Summary: A sermon of hope for persons who are going through persecutions, trials, temptations, testings and tribulations.

 Introduction:

Brethrens: to believe, now that one is in Christ, that one will not have problems in life: persecutions, trials, temptation, tribulation, testing, may be understandable-but that is naivety and ignorance. We need to add to our faith knowledge-[2 Peter 1:5-8]

To believe because you are the Pastor /Preacher/Worship Leader that you will not have persecution, trials temptation or tribulation, is a lie from Satan himself. I have seen preachers/Pastors buckle under persecution and I‘ve seen female worship leaders gave way to temptations, some get swell-headed while other get swell (belly)which forces them to become parents out of marriage. It is not a good thing. It hurts. It stinks. It’s hard, but it is not surprising because the word of God tells us in [Ecclesiastes 1:9-[That which hath been is that which shall be; and that which hath been done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.] Therefore persecution, temptation, trials, and tribulation that many of us are going through right now, are nothing new.

 PERSECUTION: A Definition

The word Persecution, is derived from a Greek word signifying to pursue, and generally implies pursuing a person for the sake of his goodness, or God’s good-will to him.

The FIRST kind of it, is that of the HEART. We have an early example of this in Genesis 4:8 when Cain, who, because the Lord had respect to Abel and his offering, and not to him and his offering, was very wroth, his countenance fell, and at length he cruelly slew his envied brother. Thus the Pharisees hated and persecuted our Lord long before they laid hold on him: and our Lord mentions being inwardly hated of men, as one kind of Persecution his disciples were to undergo. This heart-enmity (if I may so term it) is the root of all other kinds of Persecution, and is, in some degree or other, to be found in the soul of every unregenerate man;

SECOND degree of Persecution is that of the tongue; [Matthew 12:34] “out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh." in God’s account, evil-speaking is a high degree of Persecution. Thus Ishmael’s mocking Isaac in [Genesis 21:8], is termed persecuting him. [Galatians 4:29]

THIRD and LAST kind of Persecution is that which expresses itself in ACTIONS: "Blessed are ye, (says our Lord) when they shall separate you from their company:" or expose them to church-censures. "They shall put you out of their synagogues;" threatening and prohibiting them from making an open profession of his religion or worship; or interdicting ministers for preaching his word, as the high-priests threatened the apostles, and "forbad them any more to speak in the name of Jesus;" and Paul breathed out threatening and slaughters against the disciples of the Lord: or when they call them into courts; "You shall be called before governors," says our Lord: or when they fine, imprison, or punish them, by confiscation of goods, cruel scourging, and, lastly, death itself.

 2 Corinthians 4:9 Persecution Will Come

In [Mark 4:1-17] Jesus gave the parable of the Sower .He spoke about some persons receiving the word of God, but because the word was not rooted in their life-they were not grounded in their faith, a little pressure/persecution and they quickly disappear.

In today’ language, this means that they don’t fellowship any more, they low key, and often when you see them they bend their heads down; making excuses etc. We could even say that persecution could drive you to backslide or (go back)!

 Persecution is common to every Christian [2 Tim 3:12]

Brethrens: Persecution is the common lot of every godly man! They that lived Godly shall suffers persecution- [2 Tim 3:12] as we go forth in faith to do the work of the Lord, people will persecute us. They will call us names and try to make us feel like “drakes”. They may threaten to kill us and make false accusations against us-but I want to let you know this morning that if we are going through such-the Bible called us blessed.

“Blessed are they that have been persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”; “Blessed are ye when men shall reproach you, and persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil for my sake” [Mat_5:10, Mat_5:11]

Yet Persecutions are like cell phones today. They come in many different colours, shapes, sizes and features. Pink, Green, Black ,Razor, Nokia, Sony-Erickson, dual band ,tri-band, quad band, fancy tone, classic tone, music tone etc. In the same way, brethrens, from false accusations to the infliction of death, the children of God are facing persecution today. I receive emails reports almost every day-about how many churches are burnt, how many Christians are killed, how the government of certain countries are cracking down on Christians.

So let me asked the question: What happening in your life here in Grenada though?

Are you being persecuted? Your houses may not being burnt, or Christian brethrens may not be killed physically as yet, but I am sure as now is day, if you are truly Christ disciples, you are going through something. I know some of us are being persecuted by family, friends, on the job at our workplaces, even in government (when you stand for righteousness) But this morning I want to let you know that Jesus Said in [John 15:20] if they persecuted me, they will persecute you also.”

Satan uses honorable men and women, such as public officials, police, the lawyers, and city officials to bring persecution. [Acts 13:50]-Persecution-Paul and Barnabas] In spite of this my brethrens, I want to REMIND US that the Lord is with us as a Mighty One. Therefore our persecutors will stumble and will not prevail-they will be greatly ashamed and they will not prosper. [Jeremiah 20:11-12]

So you wondering-God-Are you there? Well He is there. He is the same, yesterday, today and forever-and if He rescued you before, He will do it again. Amen. [Hebrews 13:8], "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever."

 A Hymn of Faith (for Believers) [Habakkuk: 3:17-19]

Therefore brothers and sisters I want to encourage you to keep on putting your faith in God: be

like Habakkuk and say: [Habakkuk: 3:17-19] although the fig tree may not blossom, nor

fruit be on vein; though the labour of the olive may fail, and the fields yield no food; though the

flock may be cut off from the fold, and there no herd in the stalls-yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I

will joy in the God of my salvation. The LORD God is my strength; He will make my feet like

Deer’s feet, and he will make me to walk upon my high hills (or high places).

Church when men persecute you, tell them: “The Lord is my Helper-I will not fear. What can man do to me?” [Hebrews 13:6]

Christ is our Mediator- [1 Timothy 2:5] He is our He is our defense lawyer and He never loses a case! This morning if you are here and you have not put your trust in Christ-let today be the day-you will be persecuted for it, but you will be blessed.

[Mark 10:29] Amen

[2 Timothy 3:11] For the Apostle Paul said- Persecutions, afflictions, came unto him at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; but the Lord delivered him out of [them] all.

 [James1:2-12]-Trials/Temptations must be expected

After Stephen was Martyred in (Acts 7:55-8:3) persecution increase and the Christians in Jerusalem was scattered throughout the Roman world. There were thriving Jewish-Christian communities in places like Rome, Alexandria, Cyprus and cities in Greece and Asia Minor. These early Christians however did not have the support of established Christian Churches, to encourage them in the difficult time-like some of us have today. James, the oldest half-brother of Jesus (Mark 6:3) and brother of Jude (Matthew 13:55) tells us- in his epistle that TRIALS MUST BE EXPECTED!


Friends, there is this paradox that says the more things change; the more things remain the same. I say this to say brethrens JUST like the time of old, we too as Christians are being tried, tempted-but the Bible said :Count it all joy; consider it Pure Joy; Reckon it nothing but joy; Let it be all joy to you when you fall into divers /various trials.

Hello Brethrens: James didn’t say if you face trials, but when you face them.

Trials will come,but it is not and easy thing for any one to go through. It may cause some of us to question God, God-Are You There? Why me? What have I done? What is happening?

 Trials bring Spiritual Growth [James1:4]

But the Bible tells us the testing of our faith produce patience, that we maybe perfect and complete lacking nothing. En otras palabras (In other word) the testing and trials is for us to grow spiritual. God is asking someone this morning to stop drinking milk-start to eat meat, for milk represent the spiritual food of immature people-but meat represents maturity in the ways of God! [Heb_5:12, Heb_5:13]

This morning brethrens if you one having trials in your life, I like to encourage you to ask God for the wisdom to go through it. He said if any one lacks wisdom let him asked and He will give. (James 1:5)

Too many times we asked God to remove our trials not knowing His will for us in these times.

But God promised [Isaiah 43:2] when we passest through the waters, He will be with us; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow us: when we walkest through the fire, we shall not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon us.

Friends, I want to let you know this morning, that Christ Jesus is at the right hand of God interceding on our behalf [Romans 8:34-38]

Today, as Christians, we must be convinced or rather persuaded in our minds – that:

Neither tribulation, or anguish, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or the

Sword or death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to

come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to

separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Blessed be the

name of the Lord! You are more than Conqueror! [Romans 8:37]

Brethrens trials will come our way, every minute of every day of very week if every month of every year.

Today Jesus is telling someone in the midst of their trials; “humble yourself so that I may wash your feet” [John 13:4-5] Do you want to receive the crown of life (reward in heaven?) Endure the trials. For you will be highly favoured. In other words God considers you blessed.

[1 Peter 5:6-7] Therefore I say again Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you

 The real enemies –Self (Galatians 5:16-20) and Satan-(1 Peter 5:8)

But Brethren we have some real enemies in our lives.

 The first one Self is and

 The second one is Satan.

 Self caused David to sin -commit adultery and murder [2 Samuel 11:1]-A child died in the process and a whole generation was affected.

 But we see in [Genesis 39:7-9] Joseph was not selfish or self willed so when Potiphar’s wife tempted him he said-how can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?

 Selfishness causes us too be unproductive Christians [John 15:6]

Yet church as if this is not enough we have Satan:

 The Bible tells us Satan is like roaring lion-seeking whom he may devourer(1 Pet. 5:8)

Illustration: adapted from Don Fortner


Picture this:

You are passing through an alley in St.George’s.It is dark. A man (an X PRA) suddenly leak in front of you without warning from the dark alley. He has a machine gun in his hands, ammunition belts over his shoulders, a crazed look of insanity in his eye and anger is written on his brow.

Then picture another man. He is gentle. His words are kind. He is well-dressed and peaceful. You have known him all your life. There is nothing about him to arouse suspicion. But unknown to you, that man is secretly plotting your death. He carries in his pocket a vial of arsenic with which he has been secretly poisoning your food and water, a little at a time, for years.

Which of these two men is more frightening? Obviously, the first one. Which of the two is more dangerous? Without question, the second. The first man frightens you, because he appears suddenly with the obvious intent to do you harm.

But when he appears, you immediately prepare to defend yourself. The second man does not scare you at all. You think he is a friend. He is a frequent guest in your home. You feel no need to defend yourself from him. But he is gradually, subtly killing you. And you are totally unaware of it. That makes him far more dangerous.

This is Satan. He is a thief He comes to steal, kills and destroyed-but thank God for Jesus Christ-He comes to that we may have life abundantly [John 10:10]

He came to destroy the works of the Devil- [Hebrews 2:14; 1 John 3:8]

Conclusion-The hope: Cast Down but Unconquered [2 Corinthian 4:8-12]

So you are going through persecutions, trials and temptations and now you are fallen –what are you going to do? You are asking, “What will happen to my life now?” You are questioning God “God-Are you there?!

[Isaiah 40:28-31]

But: Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth does not become weary or tired .His understanding is unsearchable. He gives strength to the weary, and to him who lacks might He increases power. Though youths grow weary and tired, And vigorous young men stumble badly, But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Amen

Teach them Lord to wait..

God promises for you [Proverbs 24:16] for a righteous man falls seven times, but he will rise again… But the wicked stumble in time of calamity. God will use Spiritual men to restore you-have faith in God [Galatians 6:1] [Galatians 6:2] tells us to bear each others burden. We then who are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak [Romans 15:1]

Paul’s reminds us in this scripture though we may think we are at the end of the rope, we are never at the end of the rope. Though we may ask –God-Are you there? Though our perishable bodies are subjected to sin and suffering, God never abandons us.

Christ has won the victory over death we have eternal life. All our risks, trials, temptations, persecutions and humiliations are opportunities for Christ to demonstrate His power and presence in and through us.

Jesus Christ Said: “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”[John 16:33]

Let us pray.