How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. [19] These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.

There will be those who follow their own ungodly desires

These are the men who divide you

Who follow mere natural instincts

And do not have the Spirit

Is there division in Christianity today?

You better believe there is

Why do you suppose these larger churches will have a contemporary service at 9 and then a traditional at 10?

You many think, that’s no big deal

But is a certain level of division

There are those out there right now that would never preach from Jude because it would hurt someone’s feelings

You can’t make statements like that

I may have made some of you mad this morning

I don’t care

The truth is, there is division among Christians today because the Word is not being preached

Churches all across this country are full of false-converts

Billy Graham has said he would be happy if 5% of those that have made a profession of faith at his crusades were truly saved

According to U.S. News and World Report 78% of people believe in heaven and that they are going there

Only 60% believed in Hell, and only 4% believed they were going there

If we went door to door in Melbourne I bet nearly 100% of the people would say they were a Christian

Matthew 7:14 “small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life, and only a few find it

A few

The many are those who claim to be Christian, but follow mere natural instincts

Are you following mere natural instincts?

Are you truly saved?

The reason I don’t care if I make you mad this morning is, it would be better to make you mad and you be truly saved

Then for you to go through life thinking you were saved

But Jesus says, I never knew you, depart from me

Listen, I’m not trying to make you doubt your salvation

But the Bible is plain on this

Few find the narrow gate

Those who love the Lord hate evil

Do you act like a Christian?

Well you say, Hey I’m just like my other Christian friends

We dress similarly, listen to the same music

I look like my parents, follow along with their lifestyle

I fit in with others at church

We all look and act the same

Even the Pastor

You are not called to be like your friends, your parents

Those at church, even your Pastor

You are called to be like God

V 21 Keep yourselves in the love of God looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life

Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

God is the pattern you need to follow, not man

God created us in His image and that is the standard we are to live up to

That takes us to the main point

Why are we here?

What is your purpose in life?

We are to keep ourselves in God’s love

We were created to worship and love God

We are responsible to be obedient and faithful by living out His salvation

It means to remain in the place of obedience where God’s love is poured out on His children

As opposed to being disobedient and incurring His chastening

We are to live close to God and His people

Not listening to false-teachers

Who would try to pull you away from Him

And in staying close to God we will long to bring others to Him

V22 “and on some have compassion, making a difference”

Which means “be merciful to those who doubt”

If your lifestyle is contradictory to the Word of God

If you live like the devil how can you ever witness to someone

They will obviously doubt you and your God

We must live as one who hates evil in order to show others to Christ

Our ultimate goal, our life’s mission, the one thing that we as Christians were placed on this earth to do is found in v 23

Jude 1:23 And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.

Effective witnessing saves people from God’s judgment

To hate even the garment spotted by the flesh

Means that we are to hate the sin, but we must witness to and love the sinner

Unbelievers, no matter how successful they seem by worldly standards

Are lost and in need of salvation

We should not take witnessing lightly

It is a matter of life and death

We are to pull them out of the fire

What is more alarming that an outbreak of fire?

The fire of sin broke out in Eden

And has spread over the whole world

The only way of escape is to be pulled out

There is a ladder of escape like the ladder Jacob dreamed of, that reaches to heaven it is

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

The nature of sin here is compared to fire

Fire is an element that can neither be weighed nor measured

Who can weigh or measure the workings of sin

The nature of sin, like fire, is to mar or destroy all that comes within its grasp

Sin is an unquenchable fire to man

There is a danger for the sinner

As he needs to be pulled out of the fire

It is clear that he must be in the fire

He is living under the power and dominion of sin

He may be completely unaware of his awful position

But the end is destruction all the same

Sin, like fire, when it is finished bringeth forth death

We have a work of rescue

To pull them out of the fire

With a cattle brand there are only two ways the brand can be saved from the burning

Either put out the fire, or pull out the brand

Man cannot put out the fire of sin

So sinners must be pulled out of the fire

In this world the church is God’s fire brigade

A rescue party sent to pull men out of the fire

There is not escape from sin’s destructive power

But by being separated from it

On January 27, 1903 fire broke out in a London lunatic asylum

Of the 300 inmates 50 perished and 250 had to be literally pulled out of the fire

While the rescue was taking place, these poor insane people behaved in such a way as to remind us of how insane sinners behave when others present them with salvation

Some laughed at the mention of fire

Only fools could laugh at a tragedy like this

Fools make a mockery of sin

Only those who are morally insane would dare to flirt with the fire of sin

Some said they would not leave their bed in the night to go out

They would not consent to leave their present enjoyment, even to save their own lives

There are many like this today

Who prefer the pleasures of a condemned state to the joy of salvation

Some were found hiding under the bed from the fire

They yearned for Peace, peace, when there was no peace

No one but a fool can suppose that a bed of ease or indifference is any protection against a consuming fire

Be sure your sin, like a fire, will find you out

Some seemed to think that the rescuers had made the fire

They were blamed for trying to burn them up

You would think to hear some people speak, that preachers were the makers of Hell

And disturbers of the peace

By seeking to convince men of sin and to pull them out of their deadly condition

Making a charge such as this shows they are simply trying to push the blame on someone else

They know what they say is not true

Many of them fought against their rescuers, biting and tearing their hair out

What a horrible picture

Warring and fighting against those who were sacrificing themselves for their deliverance

It is not an uncommon occurrence for those who seek to pull men out of the fire

To have their Christ-like efforts gnashed on with their teeth

And to have their merciful motives torn to pieces

Only spiritual lunatics could behave in this fashion

Some were heard knocking at a closed door to get out when it was to late

It must have been a terrible wake up call to come to their senses and find themselves imprisoned by a consuming fire

Those who refuse to be pulled out of the fire of sin will perish in it

“how shall ye escape, if ye neglect so great a salvation”

Every sane man and woman went to the rescue

The time was short

The doom of the unsaved was certain

The work was great and urgent

Every other interest was set aside

The one thing needed was the salvation of souls

All sane Christians make it their chief business to get souls pulled out of the fire

Are you out or in?

Are you a true Christian?

Or a false-teacher, a false-Christian?

Are you in the fire of sin or in it?

Those who love the Lord hate evil

Do you hate evil?

There are many false-teachers in our world today

There are literally thousands of cults out there to draw people away from the truth

Men like Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Robert Tilton, Joel Olsteen

These false-teachers are deceiving thousands and thousands of people every day

They are very dangerous

Groups like the Mormons, Christian Science and Jehovah’s Witnesses

These groups and false-teachers are very dangerous indeed

But they are no more dangerous than you

Claiming to be a christen, but living like the devil

1 John 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

Do you love the world?

Are their activities in your life that show those around you that you love evil?

Is it the movies you watch?

The books you read?

A friend told me of ladies in his church that are all reading these vampire books, and how much they are enjoying them


Harry Potter? Sorry

Vampires, witches, demon possession?

Nope sorry, stay away from that stuff

Exodus 22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

Galatians 5:20-21 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, [21] Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

Reading books and watching movies that portray that stuff is supporting that activity

Don’t do it

Do the shows you watch and music you listen to show the world you hate evil?

Do the clothes you wear?

A false-Christian is just as dangerous, if not more dangerous than a false-teacher, cult leader

This morning you need to examine your life

Do you love the Lord?

Then you must hate evil

Are you an apostate?

A person who has turned away from God’s truth

And embraced false-teachings and things of this world

If you fall into those categories you need to find out if you are truly saved

How can you know?

Matthew 7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

And what does Jude 12 say?

Trees whose fruit witherith, without fruit

Are you without fruit?

If you are, then you are not saved

Do you know Jesus?

Does Jesus know you?

You need to get this settled today

Jesus is coming soon

Death may be right around the corner for you

Come to this alter and get it settled

Don’t live a life of a false-Christian any longer

The only outcome for that life is death in Hell for an eternity

Please come